Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1036: Strange task

Leaving Heiyun learning and teaching, Xiao Yi went straight to the nearest wind brake temple.

In fact, Xiao Yi has many doubts and questions about Heiyun learning and teaching.

He even felt that he had come to the wrong Heiyun to learn and teach.

Normally, there are only a few hundred disciples in a famous university.

Take Tianzang Academy as an example, one hundred thousand disciples are by no means a lie, and all of them are martial arts gods.

And other well-known universities also have tens of thousands of disciples at every turn, and even more.

Heiyun Learning and Teaching, although ranked 12th, is not in the top 10, but there are only a few hundred disciples, which is surprising.

A well-known institution of higher learning is not bad at disciples.

Of course, the phrase ‘don’t accept the arrogance, only accept the evildoers’ that the deputy dean said before may be one of the reasons.

However, Xiao Yi still felt incredible, and a kind of inexplicable doubt.

Since he just stepped into Heiyun learning and teaching, within the learning and teaching, almost staff are scarce.

Not to mention the disciples, even the martial arts seniors, and even ordinary martial artists, there are not many.

The whole Heiyun learned and taught, it was extremely quiet, and it made people palpitating.

That kind of silence is more like lifelessness, the emptiness like a ghost domain, which makes people shudder.

He didn't let out perception just now.

After all, Heiyun is not a leisure place to study and teach, how can it be casually spied on.

But instinct told him that if he had just released his perception, there would definitely not be dozens of people in the entire Heiyun Academy.

"Black Cloud Learning, what is going on?" Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes.

Although Heiyun learning and teaching seemed a bit strange.

But in any case, Xiao Yi believed in the deputy dean.

In the same way, he believed his intuition that the vice-president was definitely not an evil monk, or someone else with evil intentions.

Everything, maybe after completing the task, go back to Heiyun to learn and teach.

Now he rushed to Fengchadian because he wanted to check some information.

Of course, it is not confidential information.

I just intend to get a general understanding of the dark cloud region.

Half an hour later, Xiao Yi came to Fengchadian.

This wind brake hall was seen on the road when he was rushing with the deputy chief, and it was in Black Cloud City.

Ten minutes later, Xiao Yi walked out of the Fengchadian.

After some inspection, I have roughly understood the black cloud region.

The entire black cloud area was much larger than he had imagined.

In terms of the area occupied, it is more than twice the size of a square inch area.

At the same time, the number of forces from all sides within a region is staggering.

Take Black Cloud City as an example, its internal forces will never be less than hundreds.

And Black Cloud City is nothing more than a big city in the entire Black Cloud region.

Looking at the entire black cloud region, fish and dragons are mixed and chaotic.

In addition, among the eight halls of the ancient times, this place occupies a full six halls; the six halls are divided into large and small halls, all over the black cloud area.

Within the area, the various murders and wars between warriors, the records on the dossier he checked, are an astronomical number.

This number is more than ten times that of a square inch area.

Xiao Yi even believed that if there weren't the six halls and the various sub-halls sitting in it, the entire black cloud area would be even more chaotic.

"Heiyun learns and teaches, Heiyun region." Xiao Yi frowned and muttered to himself.


Xiao Yi smiled suddenly, and in his smile was a look of long-lost expectation.

In my heart, a restless heart that had also been missing for a long time, agitated.

One of the other reasons he came to Zhongyu, but to see what's wonderful here.

Leaving the wind brake hall, Xiao Yi opened the task file given by the deputy dean.

On the dossier, the first thing that catches the eye is the word mission.

The description of the task is only one sentence, ‘within three days, rush to Hualing City’.

Subsequently, the entire dossier vacated a large space.

Until the bottom, there appeared the rules of the task written by the deputy dean and so on.

The so-called rules are those who participate in the assessment, who can complete the task through any means and any method.

Simply put, there are no restrictions.

"That's it." Xiao Yi nodded.

As for the vacancy, it is because there are other restrictions on the file.

When he arrives at Hualing City, new mission content will appear in the empty place.

In other words, this dossier will guide participants to complete the task step by step.

"Hua Lingcheng." Xiao Yi said to himself.

In the next second, the figure flashed and Yukong flew up.

But for a long time, he had left Black Cloud City and went straight to Hualing City.

Hualing City is a big city 100,000 miles away from Black Cloud City.

At the same time, this is a big commercial city, and the warriors in the city are not weak.

Two days later, Xiao Yi came to Hualing City.

However, there is no new task reminder on the task file.

Xiao Yi had to find an inn casually to stay, and at the same time got to know Hualing City.

In Hualing City, there is a large sub-hall of the Demon Hunting Hall.

With Hualing City as the center, tens of thousands of miles away, there are demon hunters everywhere.

Thousands of miles away from Hualing City, there are several large monster beasts that are forests, and further away, there are several dangerous places.

While hunting demon masters are everywhere, there are also many pharmacists, businesses, etc. here.

The transaction of elixirs is one of the major factors in the prosperity of Hualing City.

In Hualing City, in addition to the City Lord’s Mansion, there is also a big power called Hua Lingzong.

As far as Xiao Yi understands it, the Flower Spirit Sect is the longest inherited and most prestigious power here.

In the clan, the strong are like clouds.

Xiao Yi casually strolled around Hualing City, while waiting bored.

But on the task file, no task reminder appeared for a long time.

"What task assessment can I have here?" Xiao Yi muttered to himself in confusion.

If you want to kill monsters and assess your strength, there are many large dangerous places near Black Cloud City.

If you want to see the prosperous commercial city, Black Cloud City is actually more prosperous than here.

Xiao Yi shook his head, not trying to understand.

Inside the inn, Xiao Yi sat cross-legged and began to practice.

Anyway, it's just waiting, so you don't waste time in cultivation.

The fierce heaven and earth aura constantly rushed from the heaven and the earth, and after entering the body, it turned into pure vitality repeatedly.

With his current cultivation base, the speed of absorbing the aura of heaven and earth is already very fast.

Of course, this was just a drop in the bucket for his unusually huge gas fountain.

Always rely on a lot of cultivation materials to fill.

However, it has been a while since breaking through the celestial fourfold.

The Qiquan's inner strength is also close to the fifth percent.

Now, just to solve the doubts of the cultivation afterwards, you can directly make the Qiquan Yuanli reach the fifth percent, and then it will be a matter of time to break through the celestial pole five.

Xiao Yi thought secretly.

Until the third day, at night.

The night became darker, and the bright moon wheel gradually moved laterally.

The night is over, and the night is at its fullest.

"The third day has passed." Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

Just at this moment, on the mission dossier, a burst of light flickered.

A series of words appeared in the file out of thin air.

Xiao Yi glanced at the task description on the dossier, his face suddenly changed.

The task description is also only a few words.

‘Before early morning, slaughter the flower spirit sect.’

Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes, and after making sure that he had not misread him, he put away the mission file.


First more. (If you ask for a day off, you owe two more and you will make up tomorrow.)

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