Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1316: Stop chasing

Xiao Yi understood in an instant.

No wonder the strength of this Northern Yinzong Great Elder is so strong.

No wonder he can continue to condense the martial arts phantom to block the way, and it is extremely easy.

Nine thousand six hundred Dao, what an amazing martial arts power this is.

The martial artist controls the martial arts of heaven and earth, starting from the first one, the more you go up, the more mysterious it is.

How can the power of the rules of the world be easily understood and controlled.

And afterwards, all martial arts are connected and connected layer by layer, building a huge martial arts road that belongs only to the martial artist.

This is the power of martial arts, the mighty one above martial arts.

Xiao Yi still controls hundreds of complete martial arts.

The difference in the level of martial arts is simply a world of difference.


This was the idea that came to Xiao Yi's mind for a moment.

The power of martial arts is not what he can fight against now.

Even if he struggled with serious injuries, the blood pill broke out, and all the methods were used, it only hurt the Great Elder of the Northern Yinzong, making him slightly embarrassed.

There is no suspense at all about the strength gap between the two.

Whoosh... Xiao Yi's figure flashed, and he galloped away in an instant.

"Want to escape?" The Great Elder of the Northern Yin Sect sneered, his eyes full of hideousness and banter.

A hundred miles in a radius, all under the suppression of his martial arts power.

Nine thousand six hundred ways, all erupted; nine thousand six hundred martial arts rivers, just like suppressing the world.

Who can escape?

"Blood brake cut." Xiao Yi shouted violently.

20 consecutive huge scarlet blades burst out of the sky.

The sharp and extremely fast blade flashed past.

The blockade of the Budo Changhe was forcibly knocked out of a gap.

Xiao Yi quickly leaped towards the gap.

The Great Elder of the Northern Yinzong controlled the huge rivers of martial arts with both hands, watching coldly.

"Want to escape? Just looking for death."

Xiao Yi's figure has already entered the gap in the long river of martial arts.

Just at this time.

The Great Elder of the Northern Yinzong shook his hands empty.

The gap in the Budo River was immediately closed.

"Dare to pass through my martial arts power?" The Great Elder of the North Yinzong sneered.

Looking at Xiao Yi, who was trapped in Hanoi, the master of martial arts, seemed to be looking at a dead person.

The power of nine thousand six hundred martial arts ran away in an instant.

Within a hundred miles, the force of strangulation was extremely shocking.

It is as if the world is strangling, as if the doomsday.

The ground, air, space, mountains, flowing water, everything was strangled almost instantly.

And Xiao Yi, who was in the long river of martial arts, was tantamount to falling into the center of strangulation.

"Die, kid." The Great Elder of the North Yinzong grinned.

With a radius of a hundred li, the whole world, instantly blank, fell into silence.

After a while, the nine thousand six hundred martial arts rivers dissipated.

Heaven and earth returned to calm.

At this time, everything has been turned into powder.

Xiao Yi's figure has even disappeared.

"The old man said, if you catch him obediently, the old man can still keep your whole body."

"If you have to chase and kill the old man thousands of miles, your soul will be scattered and you will end up."

The Great Elder of the North Yinzong smiled complacently.

But the next second, the smile on the old face suddenly stagnated.

Because he suddenly felt that the martial arts power that belonged to his brand still existed.

Moreover, this martial arts force is constantly moving away at an extremely fast speed.

But for a moment, it was tens of thousands of miles away.

"How is it possible, that kid is not dead?" A trace of horror flashed in the eyes of the Great Elder of the North Yinzong.

In the next second, the figure flashed and pursued quickly again.

It's just that, in the previous chasing and killing, the two were always thousands of miles apart, and he still couldn't really catch up with Xiao Yi.

Now, tens of thousands of miles apart, how can he chase after?

The only thing he could do was to pursue with all his strength, so that Xiao Yi could not escape his martial arts perception.

While pursuing swiftly, he took out a sacred artifact of Faith.

The old and murderous words suddenly sounded.

"If the order continues, all affiliated forces of the Northern Yin Sect will intercept and kill along the way."

"I want this kid to have no way to the sky and no way to go to the ground."


The Northern Yin Sect is the number one overlord force in the Central Region.

He is overbearing on weekdays, and even the Eighteenth Mansion is a bit jealous.

The subordinate forces are almost all over the Central Region.

This order from the Great Elder of the Northern Yin Sect was tantamount to letting Xiao Yi's way forward, with enemies and constant pursuits.

If it were changed for other times, those ordinary forces, or ordinary top forces, Xiao Yi would not pay attention to it.

But now he is being chased by the great elder of the Northern Yinzong.

If he is not careful, he will definitely fall into the inescapable situation before.

He couldn't even stay in the fight.

Or to put it more simply, the subsequent escape, whether it can escape, depends entirely on Xiao Yi's own ability.


one day later.

The Great Elder of Northern Yinzong is still chasing and killing Wanli.

However, his face became more ugly and colder.

In the hands of the sub-sacred artifacts, there are constant messages from the warriors of the Northern Yinzong.

That piece of information is appalling.

"In just one day, the various forces along the way continued to pursue and kill, but no one survived." The Great Elder of the Northern Yinzong gritted his teeth.

"This kid is really a monster."


It was another day later.

The content uploaded by the subsacred artifacts made his face change.

The pace of constant pursuit and killing also suddenly stopped.

Not long after, the warriors of the Northern Yinzong caught up with him.

"Elder, have you received a letter?" a middle-aged man who looked like a deacon asked.

"Received it." The Great Elder of the North Yinzong nodded, his expression ugly.

"For half a day, dozens of top forces under my Northern Yin Sect have destroyed the door."

"The martial arts emperor died and wounded hundreds."

"The one who shot is Yun Yuanjian and Tan ignored."

The middle-aged man had an ugly face and said, "These two deceived too much, and asked the elder to take down these two personally."

The Great Elder of the Northern Yin Sect looked ugly, "It happened that when I was chasing this kid, these two people slaughtered the forces of the Northern Yin Sect."

"Yun Yuanjian, Yu ignores it, a hidden sword for many years, a folded sword for many years, just for a kid, is it really worth their shot?"

The Great Elder of the Northern Yinzong gritted his teeth, "Send the order and stop chasing Xiao Yi."

"What?" The middle-aged man's face was startled, "Great Elder, this little thief Xiao Yi killed me so many warriors in the Northern Yinzong, just let it go?"

"Otherwise?" Northern Yinzong Grand Elder said solemnly, "The three pinnacle sword repairers, two of them will support him."

"It happens to be the two who claim to have the strongest defense and the strongest attack."

"From today, looking at Zhongyu, who else would dare to touch this kid lightly?"

As he said, the fist of the Great Elder of the Northern Yin Sect shook with crackling.

"Report." Suddenly, a Northern Yinzong warrior reported to him.

"Great Elder, the Sovereign has a message."

"Say." Northern Yinzong Great Elder said coldly.

The Beiyin Sect martial artist said, "The lord has an order to stop intercepting and killing Xiao Yi."

The Great Elder of the Northern Yin Sect nodded, "It seems that the Sect Master is the same as I thought."

"What?" the middle-aged man asked.

The Great Elder of the Northern Yin Sect looked solemn and shook his head, "This is a big Zhongyu, no one wants to see these two lunatics regain their sword."

"What if you regain it?" the middle-aged man asked with gritted teeth.

"That would be a nightmare." The Great Elder of the North Yinzong shook his head.

"Let's go, Huizong."


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