Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1152: Leaving Mingan City

The Domineering Mansion warrior hesitated for a moment.

But facing the words of a pharmacist, he did not dare to doubt too much.

Whoosh... In the next second, the Domineering Mansion warrior hugged Chen Xing and flashed away instantly.

On the spot, only an angry statement was left.

"Yi Xiao, wait for my Domineering Mansion to pursue and kill endlessly."

Xiao Yi smiled coldly and ignored it.

"Uh." Suddenly, Xiao Yi snorted, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

The footsteps also staggered.

Under the mask, there was already a pale face.

Defeating Chen Xing, outsiders may seem simple, but in reality it is far more difficult than imagined.

No, or to be precise, before Chen Xing sacrificed the middle-grade sacrificial artifact, Xiao Yi did crush it easily.

However, after offering the middle-grade sacred artifact, Xiao Yi seemed to lose the enemy instantly, but in fact he had already suffered a serious backlash in his body.

The vitality that burst out at that instant almost exhausted the vitality in his Qi fountain.

At this moment, in the distance, a group of warriors ‘escaping’ from the City Lord’s Mansion flashed back.

The flame meteors in the sky and the surrounding molten flame pillars have long since disappeared.

"Master Yi Xiao." City Lord Ming'an took the lead and came to Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi nodded, and glanced at Yu An and others in the distance, "I think, the matter of the Yu family, City Master Ming An can solve it by himself."

"Of course." City Lord Ming'an nodded.

"Without the oppression of Domineering Mansion, these other families have no guts to provoke my City Lord Mansion."

Xiao Yi nodded, "Since this is the case, Yi has important things, so he left."

Xiao Yi turned around and left. Except for a few people like City Lord Ming'an and Qin Zhi who dared to approach, the other warriors retreated far.

Obviously, Xiao Yi's previous laughter and the scene of tyrannical Chen Xing made everyone know that Yi Xiao was definitely not a good one.

"Master Yi Xiao, stay." City Master Ming'an hurriedly stopped Xiao Yi.

"Is there anything else?" Xiao Yi stopped slightly and glanced back.

I saw City Lord Ming'an, bowed heavily and saluted him.

Xiao Yi turned sideways and didn't receive this gift.

"Master Yi Xiao must be respected by me." City Lord Ming'an said seriously.

"This time, Master Yi Xiao's great grace to my City Lord Mansion is unforgettable."

The city lord of Ming'an did not call himself ‘own city’s lord’, but as ‘in the next’

"Where is great grace?" Xiao Yi shook his head.

"The Yu family wants to kill me, and Domination Mansion supports the Yu family, so Chen Xing wants to kill me."

"So I scrapped him, nothing more."

"Heh." City Lord Ming'an walked quickly to Xiao Yi and smiled playfully.

"Master Yi Xiao, you fooled that brash man in Overlord Star Mansion, you fooled that hairy boy, but you couldn't fool me."

"Otherwise, I, City Lord Ming'an, have been in vain for many years."

Xiao Yi shook his head and said nothing.

City Lord Ming'an smiled, "Although I don't have much contact with Master Yi Xiao, I have secretly observed Master Yi Xiao you several times."

"Although I may not be as strong as Master Yi Xiao, but in terms of insight into the mind, it is not bad."

"As far as I know about you, Master Yi Xiao, you don't seem like a person who is willing to talk a lot."

"No, to be more precise, you are even a person who doesn't want to cause more trouble, and you don't even want to get involved with too many things, so even if I wanted to save you some time for a dinner here, you wouldn't."

"With a character like Master Yi Xiao, I don't believe that you will talk too much to Chen Xing, let alone that you will laugh so madly that you will show off these meaningless limelight."

Yes, in the eyes of City Lord Ming'an, Xiao Yi's laughter and ridicule just now looked more like unnecessary limelight.

But this kind of limelight, some proud Tianjiao will extremely enjoy.

And for a person who wanders on dangerous missions like Yi Xiao all day long, with indifferent and unsmiling breath all day long, such a mature man would never be the case.

And he did it anyway, to prove that he had no purpose.

"Master Yi Xiao, specially protect my City Lord's Mansion." City Lord Ming'an said heavily.

"So, I hope Master Yi Xiao will accept this ceremony."

Xiao Yi shook his head, still avoiding sideways.

"This ceremony is not acceptable."

"After all, the battle was a bit fierce just now and it ruined your city lord mansion."

"Heh." City Lord Ming'an let out a laugh, "Master Yi Xiao said and laughed."

"If the City Lord's Mansion is destroyed, it will be destroyed. Rebuilding is not difficult."

Xiao Yi nodded, "As for the Domineering Mansion, I shouldn't come to trouble you again."

"Of course." City Lord Ming'an definitely nodded.

"It's just that you, Master Yi Xiao in the future, I'm afraid the trouble will continue." City Master Ming'an frowned tightly.

"Chen Xing, under all eyes, he was defeated by Master Yi Xiao."

"With all the eyes in full view, the Naha Star Mansion warrior knelt down and begged for mercy before letting Chen Xing die."

"The Overlord Mansion will only kill you, Master Yi Xiao, before coming to my Ming'an City Lord Mansion."

"Otherwise, they will end up with a bad reputation for only daring to seek revenge on such little people as me."

City Lord Ming'an said with a smile, "Overlord Star Mansion is one of the overlord forces in the big Middle Territory."

"My Ming'an City Lord's Mansion is nothing more than an ant in their eyes."

"An ant and their reputation, they will easily choose."

Xiao Yi nodded, "Farewell."

City Lord Ming'an was anxious and said, "Master Yi Xiao, the future pursuit of Overlord Star Mansion, you..."

City Master Ming'an hadn't finished speaking yet, Xiao Yi had dashed away and did not answer.

"Hey." City Lord Ming'an sighed and shook his head.

"You are young, but he has great strength, amazing talent, and excellent mind."

"If this child does not die, it will be known as the epicenter in the future."

After all, City Master Ming'an retracted his gaze and looked at the old housekeeper on the side.

"Later, you take Minger away, and I will stay in the City Lord's Mansion by myself."

The old butler's face was startled, "City Lord, didn't you say that Overlord Star Mansion will not come to deal with us? Why send away Young City Lord..."

City Lord Ming'an waved his hand and interrupted, "In fact, I know Master Yi Xiao's mind."

"But there are always cases and accidents in everything."

"Ming'er." City Master Ming'an glanced at the child, "Remember, in the future, Brother Yi Xiao will be your benefactor."

"Your talent is amazing. Even being a father is amazed by it. In the future, if you have a chance, you have to repay you. You know?"

The child nodded.

At this moment, suddenly, a sharp breath went straight to the child.

"Ming'er, be careful." City Lord Ming'an stepped forward and stood in front of the child.

"Yu An, you..." City Lord Mingan looked at Yu An coldly.

The sharp aura just now came from Yu An.

"It's just a child, are you going to kill me?" City Lord Mingan's face was cold.

"Humph." Yu An sneered, "Children? That's your son of City Lord Ming'an, and that's my enemy."

"Also, I advise you to obediently punish you."

"Young Master Chen Xing, we have already promised the Yu family to be the lord of Mingan City."

"It won't be long before you, your son, and the others in the City Lord's Mansion, none of them will want to survive."

"Do you still dream that Chen Xing can come back?" City Lord Ming'an sneered.

"Wait, this city lord is extremely accurate in this life; between Master Yi Xiao and Overlord Star Mansion, it is not certain who provokes who."

"The Domineering Mansion still has that little family in a small city with idle time? Ridiculous."

"Come here, take down all the members of the Yu family." City Lord Ming'an yelled coldly, "Kill on the spot."


Fourth more. (Make up)

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