Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1354: Dangerous place

The battle between Fuxi Tree Python and this demon team continued.

However, the situation has long since changed.

This demon team fell completely below, with little power to fight back.

A Seventh-tier Saint King Realm leader led by a single Saint King Realm martial artist, such a powerful and experienced demon hunting team.

Suffered a big loss on a tree python?

If this matter spreads out, I am afraid it will be unbelievable.

After all, the Fuxi Tree Python would have the strength of the sixth layer of the Holy King Realm.

"Everyone, run away."

At this time, the leader of the team suddenly shouted anxiously.

"You go first, I will stop this evil animal."

"No." A young team member said ashamed, "If I hadn't been going my own way, and had to hunt for powerful monsters, how could everyone fall into such a situation."

"Captain, I'll block, you go."

"Hahahaha." The leader of the team smiled boldly.

In his hand, a big knife slashed out a huge knife energy.

The huge sword energy blasted on the Fuxi tree python, forcing the Fuxi tree python some distance away.

"The monster beast in the golden light is different from other places."

"Even the demon hunting team with rich experience can only hunt for monsters that are much weaker than their own."

"You are still young, buy a lesson this lunch."

"Captain." All the team members were ashamed.

The leader of the team moved up sideways, with his own strength, forcibly blocking the Fuxi Tree Python.

"Hurry up." The leader of the team shouted.

"At most I can block the ten breath time of this evil animal, you quickly retreat."

"I will catch up with you as soon as possible."

"Yes." A group of players replied and retreated.

The next battle belonged to the seven-layer warrior of the Holy King Realm and the Fuxi Tree Python.

However, the situation is worse than before.

In front of the Fuxi Tree Python, this Saint King Realm seven-tiered warrior was almost crushed.

Observing the strength of this Fuxi Tree Python, it is obviously above the eighth level of the Saint King Realm at this moment.

After ten breaths.

The captain of the hunting demon team was already wounded and embarrassed.

Just about to turn around and escape, the huge body of the Fuxi Tree Python has surrounded the surroundings, blocking the way.

The huge python body gathered at an extremely fast speed.

Looking at this situation, the demon team captain would never have time to escape the blockade, and would be entangled in the contraction of the giant python body, and entangled to death.

"not good."


Just at this moment, a sword gas volleyed past.

The speed of Jian Qi was almost at its extreme, and it flashed past.

When the sword qi dissipated, the huge head of the Fuxi Tree Python had been pierced, and it was life and death.

The huge body fell heavily to the ground, raising a lot of dust.

In the center of the python body, the demon team leader's face was pale.

Just now, he only had time to exclaim, knowing that he had no chance to escape.

Unexpectedly, this thought had just appeared, and the huge Voluptuous Tree Python was already dead.

"I don't know which senior came to the rescue?" The demon captain reacted and arched his hands into the air.

However, in the air, there was no answer.

In the next second, not far from the side, under the towering tree, Xiao Yi slowly got up.

It wasn't until he had such obvious movements that the demon captain realized it.

"Huh? Senior...No, it's a little friend." The demon captain said like this, still giving a heavy salute.

Xiao Yi's face was indifferent, and with a flick of his fingertips, a healing pill popped out.

The Demon Captain took it, his face was startled, "Wang Pinpin Peak Healing Medicine?"

After that, the demon captain hurriedly stretched out his palms, "Thank you for your kindness."

"However, Zai Xia already owes my little friend a life-saving grace, and gives me this precious pill, Xia has no face to accept it."

"Take it." Xiao Yi said lightly, "You are the captain. Since you have brought them into this golden light, you are responsible for taking them away safely."

"You are injured now, and your strength is a bit weaker, how can you be sure to protect them?"

The word captain is not just the leader of a team, or the strongest player in the team.

"This..." The demon captain hesitated after hearing this.

The next second, he nodded and accepted the pill.

"Thanks for the gift, little friend, in the future, if there is a chance, I promise three swords and I will give it back."

"If there is a need, I will never turn aside."

Xiao Yi shook his head and said lightly, "No, it's a trivial matter."

He is also a demon hunter himself, and he recognizes this profession.

Walking outside, if you encounter it, just help if you can.

The demon captain glanced at Xiao Yi's indifferent expression, saluted again, and said, "I have to catch up with my companions, so I won't bother the little friends."

"Go." Xiao Yi nodded.

"Farewell." The demon captain flashed away and left.

He didn't take the inner alchemy of the resting tree python.

After all, it wasn't the monster he killed, and he didn't have the ability to kill, so naturally he wouldn't take that inner alchemy.

The demon captain left.

In the same place, only Xiao Yi was left.

And the huge corpse of the Voluptuous Tree Python.

Xiao Yi didn't rush to collect the monster blood and inner pill, but felt it carefully.

As far as he knew, the Fuxi Tree Python was just a monster in the sixth layer of the Holy King Realm.

But now, in his perception, the breath of this sacred tree python definitely reached the eighth level of the Saint King Realm, and even approached the ninth level of the Saint King Realm.

You know, generally speaking, monsters have a long lifespan, but as a price, their strength growth will be unusually slow.

Therefore, such a sudden increase in strength is almost impossible for the monster beast.

Xiao Yi perceives it carefully.

After a long while, frowned.

The source of the soaring breath and strength of this Fuxi Tree Python lies in the inner core of the monster beast in his body.

Xiao Yi shot out a sword gas from his fingertips and broke open the body of the tree python.

A demon beast inner alchemy exuding golden light slowly drifted out.

The strength of a monster beast comes from its flesh, blood, and inner core.

Needless to say the flesh, the monster beast is known for its powerful flesh.

Blood is where the essence and blood are.

The inner alchemy is the place that contains a demon element.

In Xiao Yi's perception, the body and blood of this resting tree python were at the sixth level of the Holy King Realm.

Only this inner pill had reached the eighth peak of the Saint King Realm.

That golden glow was the reason for the rise of the inner alchemy.

Those golden lights are naturally the strands of golden light floating in this golden light now.

"It seems that the rumors are true."

Xiao Yi said to himself.

These two extremely wide golden and dangerous places, although they are dangerous places, are also treasures.

Xiao Yi glanced at the golden light floating around and felt it again.

All around, the golden light radiated, so that this dangerous night was exuding a soft and beautiful light.

However, these golden lights are obviously extraordinary things.

Xiao Yi stretched out his hand and grabbed a handful of floating golden light.

However, when the arm touched the golden light, it seemed to be shot in the air and passed by.


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