Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1050: The last two

"Different?" Xiao Yi looked at the ray of stars in front of him suspiciously.

The wisps of starlight turned into two streamers, and the breath radiating from the streamers was obviously three martial arts powers.

The first, continuous and ever-changing, is obviously the martial art of water.

The second, pure and sharp, is obviously kendo.

The third, cold and soft, is a way of snow.

"These are three complete martial arts." Senior Luo said as he moved his fingers lightly.

The three martial arts are closely connected, surrounded by layers, and distinct.

Senior Luo moved his fingers again, and the stars were long in Hanoi, and three martial arts powers floated out again.

The same are the three martial arts.

But this time, after the three martial arts were surrounded, they merged with each other, and the three martial arts became one ice sword.

"Senior also controls a complete ice sword?" Xiao Yi asked slightly in surprise.

Senior Luo's face sank, "I ask you the difference."

"One is superposition, the other is fusion, the two are different." Xiao Yi said subconsciously.

In the next second, looking at some of the three martial arts fused into one ice kendo, his expression instantly changed.

Because, the aura that exudes on this ice kendo today, no, to be precise, it exudes the meaning of martial arts, which is exactly the same as the gun power used by Ran Qi that he has seen before.

The meaning of martial arts power used by Sikongyu, Fang Shushu and others when they passed the mysterious chain before is also exactly the same.

"This is?" Xiao Yi frowned tightly and looked directly at the strange ice sword.

Senior Luo also frowned, "This is just a simple martial arts fusion."

"You do not know?"

Xiao Yi shook his head.

Senior Luo frowned and asked, "Is there no big power behind you?"

"Or, along the way, you have to explore and practice your own martial arts?"

"Almost." Xiao Yi nodded.

"No wonder." Senior Luo nodded slightly, his face in a daze.

"It's no wonder that you don't know about this martial arts fusion, and you ask more questions about martial arts that are beyond basic."

"The fusion of martial arts, normally speaking, there is a powerful person in the late stage of the Saint King Realm who can teach."

"And the general martial arts Tianjiao will not have your previous martial arts doubts."

"After they break through the first complete martial art, they will be guided by their family's seniors and directly practice in the direction of martial art integration."

"It's not like you are now, taking a sidetrack."

Senior Luo paused, and said, "Your current practice direction is like martial arts superimposed."

"The complete martial art you control seems to be top-notch and powerful, but you can't make them fit perfectly."

"There is nothing."

"Martial arts integration?" Xiao Yi frowned.

"But why is there no such fusion of martial arts in my ice kendo?"

"Also, this is also the question the kid wants to ask."

"With the integration of martial arts, can you ignore the power of heaven and earth, or even ignore the restrictions of some powerful restrictions and formations?"

Senior Luo nodded, "Naturally it is possible."

"When the martial artist is in control of the first complete martial art, the martial artist is no longer weaker than the world in terms of the level of this martial art."

"With the integration of martial arts, it is natural to ignore the position of heaven and earth."

"Of course, if it is the power of the whole world, I am afraid that only the position of the Valkyrie can be ignored."

"Ordinary martial artists can only barely contend with the power of heaven and earth within a small area, perhaps within a certain limited level, and naturally ignore most of the formations and restrictions."

"As for your ice kendo, there is no meaning of martial arts fusion."

"It's because you have been cultivating a complete Frost Sword from the time you practiced Frost Sword."

"It's not that after practicing the water, snow, and sword, then merge into the ice sword."

"Of course, this is also one of the reasons why Hanbing Kendo can rank among the top kendo, and ordinary kendo is only ranked first and second-rate."

"How can martial arts be integrated?" Xiao Yi's eyes lit up, and he suddenly felt that many of his previous doubts had disappeared.

"Very simple." Senior Luo looked at Xiao Yi's face and smiled with satisfaction.

"Normal practice."

However, the last few words Senior Luo uttered made Xiao Yi stunned.

"Normal practice?"

"Not bad." Senior Luo nodded, "Cultivation normally and take a road of martial arts that belongs to you."

"Martial artist, after the celestial realm, the reason for taking the direction of martial arts integration is to walk out of your own martial arts road."

"Throughout the ages, there have been countless martial arts powers and countless martial arts experts who have lived through the ages."

"The first thing they stayed, well known, is their title."

"This title represents their lifelong martial arts, and also represents their own martial arts road."

"If you got the warrior of the Star Fantasy Heritage."

"Is he the star fantasy swordsmanship that started from the beginning? Even if it is true, does he possess the power to control the stars and various powerful methods before he truly becomes a peerless powerhouse?"

"As far as I know, he only walked in the fantasy martial arts at first."

"After that, he searched for a long time on the road of martial arts, and he had his own fantasy swordsmanship, and also created various monstrous methods."

While talking, Senior Luo's tone gradually became serious.

"You should have heard that the Promise Realm has unlimited possibilities."

"In fact, this should be a little bit earlier, when you are in the celestial realm, you have already begun to make preparations."

"At the celestial realm, the foundation has been established. When you truly step into the Promise, the martial artist will completely move on to a road of martial arts that belongs to him only."

"The martial arts path of any martial artist is different."

"Ten thousand martial artists have ten thousand martial arts roads that belong only to them."

"You too."

Senior Luo stared at Xiao Yi, and said in a deep voice, "You are a swordsman, and I see the deeds recorded in your dossier. You should be a Tianjiao with a clear sword heart and rock solid."

"It's a huge kendo that traverses the sky and the earth. How dare you say how much you have mastered?"

"What you should do is to walk out of a kendo that belongs only to you."

"Only this kendo that belongs to you alone can enable you to cut through the waves and thorns and break through the thick fog on the long road to martial arts."

"Swordsmanship only belongs to me." Xiao Yi's eyes lit up, and there was determination in his eyes.

"Is there an end?" Xiao Yi asked suddenly.

"Yes." Senior Luo replied without hesitation.

"Either, this kendo that belongs to you only reaches the time when you perish, and there is still no progress."

"At that time, it was the end."

"Or, this road of kendo belongs only to you, it has been under you to the end of martial arts."

"At that time, it was also the end, but it was the place of the Valkyrie."

"Sword and martial arts." Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes, "or breaks in the middle, or cut through the world."

"Thank you, senior, I understand."

Xiao Yi glanced at the starlight river that had almost disappeared from the side, his eyes startled.

"Senior, there are two last questions."


Second more.

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