Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1304: Expulsion from Black Cloud

The moment Deacon You's voice fell.

Xiao Yi's brows wrinkled tightly.

Qing Lin's face changed.

Elder Yun Yuan's expression was a little weird.

Xiao Yi shook his head, "In fact, I still don't understand."

"I don't know what the next event will be like."

"But, the next one will return to the next one, what does it have to do with my withdrawal from the third round of the Hundred Academy disputes?"

"It's very simple." The vice president said in a deep voice, "In this battle of the 100 academies, the Tianzang Academy needs to be first."

"As long as you quit, Gu Feifei is confident of winning the first place."

"Heh." Xiao Yi smiled and looked directly at the deputy dean. "Why don't you say more clearly?"

"This..." Deacon You looked hesitant, "The next thing is about secrets."

"If you don't agree first, according to the rules, you won't know."

Deacon You's tone was obviously solemn.

"It's okay." The deputy dean waved his hand, smiled at Xiao Yi, and said, "This kid is a wise man, he will know how to choose."

"The problem is the number of places."

"Quota?" Xiao Yi frowned.

"Not bad." The vice president nodded, "That grand event needs a place."

"Heiyun studies and teaching, and Tianzang Academy also has it."

"The best result is that Mo You played on behalf of Heiyun Xuejiao, and you played on behalf of Tianzang Academy."

"You two will join forces at the next event."

"Joining hands?" Xiao Yi's brows frowned.

"I play on behalf of Tianzang Academy, what about Gu Feifan?"

"Gu Feifan." Deacon You's face was slightly ugly, and he shook his head.

Elder Yun Yuan suddenly said, "The next big event needs to break the game."

"Gu Feifan is not qualified."

"You or Mo You, if you are alone, you can never break the game."

"If I'm not mistaken, the deputy dean wants you to join forces to break the game."

"Not bad." The deputy dean nodded, then looked at Xiao Yi.

"Now I just wait for you to nod."

The gazes of the four people beside him were all concentrated on Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi's face was indifferent and silent.

After a long while, he shook his head.

"No?" The deputy dean narrowed his eyes.

Deacon You's face sank.

"Neither, why do you want to ask?" The vice president stared at Xiao Yi with an ugly expression.

Xiao Yi shrugged, "Just curious, just ask casually."

Xiao Yi's tone was extremely light.

From the very beginning, there was nothing in his words to agree.

However, the atmosphere around him suddenly became serious at this moment.

This heavy weight comes from the vice president and Deacon You.

"Are you kidding me?" The vice president's tone was cold.

"No." Xiao Yi shook his head, "I said, I was just curious and asked."

"You know there are some things you don't know if you don't agree." Deacon You also looked ugly.

"Then what?" Xiao Yi asked back.

"There is no then." The deputy dean said in a deep voice, "The next round of the third round of competition, you can't go, you are not allowed to go."

"Why?" Xiao Yi's eyes condensed, and he smiled contemptuously, "The competition platform will soon be repaired."

Cold eyes, looking straight ahead at the competition platform.

The originally devastated and messy tournament platform has gradually been repaired.

The vice-president's tone became heavier and heavier, "This time the battle between the 100 academies, the Tianzang Academy must be first, and you cannot go to it."

"What if I have to go?" Xiao Yi's tone also sank.

"You..." The vice president's darkened face suddenly burst into coldness.

"If you have to be on stage, I can only prevent you from being on stage."

The vice-president's tone, I don't know when, appeared cold.

Xiao Yi also looked cold, "I want to go, let me see who can stop me."

The cold words were filled with incomparable confidence.

"Who can stop you?" The deputy dean sneered, "Need to stop?"

"If you insist on coming to power, I will expel you from Heiyun to learn and teach now."

"If you are not a disciple of Heiyun Learning, you are not qualified to participate in the Hundred Academy Competition, and even less qualified to participate in this martial arts stage."

The heavy voice fell, proving that the deputy dean was definitely not joking.

"What?" Three exclaims sounded.

"Old guy, why are you crazy?" Qing Lin was furious instantly.

Elder Yun Yuan narrowed his eyes once.

Xiao Yi's expression instantly turned into indifference.

Within this barrier, only five people were wrapped, but the surrounding aura was astonishingly solemn for an instant, and the weight made people a little uneasy.

The deacon on the side shook his head, "Why bother."

"Xiao Yi, you don't want to go back to the Tianzang Academy, but are you still separated from what happened back then?"

With that, Deacon You flashed a light in his hand and took out a file.

Open the file, there is a copy of information on it.

"Do you still recognize this file?" Deacon You said solemnly.

"Back then, this file was recorded by the old man himself, and what was recorded in it was the information of all your disciples back then."

"From beginning to end, your status as a disciple of the Academy has never been deprived, and it has been recorded."

"If you wish to return to the school, it is only a matter of one sentence; the Tongtian Jade from that year will also be returned to you."

"If you are still not satisfied, you don't have to rush to refuse."

"In a little while, the old dean will leave the customs again; as long as the request is not too excessive, based on the degree of Master's favor for you, all will be agreed."

"Heh." Xiao Yi smiled indifferently, "Yes, but the premise is that I can't go to the competition stage now, can I?"

"Not bad." Deacon You nodded.

Xiao Yi shook his head, "A conditional promise is a deal."

"I am not interested in doing this transaction."

"It's not a deal." Deacon You shook his head quickly, "Master wants to accept you to get started, this is..."

"No need." Xiao Yi still shook his head. "The kindness of Deacon You and the dean's senior is in my heart."

After all, Xiao Yi stood up.

This stop will not sit down.

"Bastard." The deputy dean scolded, "You don't need to enter the Tianzang Academy, but you can't go to the martial arts stage."

"The same sentence." Xiao Yi's face was indifferent, "What if I have to go?"

"Then expel Heiyun to learn and teach." The vice-president blurted out, with a firm voice.

"No." Qing Lin also blurted out.

"Xiao Yi." Qing Lin looked at Xiao Yi nervously.

Xiao Yi shook his head, his tone indifferent, "There are some things, I have made a decision, and they will not change."

"If the deputy dean wants to expel me from Heiyun to study and teach, I will leave."

"I said a long time ago. If you are not satisfied with me, I don't need to stay."


When the voice fell, Xiao Yi waved his fingertips.

The barrier around the package collapsed instantly.

It was also at this moment that the original cold atmosphere and solemn atmosphere instantly surprised the surrounding disciples.

"What's the matter?" Tong Ye and the others looked at the five people with different expressions in front of them questioningly.

"Xiao Yi." Tong Ye looked at Xiao Yi.

Because Xiao Yi's face at the moment was extremely cold.

This kind of indifference, he has not seen Xiao Yi exposed to the vice president, Qing Lin and others.

"Nothing." Xiao Yi shook his head, his figure flashed, and he jumped onto the martial arts stage.

"Bastard." The deputy dean shot up.

"Xiao Yi, the former disciple of Heiyun School of Education, will immediately expel Heiyun School of Education and disqualify him from the competition of the Hundred Academy.


First more.

Two or three shifts, midnight.

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