Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1310: Go to the main hall

"You don't have to be so hurry."

Seeing Xiao Yi nodded, the old man heaved a sigh of relief.

"To the main hall, the road is not close. If you have enough energy, you will leave tomorrow morning."

"Also." Xiao Yi nodded.

Go to the main hall to participate in the inheritance trial. This is what the main hall master promised when he came to the Fengsha Hall a few days ago.

Fengcha Temple, since ancient times, has been a palace for searching information.

This is the Tianzang area.

Naturally, in this main hall, there are information materials of Tianzang Academy.

However, even if the Tianzang Academy is looking at Zhongyu, it is a transcendent force.

Therefore, even if Xiao Yi is the title of deputy hall master, he has no authority to check the information above the elder in him.

It was still many of the masters who borrowed his authority to access the files in the file.

As a condition, go to the main hall of Fengsha Temple as soon as possible to participate in the inheritance trial.

As for this inheritance trial, Xiao Yi only thought it was an assessment when he was in the Sifang Territory last time.

It turned out to be an assessment of inheritance.

Xiao Yi couldn't be more familiar with this kind of inheritance assessment.

When he was in the Eastern Demon Hunting Palace, Xiao Yi obtained the inheritance of the Heavenly Fire Sage, and also a domain martial art skill, the Heavenly Fire Seal.

"I said Xiao Yi kid." The old man glanced at Xiao Yi.

"It's a great benefit to let you go to the main hall to participate in the inheritance assessment, and it's not for you to go into the mountains of fire."

"No one can ask for it."

"It's okay for you, just procrastinate."

The token of Fengsha Temple has its own restrictions.

In addition to recording the identity and breath of the warriors in the temple, it is also connected with the sub-sacred artifacts in each temple.

This is also the reason why any warrior in the temple can prove his identity in each branch hall after showing the token.

And Xiao Yi's identity records, etc., are all handled by the main hall.

Therefore, after he had just come to Fengshadian to show the token a few days ago, the main hall had already displayed it and sent an order to let him go to the main hall as soon as possible.

The same goes for the other seven halls.

If Xiao Yi took his Asura Hall token to go to the Asura Hall branch hall, the Asura Hall main hall would find him, and it would be a matter of order.

At this time, Xiao Yi shook his head, his face was flat, "Originally there was something, so I couldn't determine the time."

"Now that there is nothing wrong, the time can be determined."

A few days ago, he procrastinated again and again, naturally because of the dispute between hundreds of hospitals.

He had planned to go to the main hall to participate in the assessment if there were no other matters after the controversy.

But now he no longer has to participate in the Hundred Courts dispute.

However, he still has a doubt.

"I shouldn't be the only one participating in the main hall assessment, right?" Xiao Yi asked puzzledly.

He remembered what the deputy hall masters said when he was in the Sifang realm that the martial arts Tianjiao that appeared in the main halls would go to the main hall to participate in the assessment if they were approved by the main hall.

This is the kindness of the main hall to the younger generation of warriors in the hall.

"Yes." The old man nodded and replied, "Counting you, there are ten people in this inheritance assessment."

"These ten people come from all parts of the Central Territory, but any of them are the best young generation in Fengsha Temple in recent years."

"Ten people in all." Xiao Yi nodded and asked, "Then why are you rushing to pass on me?"

"Have the other nine people reached the main hall?"

"Not yet." The old man shook his head, "If you don't give an accurate answer in one day, when you go to the main hall, the time for the inheritance assessment cannot be fixed and when it will start."

"Naturally, the other nine people will not go to the main hall to wait so idle."

"As for sending you urgently first." The old man stared at Xiao Yi with weird expression.

"That's because out of ten, you are the only one who is the most troublesome."

"Sometimes, you can't even be traced in the temple, and no one can be found at all."

"Your ability to disappear, even the wind envoy in the hall can't help it, let alone inform you."

The old man paused and continued, "You are sure about the time, and the other nine people will rush to the main hall."

"I will send a message back to the main hall later. When you arrive at the main hall, the inheritance assessment should begin."

"So that's it." Xiao Yi was slightly embarrassed.

"Okay, let's leave if nothing happens." The old man waved his hand and said.

"I will leave tomorrow morning."

"Okay, I won't bother the palace master to deal with affairs." Xiao Yi nodded, turned and left.

Xiao Yi did not go to the room arranged for him in the main hall, but spent the night in the closed room as usual.


In the early morning of the next day, Xiao Yi left the retreat room when the sky was dark.

Saying goodbye to the lord, Xiao Yi officially set off.

The journey to the main hall is not close, and it will take several months to say nothing.

This is the time for him to hurry at full speed under his current strength.

The journey to the main hall is much farther than the Sifangyu.


Xiao Yi flew all the way through the air, and after a short time, completely out of the Tianzang area.

There is no end in sight in the distant sky.

I have to say that Zhongyu is really too big and there are many regions.

Even if it is flying all the way and crossing all the way now, I don't know how many areas it has to travel to reach the main hall.

According to Xiao Yi's estimate, it was a few months.

But for him, a few months is not a short time.

After all, what he lacks most is time.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, and a ray of sword intent burst out of his eyes.

Fingertips condensed, a sword gas burst out of the air.


Xiao Yi's figure jumped thousands of meters forward in an instant.

Looking more realistically, Xiao Yi's speed was suddenly much faster than before.

Strands of sword aura are now surrounding Xiao Yi's body.

Sword Qi breaks the wind, and walks away from the sky.

This is the reason why his speed is increasing now.

If you continue at this speed, you should be able to reach the main hall in about two months.

Xiao Yi thought secretly and nodded secretly.

In his opinion, going to the main hall to participate in this inheritance assessment is not an experience.


Ten days later, Xiao Yi has crossed multiple regions.

Along the way, I also saw a lot of wonderful places.

A region is huge in itself, easily exceeding a million miles.

Each region has its own uniqueness.

Like the Yunhe region, there is a dangerous place in the sea of ​​clouds where the cloud stepping beasts play.

For example, the Quartet domain has a well-known Quartet, containing various dangerous places.

and many more.

If it is a normal experience and practice alone, it would be a good experience to travel in various regions.

However, Xiao Yi didn't have this free time.

Perhaps, if everything is resolved in the future, he may have leisure.

Xiao Yi thought this way, smiled suddenly, and shook his head again.

Suddenly, the corners of Xiao Yi's mouth smiled and solidified suddenly.

The eyes also suddenly became cold.

"Who?" Xiao Yi yelled coldly, and a sword aura shot out in the air.

Below, a group of figures burst through the air.

"Xiao Yi." An old man headed by him stared at Xiao Yi coldly.

"We have been waiting here for a long time."

"You are?" Xiao Yi frowned.

Suddenly, a bitter palm wind suddenly blasted.

Xiao Yi shot out a sword aura from his fingertips, blasting away his palm.

"Bei Yin Yuan Jin? Are you from the Bei Yin Sect?" Xiao Yi's face was cold.


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