Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1164: Control, Bing Ming You Huo

Xiao Yi walked towards this group of icy underworld flames.

The closer you get, the more you can feel the cold breath that penetrates into your bone marrow.

The more you move forward, the more difficult it is to walk under your feet.

When Xiao Yi really walked in front of Bingmingyouhuo, the space between his brows was already covered with frost.

His body protection vitality, combined with the hot breath all over his body, could not resist the chill at all.

Xiao Yi even felt that if he stayed a little more in front of the frosty flames, he would be the peak of the Saint King Realm, and he was afraid that it would instantly freeze into ice.

"Bingming Youhuo, really weird." Xiao Yi frowned.

Slowly stretched out his hand and caught Bingming Youhuo.

Whoosh... a ray of light shot out from it.

Xiao Yi was startled, but immediately reacted.

That ray of light is not half threatening.

Xiao Yi felt it for a while and nodded.

That was a cluster of energy left by Venerable Ice, and what it contained was a way to control Bing Ming Youhuo.

The pictures flickered before Xiao Yi's eyes.

In the picture, there is a scene of Venerable Bing taking in the icy fire.

Normally, a warrior cannot control the powerful flames in the world.

Of course, except for Bing Venerables such as martial arts supreme.

In addition, after the harvest, how to control it and how to turn it into one's own use is also a problem.

Venerable Ice left behind, there is another way to hide.

Xiao Yi glanced at it for a few times, then stretched out his hand to completely sink into the Bing Ming Nether Fire, perceiving it carefully.

"So that's it." After a while, Xiao Yi was stunned.

"In Bingming Youhuo, there are restrictions on its own."

Yes, there are restrictions within Bingmingyouhuo.

The restraint is left by the Ice Venerable; those who are predestined come here, and after comprehending the restraint, they can truly contain the ice and ghost.

Want to come too.

Bingming Youhuo is a powerful flame in the world, if it is counted from the time of Venerable Ice, it has existed for more than tens of millions of years.

For such a long period of time, if there is no restriction, Bingming Youhuo would have grown wise and even become a demon power.

For thousands of years, if Bingming Youhuo gave birth to spiritual wisdom and cultivating in this Ice Venerable Hall, it would not be difficult to escape.

The restriction left by Venerable Bing completely cuts off the possibility of Bing Ming Youhuo's spiritual intelligence.

Let Debingmingyouhuo be trapped in the palace forever.

When someone who is destined comes in, you can take it back.


Xiao Yi frowned. In fact, he was puzzled about the eight pieces of ancient Ice Venerable Order left by the Ice Venerable, and the chances for those who are destined to obtain it.

In his impression, Venerable Ice is not a good person.

Back in the Eastern Region, within the extremely cold crack, he almost swallowed his mind.

As for the evaluation and record of Bing Venerable in the historical records of the ancient archives in the Middle Region.

Venerable Ice is definitely worthy of legend, a great achievement, and even a generation that everyone admires.

conspiracy? hypocritical? Xiao Yi thought to himself, but shook his head again.

For this kind of powerhouse who once stood on the top of the mainland, there is no need for these virtual ones.

Xiao Yi shook his head, too lazy to think.

After all, Venerable Ice is dead.

He didn't bother to think too much.

Converging his thoughts, Xiao Yi quickly realized the restrictions within the Bing Ming Nether Fire.

Whoosh... Bing Ming You Huo leapt up instantly.

Although it does not produce spiritual intelligence, it still has instinct.

Xiao Yi wanted to conquer, but it was unwilling.

"Humph." Xiao Yi snorted coldly.

Bang... bang... bang... bang...

Four consecutive flames appeared out of thin air, surrounding Bingming Youhuo.

One strand of purple, one strand of cyan, one strand of cyan, one strand of blue and white.

Almost the moment the flame appeared, the surrounding chill dissipated instantly.

The entire hall became extremely hot.

The four kinds of flames exudes extreme high temperature, instantly suppressing the chill of Bingmingyouhuo.

Bingmingyouhuo is strong but weird.

But four powerful flames, such as Amethyst Spirit Flame and Earth Vein Golden Fire, are of the same order.

Under the suppression of the four powerful flames, Bingmingyouhuo was invincible.

In fact, if other warriors came here, even if there were restrictions from the Ice Venerable, it would be extremely difficult to contain this ice and ghost.

But Xiao Yi was different. He was already carrying five powerful flames, and he was not afraid of this icy fire.

Bingming Youhuo was banned, and Xiao Yi realized it again.

However, not long after the enlightenment, Xiao Yi stopped.

"If I have more time, I will choose to comprehend." Xiao Yi shook his head.

In fact, comprehension of these prohibitions, especially the ancient prohibitions laid down by Venerable Ice, is of great benefit.

Whether it is the barrier method against the warrior, or the formation ability of the formation mage, they have gained a lot.

And with Xiao Yi's aptitude, it would not be too difficult to comprehend.

However, time is limited after all.

Xiao Yi guessed that before long, the young man in white clothes and a large number of warriors outside would definitely enter the Ice Venerable Hall.

It's just that there is a barrier outside the Ice Venerable Hall, and they can't get in for a while.

So he doesn't have much time to waste.


A sharp sword suddenly appeared.

It is Bingluan sword.

Xiao Yi stabbed Bingming Youhuo with a sword.

Xiao Yi has long experience in controlling powerful flames.

Bingmingyouhuo was stabbed by the sword tip, shaking constantly, as if struggling violently.

It's just that this struggle is helpless.

Surrounded by four powerful flames, the Bingluan sword quickly absorbed it, and it couldn't break free.

A few minutes later.

Bingmingyouhuo completely dissipated.

Xiao Yi also dispersed Bingluan Sword.

At the same time, in Xiao Yi's body, the Fire Control Beast opened its mouth cutely and jumped.

Xiao Yi instantly felt that he was in control of a flame again.

Boom... Xiao Yi tried it, and an icy fire suddenly condensed in his hand.

"The sixth powerful flame is finished." Xiao Yi smiled joyfully.

Next, Xiao Yi absorbed the 48 first-class flames in the hall one by one.

These first-class flames can not only be used as his means, but also as the flames he controls.

It can also be used as a martial art that he will comprehend when he perfects the fire.

After doing everything, Xiao Yi did not leave.

The entire Bingming Hall was already empty.

However, there is still a huge force left behind.

There is only one way to maintain any palace, relic cave mansion, etc. for countless years, and that is to absorb the aura of the world.

To supplement the prohibition in the cave palace.

After these heaven and earth auras are absorbed into the palace, part of it will be absorbed by the prohibition in the palace.

Part of it is that this icy underworld flame has absorbed these 48 first-class flames.

Although they have not born spiritual wisdom, they also have the instinct for cultivation.

However, it is also because they do not have and cannot give birth to spiritual wisdom, so the speed of cultivation is extremely slow.

Of course, even if it is slow, the accumulated power in this way can be extremely large in thousands of years.

At least, for Xiao Yi, a martial artist with only eight levels of cultivation in the Holy Realm, there are so many.

"Suck." Xiao Yi shouted in a low voice, and the two martial spirits in his body opened together, quickly absorbing the power in the hall.


Fourth more. (Make up)

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