Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1312: Pursuing and killing martial arts power


High in the sky, there was a burst of noise, and the light overflowed.

Under the palm of the old man, he easily broke the sword formation of 80,000 stars.

The starlight shattered and spilled around.

Suddenly, the sky was dazzling.

When it was all over, the old man yelled, "Chasing."

However, he found that Xiao Yi was no longer visible around him.

"What about the people?" The old man looked at the Beiyinzong warriors around him coldly.

The surrounding Beiyinzong warriors looked ugly, and said, "This Xiao Yi little thief is not very strong, but his ability to escape is first-rate.

The moment Xiao Yi left, the North Yinzong warriors couldn't keep up with his speed at all.

Even not even half of the breath remained in the air.

The old man felt his surroundings for a while, frowning, "Sure enough."

"Sneaking like this is worth the old man himself."

The old man closed his eyes and felt it again, then sneered.

"Branded by the old man's martial arts power, you can't walk even if you escape to the ends of the world."


The old man said and disappeared instantly.

All the warriors of the Northern Yinzong also kept up instantly.


Thousands of miles away, Xiao Yi's figure continued to gallop.

A dignified look flashed across his indifferent face.

A powerful person at this level of martial art is definitely not something he can deal with today.

The martial arts power is a whole level stronger than the peak of the holy emperor. ‘

I want to know that the hegemonic power of the Northern Yin Sect is even above the Eighteenth Mansion in the Central Region.

How could the great elders of these forces be ordinary people?

How advanced is his cultivation base?

"Huh?" Suddenly, Xiao Yi's expression changed.

"So fast."

Behind him, a figure hurriedly pursued.

Under the speed of the figure, there was no sound of breaking through the air.

As if the wind in the sky could not stop him at all.

No, it should be said that such a gallop of the figure is more like a movement in space.

The figure is the Great Elder of the Northern Yinzong.

"It's martial arts power." Xiao Yi reacted instantly.

It must be that when the Great Elder of the Northern Yin Sect pressed him with martial arts power just now, he was stained with this person's martial arts power.

So even if he fled away in an instant, the old man still tracked his direction and whereabouts instantly.

"Damn it." Xiao Yi's face changed.

This kind of martial arts power's stigma cannot be erased unless one's own cultivation level and martial arts power level exceed it.

Whoosh...At this time, the old man's figure has instantly caught up.

Compared to Xiao Yi's speed, his speed is obviously faster, and much faster.

"Boy, die." The old man yelled coldly and blasted out his full palm.

The vitality in the palm is surging even more than before.


Xiao Yi slashed out with a backhand, and a river of starlight rolled over.


It was also a bang, but this time the bang was much smaller than before.

The palm of the old man almost blasted away the river of stars in an instant.

A heavy palm shook on Leng Yan's sword.


It was just the counter-shock force from Leng Yanjian that instantly made him fly.

"Puff." Xiao Yi spit out blood.

The martial arts with all his strength and the horror of strength far exceeded his imagination.

Whoosh... the old man's figure came again.

"So fast." Xiao Yi's pupils shrank.

Before he could react, the old man's palm hit his chest.

The old man held his vitality, ignoring his physical body, and directly blasted into his body.

"Puff." Xiao Yi spouted out blood, his face pale.

"Huh? Not dead?" The old man frowned, glanced at Xiao Yi's chest, and sneered.

"So that's the case, wearing a middle-grade sacrificial artifact, removing part of the old man's palm power."

"This palm will take your life."

The old man shot out with a palm at close range.

Although the defensive middle-grade sacred weapon is strong, even the strength of the old man cannot penetrate it.

But the old man's palm strength was enough to shake Xiao Yi alive.

"Blood pill, burst." Xiao Yi shouted in a low heart.

Without hesitation, Xiao Yi instantly detonated the blood core in his body.

Boom... a violent momentum suddenly broke out on him.

The old man's palm was immediately blocked.

In the air, the rich blood color immediately condenses.

"Blood brake cut." Xiao Yi slashed out with a sword.

A huge **** sword slashed in the air.

The old man took a palm shot, but was blasted back ten steps by the huge **** sword.

Look more realistically, his palm has already been cut with blood.


In the next second, Xiao Yi's figure disappeared out of thin air again, and instantly disappeared.

"Blood Brake Slash? Is the Blood Realm Four Types?" The old man frowned as he looked at the blood marks in his palm.

"It's worthy of that martial skill to kill the gods."

"But it won't keep you."

The old man flashed and pursued again.


Thousands of miles away, Xiao Yi's face was pale.

A drop of cold sweat condensed on his forehead, proving that he was absolutely uncomfortable at the moment.

The instant blood pill burst out just now, and its blood qi power was naturally far superior to before.

Naturally, the blood brake cut with the power of blood is also extremely strong and amazing.

The blood brake is the third type, and its power is amazing.

But it was also clear that even so, it was only barely able to hurt the Great Elder of the Northern Yinzong.

The gap between the martial arts power and the peak of the holy emperor is too big.

Xiao Yi was able to defeat the elder Tongtian with the Star Magic Sword.

But if he wants to deal with the power of martial arts, he must not want to deal with it even if he does everything possible.

So he fled instantly without hesitation.

While leaping quickly, Xiao Yi looked inside.

The blood pill in the body has already detonated.

However, it has not completely erupted.

The pierced blood pill was showing a gap at this moment.

And within the gap, surging blood energy is constantly pouring out.

"Fortunately." Xiao Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

After he escaped safely, he could find a way to seal the gap.

Otherwise, if this blood pellet broke out completely, he couldn't stand it at all.

"Boy, you can't escape."

At this moment, a loud shout came from behind him.

The figure of the Great Elder of the Northern Yinzong once again came swiftly as if he had crossed the limits of space.

"Can't be caught up." Xiao Yi's heart shuddered.

The strength of the martial arts power is so strong.

Just a palm just now severely injured him in an instant.

If he catches up again, I am afraid it is not as simple as a serious injury.

Xiao Yi's eyes were red, that was the backlash of the blood pill and blood energy in his body.


Xiao Yi's figure suddenly burst out again.

The speed suddenly increased tenfold.

"Huh? How could it be possible, how could the speed soar so much?" Behind, the Great Elder Bei Yinzong looked surprised.

But for a moment, Xiao Yi had already distanced himself from him.

Not long after, Xiao Yi's figure disappeared from his eyes again.

Thousands of miles away.

Xiao Yi's complexion was not only pale, but the aura on his body was also declining rapidly.

In the body, the boiling demon fire is burning elemental power rapidly.

This is the reason for his sudden increase in speed.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi's expression suddenly changed again.

Ahead, the figure of the Great Elder of the Northern Yinzong condenses out of thin air.

"Budo phantom? Not good." Xiao Yi gritted his teeth.

This martial art phantom could not help him, but it was enough to stop him.

If stopped, at the speed of the Great Elder Yinzong in the north, he would be able to catch him again in an instant.


Third more.

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