Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1379: 18 holes


Xiao Yi's hand took the sharp sword straight away.

The sharp sword just now rang up immediately.

Dao Dao Jin Guang Jian Qi, slashed.

Xiao Yiyi was not afraid, and still took it straight away.

锵... 锵... 锵...

Xiao Yi did not dodge or dodge.

A wave of sharp sword aura hit his left hand covered with dark scale armor, making a clanging sound.

"Hiss." Xiao Yi gritted his teeth slightly.

On the left hand, the dark scale armor was not damaged.

The golden light sword aura hit his arm, and he couldn't even make a white mark.

On the contrary, the sharpness of the sword gas caused a sharp tingling sensation in his arm.

Of course, that's all.

Xiao Yi surpassed the golden light sword aura and took the sharp sword straight away.

The palm of the hand, just about to catch the hilt of the sharp sword.


锵... 锵... 锵...

Ahead, there were several clanging sounds, and several sharp swords leaped out.

Counting the one that jumped up earlier, at this moment, a full 4 high-grade holy artifacts were chopped up.

Xiao Yi still did not dodge, but blocked it with his arm.

He also wanted to test the hardness of these beast hands by the way.

"Drink." Xiao Yi let out a low voice, and blasted out a punch.

Above the fist, the flames surrounded, and the explosion was astonishing.

The fist hit the tip of the sword heavily.

Boom...a loud sound.

A sharp sword that was attacked was instantly blasted away under Xiao Yi's fist.

Xiao Yi glanced at the fist covered in dark scale armor, and the fist was still intact.

Even the high-grade holy artifacts could not break this armor at all.

But the tingling sensation from the confrontation with the sword just now appeared again.

The tingling sensation on the tip of the sword was much stronger than the tingling sensation on the arm just now with sword energy.

There is no doubt that the sharpness of these swords is quite amazing.

If Xiao Yi didn't have these two beast hands, he might not even be qualified to fight these sharp swords.

These sharp swords are high-grade holy artifacts, and the sharpness alone is enough to make him unable to deal with.

锵... 锵... 锵...

I don't know when to start, and the other dozen sharp swords suddenly exploded.

18 high-grade sacrificial artifacts moved instantly.

Among the 18 sharp swords, they form a sword formation by themselves, coming from mysteriousness.

Xiao Yi's face changed slightly.

With his hands alone, he couldn't completely take 18 swords.

Except for the hands and left foot covered with black scale armor, the other body parts could not stand the attack of these sharp swords.

His strength and body alone could not resist the power of the high-grade holy artifacts.

At this time, 18 sharp swords have formed a sword formation, sealing off all the areas around him.

Subsequently, 18 sharp swords shot out.

Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, his hands came out, and then his feet moved back and his shoulders moved.

With both hands out, he instantly retreated several sharp swords in front of him.

He stepped back, moved his shoulders, and easily avoided sharp swords from other directions.

Xiao Yi's figure suddenly moved mysteriously.

The sword formation of 18 sharp swords is mysterious, and Xiao Yi's figure is equally mysterious.

18 sharp swords leaped like a dance, shuttled around Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi also turned into a phantom, wandering easily.

His figure perfectly fits the sword formation, but it is a bit faster than the movement of the sword formation.

For a long while.

Xiao Yi wandered through the sword formation, sneered, "Huh, sword formation?"

He was afraid of the power of these 18 high-grade holy artifacts, but he was not afraid of this sword formation.

For Xiao Yi, the sword repairman, who was proficient in kendo and sword formation, he could see through the movement of the sword formation at a glance.

Naturally, he wandered unscathed.

"Drink." Xiao Yi shouted violently.

With both hands and left foot, under the body like a phantom, suddenly violent.

Under the flash of fire, all 18 sharp swords were blasted by him.

Xiao Yi glanced at the 18 sharp swords that had been blasted off, smiled confidently, and then walked towards the cave.

Just at this time, the 18 sharp swords that were blasted off flew up again.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned, and his steps retreated in an instant.


Almost the moment he backed away, a sharp sword brushed past his face.

18 sharp swords, once again formed a sword formation.

After a while, Xiao Yi did exactly what he had done, and leaned on his hands to blast 18 sharp swords flying again.

However, the sharp sword that was blasted away immediately leaped back soon.

For half an hour, Xiao Yi was stalemate with these 18 sharp swords, constantly clashing.

"It's endless." Xiao Yi frowned.

After half an hour of confrontation, he completely understood.

The 18 sharp swords, in addition to forming their own sword formation, are also connected with the atmosphere of the cave.

Within the cave, there is continuous golden light overflowing. After countless years, it will last forever. One can imagine how powerful the cave is.

Without the strength of the Dong Mansion, these 18 sharp swords will not stop.

"Drink." Xiao Yi shouted again.

The pair of fists blasted back 18 sharp swords, and the figure flashed, and instantly came to the front of the cave.

Just about to take a look, see if there is any way to enter the cave.

Suddenly... bang... there was a loud noise.

"Puff." Xiao Yi spouted a mouthful of blood, and with a shocked expression on his face, he quickly stepped back and withdrew from the attack range of the cave and 18 sharp swords.

A few dozen meters away, Xiao Yi's face was pale and gritted his teeth.

The moment he approached the cave mansion just now, the forbidden aura that existed in front of the cave mansion actually suppressed his blood and energy in an instant.

If he hadn't reacted quickly and backed off quickly, he might have been seriously injured under the suppression of that momentum.

"It's a strong restraint." Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes.

He even sensed in an instant that this restriction, based on its momentum alone, was far more powerful than the 18 high-grade holy artifacts.

With his strength, it is impossible to shake this restriction, let alone approach it.

Xiao Yi frowned and looked at the cave in front of him.

The next second, swish... the figure flashed and came to the other side of the cave.

Before he entered the cave entrance, the first thing he saw was this huge cave.

But this area in the cave entrance is extremely huge, he hasn't fully looked at it.

Now, he wanted to see what else was in this area.

Not long after walking around, Xiao Yi's expression suddenly became serious.

He walked in from the entrance of the cave, and the first thing he saw was this huge cave.

But around the huge cave mansion, that is, the huge area within the cave entrance, there are other cave entrances on all sides.

Xiao Yi counted, 17 holes in total.

Counting the holes he walked into, there were exactly 18.

Of the 18 openings, except for the one he walked through, the other 17 were all golden.

At this moment, Xiao Yi stood in one of the holes.

Sure enough, it was full of golden light.

The ground is full of corpses, or clank of bones, or decayed corpses.

The traces on the body were exactly the same as the hole he had entered before.

In other words, there is more than one entrance into this Golden Light Forbidden Land in the entire Golden Light.

The golden light is dangerous, and there are more than one potholes that erupt golden light every night, but a whole eighteen.

Xiao Yi stood at the entrance of the cave and looked up. There was plenty of light in this golden cave entrance.

Looking up, compared to the hole he came in, this hole was not the height of a straight line at all, but was winding and twisting.

Xiao Yi frowned, just about to take a closer look, but suddenly his face changed drastically.


A wisp of wind blew by his side.

"The direction of the airflow has changed, and the eruption has turned into absorption." Xiao Yi's face changed drastically, "No, the sky is already bright."


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