Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1325: On the assessment road

In the canyon passage, Xiao Yi walked with a sword.

This is the road to assessment.

The wind around me kept blowing.

This is a bit like the canyon in the land of inheritance.

"Is the wind brake jailed?" Xiao Yi muttered to himself as he moved forward against the wind.

This is the message Xiao Yi got in the words of Palace Master Chengfeng.

Long before, he had guessed that it was a prison-like place.

I didn't expect it to be.

If the guess is not wrong, the bottom of the valley, that is, the prison of the wind brake, should be connected to the restriction of the entire heritage.

Once Xiao Xiao tries to sneak into the land of inheritance and get involved in the inheritance, he will be attacked by the power in the land of inheritance and trapped in the prison of wind brake.

No wonder that the wind in the valley is so strong, it is simply a prison for trapping the enemy and killing the enemy.

Xiao Yi condensed his mind and glanced at the passage ahead, without seeing the end at a glance.

Nowadays, the Gang wind continues to strengthen as he advances.

If such a long passage continues to deepen, the final level of the wind will not be known.

The phrase ‘If you can’t hold it anymore, don’t try to be strong’ from the Palace Master Chengfeng explains the difficulty of this assessment.

However, Xiao Yi has not taken it too seriously so far.

This channel is assessment.

Although it is similar to the situation in the wind brake prison.

But the wind brake prison is used to trap and kill the enemy.

This assessment road is definitely no better than there.

Furthermore, it is not only oneself who walks this path of assessment, but the other nine assessors will also follow.

If the main hall dared to use this channel as an assessment road, there must be a limit.

If other examiners can leave, then Xiao Yi is not worried.

Even though the other nine examiners may have won a great inheritance, and his Xiao Yi has not achieved half of the inheritance.

Even so, Xiao Yi is still confident.


Ten minutes later, Xiao Yi had already travelled ten miles.

As he expected, as he kept moving forward, the gang wind continued to increase, but the increase was not large.

Compared with the continuous increase in the wind brake prison and the sharp increase in the power of the gang wind, the increase here is not enough to see.

Although Xiao Yi didn't have half of the royal wind inheritance, he held a sword in one hand and walked with the sword, which was extremely easy.


Time gradually passed, and another ten minutes later.

Xiao Yi's steps forward suddenly stopped.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned and glanced at the wind blowing from both sides.

After a while, a trace of joy flashed across his face.

"That's it."

Xiao Yi's fast forward pace began to slow down slightly.

It's just that this is slowing down, with a hint of mystery inexplicably.


Above the mountains.

The old man showed a satisfied face, "Yes, it seems to be discovered."

"The gang wind in the canyon blows fiercely; but its formation is neither a formation nor a restriction."

"It is formed by the various inheritance forces."

"Although it is not as effective as the martial arts monument in the inheritance place, the general inheritance martial arts is quite a bit."

Palace Master Chengfeng shook his head, "This kid is really smart, and he discovered the secrets of Gangfeng before he traveled for dozens of miles."

"However, the enlightenment effect of these Gangfeng is far inferior to the martial art monument."

"Whether he can gain something, it's still two things."

"Yeah." The old man nodded, "Although he has found it, his ability to grasp it depends on his own ability."


Under the canyon.

Xiao Yi's slow footsteps suddenly became step by step.

The bright eyes suddenly closed.

A few minutes later.

The pace of step by step began to become smooth.

Although it was a closed line, there was no hindrance at all; the gang wind that struck was actually gradually giving in.

"That's it."

Xiao Yi's face flashed again with a faint.

On this assessment road, the wind is blowing; he can indeed rely on his own strength to continuously split the wind and move forward.

However, that was brute force.

The gang wind that blows is profound and contains the power of martial arts rules.

If you have the power of wind protection, you can completely remove the power of the wind and move forward easily.

If he didn't guess wrong, this is the real evaluation significance of this canyon passage.

However, in his perception, there are obviously hundreds or even more martial law powers in this canyon passage.

This is like a trajectory.

These trajectories are the routes that the real examiner needs to walk.

As for which trajectory to follow, it all depends on which inheritance one gets in the land of inheritance.

At the same time, after obtaining this inheritance, the strength of the comprehension control also determines the ease of passage of this road.

If the level of control is high enough, following this trajectory, you can walk out of this passage like a stroll, ignoring all the wind.

Of course, this is for other examiners.

As far as Xiao Yi is concerned, he did not comprehend the inheritance inside, nor did he practice a way of being too strong.

Therefore, among the countless trajectories here, which one he will follow is still unknown.

Now he was as if he was in a canyon filled with countless martial arts knowledge.

It's just that these martial arts knowledge is disorganized and blows with the wind.

Whether he can sort out, find a safe track, and move forward easily depends on his own ability.

"Let's start here."

Suddenly, Xiao Yi's footsteps paused again, and his eyes suddenly opened.

Footsteps, at this time, he was stepping heavily on the ground somewhere.

Xiao Yi stretched out his hand slightly.

At this time, a wisp of gang wind came.

Xiao Yi didn't dodge or dodge, his arm blocked it.

The gang wind came not fast, but the explosive force caused him to bleed instantly.

"Somewhat interesting."

Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes and finally showed a serious look on his face.

The footsteps suddenly moved again.

Moved, but suddenly stopped.

Stopped for a while, then suddenly backed up.

Xiao Yi's movements seemed a little weird when he walked and stopped like this, or moved forward or backward.

However, the serious and slightly excited expression on his face shows that he is definitely not going around randomly now.


High mountain.

The old man watched every step of Xiao Yi, frowning slightly.

"The place where the footsteps fell just now is..."

The old man frowned.

Palace Master Chengfeng's face changed slightly, "Could it be..."

The old man nodded.

"This kid." The Master Chengfeng's face was stern, "I thought he was shrewd, but I didn't expect to be stupid."

"No." The old man shook his head and smiled softly, "He is smarter than anyone else."


The old man paused and showed a playful smile.

"That kind of change of expression, this kid has never paid attention to this assessment path."

"Nowadays, I dare to increase the difficulty myself."

Palace Master Chengfeng shook his head, "It seems that this kid can't get out of this assessment path."

"I see it more seriously, he can't hold it up later, so save him and leave."

"How long do you think he can walk?" the old man suddenly asked.

Palace Master Chengfeng thought for a while, and said with a smile, "No more than 30 miles."


First more.

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