Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1366: Martial arts monster

"what happened?"

Xiao Yi frowned.

The breath of the Diamond White Ape at this moment has already reached the peak of the Holy Emperor Realm.

But at this time, the surge of breath has not stopped.

During the night battle in the previous month, the breath of the King Kong White Ape had never changed like this.

For a long time, after devouring the golden light, they are all at the peak level of the Holy Emperor Realm.

But now, there are obviously signs of faintly breaking through this level.

At this level, he can still handle it.

But once it exceeds, it is not his ability.

Xiao Yi's figure flashed and came to the side of King Kong White Ape's huge body.

Sure enough, behind the huge body, there were several dead flamingos.

"That's it, what a cunning animal." Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes.

I'm afraid that the King Kong White Ape had long been approved, he would come to trouble him every night.

Therefore, the monster inner alchemy is specially prepared today.

As soon as Xiao Yi came, he swallowed the monster inner pill to increase his strength.

If you didn't guess wrong, this Vajra White Ape had already contained the inner alchemy of these blasting flaming birds.

Xiao Yi looked at it lightly.

The strength of King Kong White Ape is constantly increasing, and he can't stop it.

After all, this was just the King Kong White Ape digesting the power of other monsters.

Xiao Yi just thought, don't just break through to the level of martial arts power.

The opponent at that level, he encountered now, could only escape far away.

After a long while, the breath of the King Kong White Ape increased and stopped.

The breath of his body is still only the peak of the Holy Emperor Realm, and he has not reached the level of martial arts power.

After all, it should be a very strong position in the peak of the Saint Emperor Realm.

"Huh." Xiao Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly came over.

This King Kong White Ape, after absorbing the power of golden light, reached the peak of the Holy Emperor Realm.

Now that he has digested the inner alchemy of other monsters, his strength has increased a lot.

However, the inner alchemy it digests definitely does not contain golden light power.

The golden light power, even if the monsters here can absorb it, is only at night; once the night is gone, the golden light power will also dissipate.

And he immediately came to trouble the King Kong White Ape as soon as the night fell.

Therefore, the inner alchemy in the monster beast killed by the King Kong White Ape had absolutely no golden light power.

It is just an ordinary monster inner pill, even if it absorbs the inner strength, the strength it can increase is very limited.

This is why this King Kong White Ape still stays at the peak level of the Saint Emperor Realm.


At this time, the King Kong White Ape roared and immediately attacked Xiao Yi.

The huge fist is like a hill.

Xiao Yi held it back with his sword, and the sword body shook, and dozens of starlight rivers rolled out.

Boom...a loud sound.

The moment when the Starlight River came into contact with the giant fist, it collapsed instantly.

After dozens of starlight rivers, at this moment it was actually lost to the power of King Kong White Ape's punch.

"Sure enough, his strength has increased a lot." Xiao Yi's sword was just trying to test the strength of the King Kong White Ape at this time.

"Fortunately, to reach the level of martial arts power."

Whoosh... Xiao Yi's figure flashed, and instantly escaped the bombardment of the King Kong White Ape Giant Fist.

Almost the moment he avoided, he was blasted out of a huge hole in the same place.

The ground with a radius of several hundred meters collapsed instantly and the soil turned into dust.

"Fortunately, a lot of strength has been improved these days." Xiao Yi sneered, and cut out with a sword.

The sword fell, 85,000 stars arrived.

Starlight transforms the river.

At this moment, the river of stars is a few points thicker and stronger than it was a month ago.

With one sword out, a full 30 star lights burst into the fist of the King Kong White Ape in an instant.


With a violent roar, a trace of disbelief flashed through the pupils of King Kong White Ape Dou.

Its huge fist, indestructible power, exploded in an instant.

Only a cold white sword glow flickered in his eyes.

In the next second, there was a sharp pain in his fist.

When the cold white sword light dissipated, the huge fist was dripping with blood, and the bones were exposed.

Roar... King Kong White Ape roared.

However, this roar was obviously wailing like a cry.

"You lost." Xiao Yi pointed straight at the sword.

Compared with the sword-fighting one month ago, it is as if provocative; this time, it is a strong person's absolute confidence in the weak.

Xiao Yi could break its fist with a single sword, and he could also kill it with a single sword.


King Kong White Ape suddenly blasted the ground angrily.

Although it was blasted with one hand, it shook the ground with a radius of kilometer.

The ground, centered on the King Kong White Ape, quickly cracked and collapsed.

In almost an instant, these cracks and collapses spread to Xiao Yi's feet.

Xiao Yi's footsteps stared, and he backed away instantly.

At this time, hundreds of meters ahead, the huge body of the King Kong White Ape jumped up.

It was not an attack, but a leap with great strength, and instantly escaped.

"Want to run?" Xiao Yi sneered, and 85,000 stars were added to him, instantly turning into a streamer to chase after the sky.


The body of the King Kong White Ape, every time it jumps, there must be a roar.

Xiao Yi hurriedly pursued, but for a moment, his face gradually became hard to look.

Because, the distance between him and the King Kong White Ape is constantly getting farther.

The silhouette of King Kong White Ape leaping and fleeing far exceeded his Yukong speed.

The strength of the King Kong White Ape at the moment, after all, is the peak of the Holy Emperor Realm, and it is extremely strong.

And Xiao Yi's 85,000 starlight addition, at best, was barely close to the ninth level of the Holy Emperor Realm.

He can defeat the King Kong White Ape by the means of making 30 swords all at once.

But this method can be used to fight, but it does not help the pursuit.

Naturally, if this King Kong White Ape had a single heart to escape, Xiao Yi would never be able to catch up.

"Forget it." Xiao Yi said helplessly.

For him, even if this King Kong White Ape was killed, there would be one more golden light pill at the peak of the Saint Emperor Realm.

If you can't catch up, you won't catch up.

Xiao Yi stopped the pursuit.

However, the King Kong White Ape who was jumping in the distance also stopped to escape.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned.

Before he could react, the King Kong White Ape suddenly picked up a small hill and smashed it instantly.

The strength of the King Kong White Ape is so great.

That hill, like a meteorite, collided in an instant.

Xiao Yi's face twitched, and the King Kong White Ape was a famous violent monster.

Qiang... A cold white sword light flashed past.

Xiao Yi thought that this sword could easily break this hill.

However, the huge power contained in the hill instantly blasted him with a sword for thousands of meters.

"How can it be possible with so much strength." Xiao Yi's expression changed.

He had only felt the terrifying power just now in a battle with one person.

It is the Great Elder of the Northern Yinzong.

In other words, the level of that huge force just now has reached...

"The martial arts are powerful." Xiao Yi's expression suddenly became extremely solemn.

At the same time, the hideous color on the face of the King Kong White Ape in the distance appeared again.


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