Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1388: Gongsun Huowu blocking the way

The main mansion had already appeared, and Gu Lianxing walked slowly.

A group of warriors sitting cross-legged were also attracted by the main mansion.

To be precise, he was attracted by the seventeen dazzling objects in the main mansion.

"Appeared, Tianxingzhan, the high-grade sacred artifact in the forbidden area of ​​Tianxing."

It was not the first time for some warriors present to enter the Forbidden Land of Stars.

But every time I see these high-grade holy artifacts, I still feel shocked, and my eyes are still burning.

"It is these 17 Sky Stars that have allowed the starlight here to increase extremely."

"That is, 17 high-grade holy artifacts, the natural effects are terrifying."

Some warriors talked a lot.

Those scorching eyes stared at the 17 Sky Stars.

The 17 stars of the sky are shining with stars, and the streamer surrounds them, the beauty to the extreme, and the dazzling to the extreme.

In addition, it is extremely precious, a high-grade holy artifact that is hard to see even in the middle of the field.

Naturally, everyone stared intently.

"Tian Xing Zhan?" Among the warriors sitting cross-legged, Xiao Yi frowned.

That’s right, those 17 pieces of starlight look like a starlight lamp filled with stars in the sky.

It's just that Xiao Yi obviously felt a little familiar looking at these stars.

But he couldn't remember what it was for a while.

Xiao Yi stood up subconsciously and walked towards the main mansion, intending to get closer to see the truth.

After all, the main mansion is at the end of this square, and the 17 starlight objects are dazzling, no one can see it truly.

At this time, the surrounding warriors were still discussing enthusiastically.

"I heard that thousands of years ago, there were 18 stars in the main mansion."

"But then I don't know who killed a thousand knives and snatched one."

"Otherwise, the martial artists who are waiting for me to practice Starlight Together will have a stronger training effect in this Heavenly Star Cave Mansion."

"Not so much." Some warriors who entered the cave for the first time frowned and asked.

"Even if there were really 18 thousands of years ago."

"But there are 17 now, it's just one less, how much can it be?"

"Young man, you don't know this." Several old men said in a deep voice.

"The 18 stars of the sky, but around the main mansion stone altar, are self-restricted."

"There is one missing now, but it is not as simple as one missing. The entire prohibition cannot be formed."

"Then the main mansion ban is the real starlight circulation, and the power is amazing."

"I heard that the martial artist entered the Star Cave Mansion thousands of years ago, and his cultivation increased by nearly a thousand times."

"Now it is a hundredfold increase at most, and how much its effect has been weakened can be imagined."

There was a lot of discussion around the warriors.

Xiao Yi had stood up, passed a group of warriors, and headed towards the main mansion.

A pair of cold eyes stared directly at the Starlight in the main mansion.

Suddenly, a loud shout sounded.

"Little thief, what are you doing?" Gongsun Huowu shouted violently.

With a loud shout, the discussion around him stopped instantly, and he looked at Xiao Yi with a pair of surprised eyes.

Xiao Yi ignored it and walked on his own.

The strong man in the Star Mansion on the side frowned, "Young Master Xiao Yi, what do you want to do?"

"Except for our young palace master, outsiders cannot approach the main palace, please be careful."

The Star Palace powerhouse, although he was afraid of Xiao Yi's strength, his words were very clear.

Except Gu Lian Xing, outsiders are not allowed to enter or approach the main mansion.

Xiao Yi did not answer, but still walked by himself.

This move caused the strong man in the Star Mansion to frown instantly.

Gongsun Huowu, Ximen Guye and others were directly furious.

"Could it be that this little thief knows that the main mansion has the strongest amplification effect and wants to enter the main mansion." Gongsun Huowu snorted coldly.

The warriors around him also frowned.

"The main house is out, and the effect of the increase in the square has increased dramatically."

"In the main mansion, the effect is even more amazing. It is several times stronger than the effect in the square outside."

The main mansion, as a place to place the 17 heavenly stars, the amplification effect of natural cultivation is even stronger, reaching hundreds of times stronger.

"However, this is the forbidden area of ​​the Star Mansion after all; every time the Star Mansion is opened, it is a blessing to let me wait to come in and practice together."

"I have to covet the effects in the main mansion, but I'm greedy."

Several old men said displeasedly.

"Young Master Xiao Yi, stop here."

Xiao Yi still ignored it.

Gongsun Huowu was already furious, "Well, you Xiao Yi thief, this girl knows that you are absolutely uneasy and kind in following the Forbidden Land of Stars."

"Want to enter the Lord's Mansion? Huh, dream of your spring and autumn."

When the voice fell, Gongsun Huowu stepped forward and blocked the way.

The woman who called "Sister Yue" also sneered coldly, "Young Master Xiao Yi, it's better not to be such an excessive person."

"In the main mansion, the effect is amazing. It is Lian Xing's training ground."

"If you go in, you will have half the effect."

"If the forbidden area is opened without my Tianxing Mansion, can you come in?"

Ximen Guye also sneered coldly, "The so-called lack of human heart, the dignified Xiao Yi, is such a greedy person?"

"Greedy? Humph." Gongsun Huowu snorted coldly, "This guy is simply a white-eyed wolf."


Gongsun Huowu stood in front.

Xiao Yi's footsteps could only stop suddenly.

However, his face is as cold as ever.

"Girl Gongsun, can you still remember the warning you gave when you were outside the starlight?"

Xiao Yi's voice was very cold.

"Your mouth, if you say anything you don't like, I don't mind making you shut up forever."

The cold killing intent suddenly filled the cave mansion.

"You..." Gongsun Huowu was startled at first and panicked, but soon returned to his previous anger.

"Little thief, this girl is not afraid of you, you have the ability to kill me."

"My Tiansuo Mansion's strong, and Tianxing Mansion's strong, and Tiansha Mansion's strong, can't spare you."

"I'm really afraid of your Eighteenth House?" Xiao Yi sneered.

Between his fingers, a starlight sword aura condensed out.

Fingers are raised lightly, the speed is fast to the extreme.

Fingertips instantly came to Gongsun Huowu's throat.

Gongsun Huowu's pupils shrank, her face showing fear; but she still did not let go, but closed her eyes in fear.

With both hands, his body tremblingly blocked the way.


Xiao Yi's palm fell after all.

Gongsun Huowu could obviously feel the coldness around her neck and an abnormal smoothness.

"Get out of the way."

In Gongsun Huowu's ear, he only heard a cold voice, but he didn't feel any pain.

Under doubt, opened his eyes.

Xiao Yi just shook her palm slightly, shaking her away.

"Um." Gongsun Huowu was stunned and reacted. The smooth touch just now came from Xiao Yi's palm.

"The hand of this guy, Bai Ze is like a woman, smoother than a woman... No, this is not the time to think about it."

Gongsun Huowu reacted and was about to stop again.

However, Xiao Yi had already stepped into the main mansion.

Next to the stone altar of the main mansion, Gu Lianxing was startled, "Young Master Xiao Yi, you..."

Xiao Yi ignored it and looked at the 17 Sky Stars in front of him, his face was startled.

"Sure enough." Xiao Yi smiled, finally knowing why he felt familiar.

This starlight bulb looked exactly the same as his star magic bottle.


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