Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1329: Hengtian Temple Lord

The Lord Chengfeng was about to force Xiao Yi to go to the closed room.

Just at this moment, not far away, a deacon walked quickly.

"Hall Master Chengfeng."

The deacon saluted.

"What's the matter?" Palace Master Chengfeng glanced at the deacon and asked.

"Um." The deacon hesitated with a look of fear on his face.

The straight-faced Palace Master Chengfeng has a sense of not being angry or prestigious.

"What's the matter, just say it." Palace Master Chengfeng frowned.

"Oh, yes." The deacon replied with a respectful voice, "It is the main hall of the Asura Palace that has sent the order."

"They know that the Vice-Hall Master Xiao Yi is here, and let the Vice-Hall Master Xiao Yi rush to the main hall as soon as possible to receive the inheritance assessment."

"Dian Xiuluo, the order of the main hall?" Palace Master Chengfeng frowned.

The next second, Palace Master Chengfeng said solemnly, "Let them wait."

"This kid has just passed the inheritance assessment of the Fengsha Temple. Now he has to go to retreat. How can he go to participate in other assessments."

"Everything, wait until this kid gets out."

"Uh, but..." The deacon looked embarrassed, trying to say something.

At this moment, a silhouette like a meteorite slammed into it.

The astonishing speed, and the surging weather, made people look at it.

Xiao Yi's expression also changed, and his instinct told him that if he was really hit, he would at least fall apart.


The Palace Master Chengfeng next to him caught him, and his figure flashed out of thin air.

Almost just for a moment.

The silhouettes of the two suddenly disappeared and then appeared again.

At this time, the meteor-like figure had already hit the two before.

The figure stopped, was a burly old man.

The old man was angry and looked straight at the Lord Chengfeng.

"Chengfeng, the old man is a little older, but his ears are still very good."

"Did you just ask me to wait?"

"Hengtian old man?" The main face of Chengfeng Temple suddenly twitched.

Xiao Yi frowned when he heard the words, "Hengtian?"

If he guessed correctly, this old man's physical strength is so amazing, he must be a member of the Asura Palace.

And this old man dared to call the name of the Master of Chengfeng Hall.

It proves that this person's position in the Temple of Shura is no less than that of the Master of Chengfeng Temple in the Temple of Wind.

In other words, this person is one of the ten masters of the Asura Hall.

Among the ten masters of the Asura Hall, there is only one named "Hengtian".

"Duan Hengtian?" Xiao Yi took a deep breath.

"Huh?" The old man looked at Xiao Yi and said, "This kid has good eyesight."

"If the old man reads correctly, your physical strength is far superior to ordinary martial artists, proving that you are also an individual martial artist."

"And you can recognize the old man at a glance."

"If you think about it, it must be the young arrogant who respected the old man for a long time."

"Um." Xiao Yi's face twitched.

He knew Duan Hengtian Palace Lord, naturally not because he worshiped this person.

But the three words Duan Hengtian, in some rumors and anecdotes in Zhongyu, it was like a nightmare.

Of course, the time of this person's fame was also very long ago, so Xiao Yi is also unknown.

But there is no doubt that the strength of this person can only be described with the word terror.

"Let's talk." At this time, the Hengtian Hall Master looked directly at the Chengfeng Hall Master, "Where did the Xiao Yi kid go?"

"This kid is maddeningly defiant."

"My Asura Hall, there were already few people, so I managed to get together ten Tianjiao."

"The other nine people are all here, but now he is missing, and everyone is waiting for him."

"When the old man finds this son, the old man can't spare him."

Xiao Yi's face changed when he heard the words.

The Shura Hall is indeed less crowded.

However, one discipline can crush other major occupations.

Asura Hall, as a place where all elite martial artists gather; in the martial arts, each one counts as a hundred.

The Lord Hengtian was looking around.

Palace Master Chengfeng winked at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi nodded and walked away slowly.

Just at this moment, the deacon on the side looked suspicious, "Hengtian Hall Master, isn't the Deputy Hall Master Xiao Yi here? What are you looking for?"

"If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb." Palace Master Chengfeng glared at the deacon.

The Lord Hengtian reacted and looked at Xiao Yi directly, "Is it you?"

With that said, the Lord Hengtian took out a portrait, glanced at it, and then at Xiao Yi, frowning constantly.

"A boy with such a small arm and calf, and such a delicate look, will he be an examiner approved by the main hall of our Asura Hall?"

Compared with the burly figure of the Lord Hengtian, Xiao Yi really looked ‘thin’.

The Lord of Hengtian Hall frowned and looked at Xiao Yi, "I can't help but feel so weak, like a girlish kid, dare to be so arrogant? Ignore the many orders of the main hall of the Asura Hall?"

The Lord Hengtian looked at Xiao Yi seriously.

Xiao Yi's face had already turned black.

"Forget it." The Lord Hengtian glanced at the portrait, "Anyway, you don't have to admit the wrong person."

After all, the old but strong palm of Hengtian Hall Master grabbed Xiao Yi.

Upon seeing this, the Lord Chengfeng took a step and stood in front of Xiao Yi.

"Hengtian old man, your ears are good, but your eyes are not good."

"This is in the main hall of my Fengsha Temple. You say you take people and take people?"

The Lord Hengtian stared, "Chengfeng, in this case, you want to fight the old man?"

"You can try it." Palace Master Chengfeng said in a deep voice, but there was obviously a trace of fear in his eyes.

Just at this time.

Not far away, an old whisper came from the study room.

"Boy Hengtian, do you want me to find your Chief Hall Master to lead you back?"

The old voice is neither salty nor light, but it is like the words of heaven and earth, and it is misty but contains the power of heaven and earth.

Xiao Yi could recognize that this was the voice of the main hall master.

The Lord Hengtian, who had been extremely tyrannical, suddenly shrank his head.

"The lord of the palace joked, but, my Asura Hall inheritance assessment..."

"Yeah." In the study, the main hall master's voice sounded again.

But this time, he was talking to Xiao Yi.

"Xiao Yi, go there."

Xiao Yi also cultivated his body and went to the Asura Hall to accept the inheritance assessment. It was good or bad.

"Thanks to the Lord." The Lord Hengtian quickly thanked him.

After that, the old palm once again caught Xiao Yi.

The voice in the study rang again.

"In my Fengsha Temple, you can't even be a little polite?"

"Don't dare." Hengtian Hall Master retracted the hand that grabbed Xiang Xiao Yi, and then said in a deep voice, "Let's go."

The Lord Chengfeng also looked at Xiao Yi and said, "After the inheritance assessment, you must retreat."

"You go to the main hall of the Asura Hall this time, and after accepting the inheritance, you can come back to the Fengsha Hall or in the Asura Hall. In short, you have to retreat."

"Do you understand?"

"Good." Xiao Yi nodded.

The Lord Hengtian looked impatient, "Draughting, long-winded."

The Lord Chengfeng glared at the Lord Hengtian.

The Lord Hengtian didn't care at all.

"Let's go." The Hengtian Hallmaster looked at Xiao Yi and "politely" grabbed Xiao Yi's arm.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi's face changed slightly, and a bad premonition emerged in his heart.

It hasn't waited for him to react.

The Lord of Hengtian Temple has soared into the sky like a meteorite, and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

Of course, Xiao Yi also disappeared.


Second more.

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