Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1314: Can't escape, just fight

Five thousand miles away.

Xiao Yi's figure, flying fast.


Blood spurted from his mouth.

He has no time to bother.

At this moment, he held a sword in one hand and flew through the air.

One hand, but tightly clasped his Universe Ring.

In the Universe Ring, the pure power is constantly pouring into his palm.

That is the pure power of spirit veins.

Within his qi fountain, although his vitality has not been exhausted, it has almost bottomed out, and he can no longer support the burning of his vitality and the rapid increase in speed.

What is still being maintained at this moment is the spiritual power that is constantly pouring in.

Spiritual veins are worthy of containing the purest power between heaven and earth.

When it burned, its explosiveness was actually stronger than his body's vitality.

Furthermore, this is a middle-grade spirit vein, which is even more powerful.

This is also the reason why his speed soared after escaping from the pothole, which was a little bit worse than before.

But at the same time, the consumption speed of spiritual veins in the Universe Ring is also extremely alarming.

The entire spiritual vein was continuously reduced in Xiao Yi's perception at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It was another ten minutes boom.

Xiao Yi's pupils shrank.

Because, ahead, the martial arts phantom of the Great Elder of the Northern Yinzong condenses again.

"How is it possible?" Xiao Yi's pale face was ugly.

Without this martial art phantom, he would have escaped long ago.

If this continues, how many times will he last?

With the powerful pursuit of martial arts, can he really not escape?

Thinking about this, Xiao Yi still cut out with a sword.

In any case, you can't be blocked by this martial arts phantom for too long.

With the sword coming out, the galaxy surges, and the martial arts can be shaken hard.

Of course, after receiving it, the galaxy collapsed and the boundless river of martial arts came.

Xiao Yi broke it again with a single sword.

This time, the figure chased by the Great Elder of the Northern Yin Sect was a little slow.

However, that fierce palm wind came as expected.


Xiao Yi was directly vomiting blood, but once again used his strength to escape.


The Great Elder of the Northern Yin Sect turned black when he looked at Xiao Yi's disappearance again.

"It's no wonder that my Bei Yin Sect has repeatedly fallen into the sand when confronting you."

"It really is a tough little thief."

The Great Elder of the Northern Yin Sect hurriedly pursued and gritted his teeth to himself.

He has now given up the idea of ​​waiting for Xiao Yiyuan to run out.

Originally in his judgment, Xiao Yi should have exhausted his vitality long ago.

At this time, Xiao Yi not only has not exhausted his vitality, but the speed is even faster than before.

"Although you can escape very well, you can't hide from my martial arts power."

"The old man depends on how many palms you can receive from me."

Every time a volley palm hit Xiao Yi, he saw it in his eyes.

Every palm could seriously hurt Xiao Yi.

If he could catch up with Xiao Yi completely, he would kill Xiao Yi in just a moment.

Now that he can't catch up, he keeps hurting him seriously.

Xiao Yi can escape again, but what is the point if he is seriously injured and died?


Thousands of miles away.

Xiao Yi, who was flying fast, was already pale to the extreme.

The internal injuries were already extremely serious.

Although not fatal, it also made him extremely uncomfortable.

With every palm of the Great Elder of the Northern Yin Sect, his internal organs were almost displaced, and the blood in his body was tumbling.

Had it not been for Yunsheng's armored body, he had removed most of his palm strength, I am afraid he would have been seriously injured and died.

The strength of martial arts is really terrifying.

This is the real powerhouse who stands at the top of the mainland and can run rampant in the middle area.

This class of strong, which one is not a giant, a super strong of a large force.

Nowadays, these powerful men are not tired of chasing him down.

I don't know if it is Xiao Yi's honor or Xiao Yi's luck.

However, in any case, Xiao Yi was still thinking about ways quickly.

He knew that before the next martial arts phantom condensed, there are still ten minutes.

These ten minutes is the only time he can think about countermeasures.

Xiao Yi felt the spiritual veins in the universe ring.

At this moment, more than half of a spiritual vein has been consumed.

Xiao Yi gritted his teeth.

Originally, in his plan, he kept fleeing far and wide.

If he can widen the distance from the Great Elder of the Northern Yinzong, he still has a chance to live.

No matter how bad it is, let the Great Elder of the Northern Yinzong chase all the way.

As long as he can always escape, he has a chance.

The big deal has been fled to the main hall of Fengchadian.

He didn't believe that the Great Elder of the Northern Yinzong dared to go to the Fengshadian main hall to kill him.

But now, these ideas have been abandoned by Xiao Yi.

Not to mention that the Great Elder of the Northern Yin Sect can seriously hurt him every time with a full palm, and he can't hold it a few times.

Furthermore, with the consumption rate of this spiritual vein, I am afraid that it will not last a few days.

Once all the spiritual veins are exhausted, his vitality is exhausted.

At that time, there is no escape, no life.

"If you can't escape, you can only have one fight." Xiao Yi thought to himself, his expression cruel.

However, this ruthless look only appeared for a few seconds before it disappeared.

Xiao Yi has encountered many crises, but every time, no matter how high the danger is, he has certain assurance.

Only this time, there was nothing to do.

He knew very well that even if he tried his best to sacrifice all kinds of powerful flames, he was definitely not an opponent of the Great Elder of the Northern Yinzong.

The martial arts are so powerful.

"Perhaps..." Xiao Yi frowned and thought.

"The means of the dawn bell."

Xiao Yi's eyes suddenly lit up.

From the methods he comprehended from the dawn bell, he probably only mastered one sword and 15 swords in total.

If this level is higher...

He remembered that although he could not hurt the Great Elder of the Northern Yinzong, he could still retreat with a single sword.

If this level is more than 20 swords, it may not be without the power of a battle.

A smile crossed the corner of Xiao Yi's mouth.

While flying fast, while secretly comprehending.

It's not that Xiao Yi has never tried it before and during the escape.

With his talent, this is not too difficult.


Ten minutes later.

Ahead, the martial arts phantom of the Great Elder of the Northern Yinzong arrived as scheduled.

Of course, in the end, Xiao Yi was also injured and escaped.


Ten minutes later.

The result is the same.


Time gradually passed, an hour later.

Xiao Yi received the palm of the Great Elder of the Northern Yinzong again, and left.

The Great Elder of the North Yinzong sneered.

"The breath is getting weaker."

"At most you can take a few more palms from me, and you will no longer be able to fight, and you will die."

However, two hours later.

The expression of the Great Elder of the Northern Yin Sect suddenly became unbelievable.

"It's been two hours, and I can't hold myself for ten palms, so I can still escape?"

Seeing Xiao Yi's disappearance again, Bei Yinzong's gaze seemed to be looking at a monster.

He obviously far underestimated Xiao Yi's ability to withstand injuries and escape.

This enchanting evildoer is definitely not the martial arts arrogant who is waiting to grow slowly from the shelter.

It's a monster who has gone through hardships and spent countless lives of nine deaths before growing up to this day.


Until half a day later.

In front of Xiao Yi, who was flying fast, the martial arts phantom of the Great Elder of the Northern Yinzong appeared again.

But this time, Xiao Yi laughed.

On the phantom of the martial arts, a long river of martial arts was blocked.

Xiao Yi cut out with a sword.

Eighty thousand stars descended, transforming the galaxy, and rolled over.


With a burst of sound, the river of stars was fierce; the river of martial arts collapsed instantly.

With a sword falling, the martial arts phantom ran away.


Second more.

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