Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1331: Shura Wild Stone

The main hall of Shura Hall, the closed room.

After choosing the exercise method, Xiao Yi came here.

With a barrier around him, Xiao Yi sat down cross-legged.

Looking at the exercises in his hands, Xiao Yi showed joy.

It is naturally excellent to be able to obtain the exercises directly without participating in the inheritance assessment.

Although Xiao Yi didn't worry that inheritance would stump him, it could save him the next month, which was great for him.

"Diyue immortal body, one of the strongest body cultivation methods in the main hall."

Xiao Yi muttered to himself and opened the exercises.

He just looked at the previous book of martial arts and martial arts.

I chose this book specially because it is one of the strongest exercises.

Diyue immortal body, soil attribute refining exercises.

Refining to Xiaocheng, the body is as strong as a mountain; Refining to the peak of Consummation, thousands of mountains and rivers are broken with one punch; mountains and rivers are the emperor.

This practice exercise can be called the strongest defense and the strongest strength.

In addition, there was another reason why Xiao Yi chose this exercise method, besides this being the strongest exercise method in the main hall.

That is, he burned his Yunsheng armor.

Without this middle-grade defensive sacred weapon, he naturally had to repair some protective methods.

However, speaking of the Chief Hall Master, he did not have to participate in the inheritance assessment, which was unexpected to him.

There is no need to participate in the inheritance assessment, and he can choose from all the inheritance in the main hall and all the exercises.

Xiao Yi couldn't help being surprised by such treatment.

Perhaps the people in the Shura Temple are more refreshing.

After all, he has passed the inheritance test in Fengchadian.

The Shura Hall and Fengcha Hall are alliance halls, and between the two halls, there is the exchange of information between their own files.

"Forget it." Xiao Yi shook his head without thinking any longer.

Turning on the exercises, Xiao Yi looked at it carefully, and was also earnestly comprehending.

A few hours later, Xiao Yi had comprehended half of the entire exercise.

His eyes, not knowing when they were raised, slowly closed.

Around his body, I don't know when, wisps of dark yellow enveloping air flow in it.

These are the physical power produced by cultivating the eternal body of Emperor Yue.

The exercises of body training, although the body is cultivated.

But in itself, it also derives special powers belonging to the flesh.

Like the previous Shura battle body, cultivation, in addition to the amazing body, also derived the power of Shura.

The power of Shura is the power to display martial arts such as Shura Transformation and Collapse Fist.


An hour later.

Xiao Yi breathed out lightly, and the moment his eyes opened, the lingering air around him disappeared.

"It's barely small."

Xiao Yi muttered to himself, his face became serious.

With his talent, it is not difficult to cultivate to a small degree.

But Diyue immortal body, how could this kind of peerless body cultivation technique be simple.

Xiaocheng is just the beginning.

The real difficulty is only now considered.

Xiao Yi flipped through the exercises. Here, it was close to the middle of the book.

At the same time, a martial skill began here.

A true inheritance is more than just exercises.

Correspondingly, there are martial arts, and the sentiment that belongs to this senior.

Although this book of exercises is not inherited, it is by no means inferior to inheritance.

"Miexu refers."

This is the martial skill of Diyue Immortal Body.

At the same time, in the books, some comments and insights from the ancestors of the main hall gradually appeared.

This is the understanding and sentiment of the predecessors, for Xiao Yi's enlightenment.

"What a great martial arts." A hint of surprise flashed in Xiao Yi's eyes.

From the perspective of his current understanding of this Ruins Extinguishing Finger, its degree and power far surpassed sword skills such as the Star Fantasy Sword Array.

Judging from the methods and martial arts he has now.

Only the comprehension gained from the dawn bell is comparable to it.

Other martial skills such as Star Fantasy Sword Array and Blood Slash were far inferior.

Of course, he hasn't controlled the Fourth Blood Realm Slash, which is still inconclusive.

But there is no doubt that this martial skill on Diyue Immortal Body is surprisingly powerful.

Xiao Yi enlightened.

After a whole number of hours, his eyes opened, but he shook his head.

"It seems that the understanding of the whole technique is not enough. It is too reluctant to comprehend its internal martial arts forcibly."

Today, his cultivation of Diyue Immortal Body is just beginning.

With this alone, you want to control the powerful martial arts inside?

Don't talk about idiots and dreams, but at least it is a strong act, asking for trouble.

Xiao Yi ignored the extinction finger for the time being, and instead continued to comprehend the inner techniques.

It was another hour later.

Xiao Yi frowned.

The deep yellow enveloping aura lingering around him condensed again, but suddenly collapsed.

"It's worthy of being one of the strongest physical exercises in the main hall." Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

After Xiaocheng, and gradually began to practice the middle part of the exercises, Xiao Yi clearly felt a smell of lack of stamina.

Physical cultivation exercises also require cultivation.

Diyue Immortal Body is no exception.

Moreover, the things they need for cultivation are an extremely large astronomical number.

It is an earth-attribute exercise method, and it is the object of cultivation that is naturally a treasure that contains huge earth-attribute power.

Xiao Yi looked to the side of the closed room.

There, there are no less than a hundred rings.

Xiao Yi waved out the exercise book in his hand.

The exercises are close to one ring after another.

Wow... There was a sound, and the hundreds of Universe Rings disappeared out of thin air, only one remained.

The remaining one is the cultivating object corresponding to the practice.

It is a gift from the main hall.

With a big wave of his hand, Xiao Yi sucked back all the exercises and Qiankun Jie.

Released the perception, and felt within the universe ring.

In the next second, Xiao Yi was stunned.

"Sura is too barren stone." Xiao Yi's face twitched.

Shura too barren stone, unique to Shura Temple.

Rumor has it that this kind of stone absorbs the pure air of the earth in the ancient times, and it is extremely precious.

Today, there is nothing.

Only from the ancient times, the Temple of Asura opened up a secret realm, and was trapped by the formation of the Temple of Asura; after tens of thousands of years, there was a treasure land dedicated to this stone.

The nature of the Asura stone is the same as the spirit stone.

However, within the spirit stone is the pure aura between heaven and earth.

Within the Shura Wild Stone, it is the pure earth attribute power.

The power contained in a piece of Asura stone is no less than a spiritual vein.

At this time, there are a total of 20 yuan in the Qiankun Ring.

As far as he knows, even the treasure of Asura Palace has very little output.

Therefore, each of these Asura stones is extremely precious.

Xiao Yi felt it again.

In the Universe Ring, in addition to the 20 Asura Stones, there are also a large number of earth properties, natural materials and earth treasures.

If he absorbs all of these cultivation objects and cultivates Emperor Yue's immortal body, he is afraid that it will be enough to cultivate the highest holy emperor realm.

"Sura Palace, such a big handwriting." Xiao Yi's face was horrified.

Xiao Yi frowned, suppressed his horror, and continued to comprehend the exercises.

After a few hours, his cultivation stopped abruptly.

The idea of ​​absorbing these Asura's wild stones as a breakthrough in physical power suddenly dissipated.

The frowning face suddenly turned into a hint of incredible.

Di Yue's immortal body, cultivated to the present level, the meaning of the cultivation method inside made him feel familiar inexplicably.

"How is it possible." Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes and stared at the content of the exercise.

"This is the content on the seventh floor of the Shura battle body..."


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