Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1397: Temporary solution

"Huh." Xiao Yi exhaled lightly.

Others always yelled ‘little thief’ and ‘little thief’, and he usually chose to ignore it.

But after listening too much, it will still be annoying.

Gongsun Huowu is too lazy to care about such stubborn girls.

But this does not mean that he has a good temper, especially the noisy words of a villain like Ximen Guye, which are even more harsh in his ears.

"Girl Lianxing." Xiao Yi looked at Gu Lianxing.

"I still have to go to experience, if you can trust me, you can follow me and leave."

Naturally, he still has to be busy practicing.

However, Gu Lian's starlight power would be exhausted for most days.

To continue Gu Lianxing's life, she can only follow temporarily.

"Young Master Xiao Yi is joking." Gu Lianxing smiled, "In these few months, I still have to have Young Master Xiao Yi."

"Let's go." Xiao Yi nodded, turned and left.

Gu Lianxing followed.

Ximen Guye, who was blown away, was shocked instantly, "Lianxing, no."

"The little thief Xiao Yi is notorious. He must be ill-intentioned."

Gu Xinyue said coldly, "Lian Xing, your daughter's family, alone with this kind of inferior, notorious person, will you not be afraid of insulting our Sky Star Mansion's reputation?"

Gu Lianxing paused in his footsteps, turned his head, and said seriously, "I don't believe that Young Master Xiao Yi is the kind of bad man in your mouth."

"Sister Yue went back and said to my father, Lian Xing can return to the Star Mansion in March."

After all, Gu Lianxing followed Xiao Yi's footsteps without looking back.

Gu Xinyue's face became cold, "Elders, why don't you stop?"

Xiao Yi instantly turned his head, staring at Gu Xinyue with indifferent eyes, "Don't talk nonsense, I will really kill."

The impatience and indifference on Xiao Yi's face proved that he was definitely not talking casually.

Xiao Yi turned his head and left.

Not long after, it has disappeared from the sight of everyone.

In the same place, Ximen Guye and Gu Xinyue, as well as the two powerhouses, did not dare to say anything.

"Damn it." Simon gritted his teeth after a long night, his face was full of anger.

"Lianxing, why do you treat me like this?"

"I am obedient to you in every possible way, but you are always not cold or cold."

"The little thief, Xiao Yi, just a word, you don't hesitate to follow him?"

Ximen Guye's fist was already clenched, his face was angry, and the veins of anger appeared.

Gu Xinyue's original ferocious color has long since faded away, replaced by a smug look on her face.

"Gu Ye, Lian Xing's heart is not on you."

"Even if you don't talk about this little thief Xiao Yi, Lian Xing has a marriage contract with Ye Liu who has been wandering all day long."

"Also, I heard from my father that Lian Xing has at most two months of life left, so why bother with her?"

"You are the Young Palace Master of the Tiansha Mansion, and the Eighteenth Mansion Tianjiao is ranked third, so many people admire you."

"Lianxing is ignorant, I..."

Gu Xinyue said triumphantly, but she hadn't finished her words.

Ximen Guye was suddenly furious, "You shut up, what do you know? Gu Xinyue, don't think I don't know what you are thinking."

"I advise you to get rid of that waiting as soon as possible. My Ximen Guye hasn't seen you so badly as to put it on you."

"Huh." Ximen Guye snorted coldly, turned and left.

"You..." Gu Xinyue's pretty face turned red for a moment, then turned black, her face ugly.


The star is far away.

Xiao Yi walked on his own, followed by Gu Lianxing beside him.

Two people, no, three people, and a Gongsun Huowu following.

"What are you doing with you?" Xiao Yi glanced at Gongsun Huowu.

"I want to follow." Gongsun Huowu blurted out, "In these three months, I will try my best to protect you two."

"Protect us?" Xiao Yi's face twitched.

Gu Lianxing hid his mouth and smiled.

"Lianxing, don't worry." Gongsun Huowu looked at Gu Lianxing seriously, "Although your illness is troublesome, I believe that there will be a solution after all."

"There must be a way." Gongsun Huowu's face was full of stubbornness.

Xiao Yi glanced.

This stubbornness, this is the second time he has seen it.

For the first time, within the cave mansion, Gongsun Huowu opened his hand and blocked the way of the main mansion.

At that time, she showed fear, but still stubbornly stopped.

Xiao Yi shook his head.

This Gongsun Huowu, except for the trouble with his mouth, was nothing else.

If she wants to follow, just follow.

Anyway, I have to bring Gu Lian Xing, it is not bad for one more person.

"Young Master Xiao Yi, where are you going to practice?" Gu Lianxing asked at this time.

"Go to the magic light dangerous place." Xiao Yi said directly.

"Illusive light dangerously?" Gu Lianxing was slightly puzzled, "Illusive light dangerously, on the other side of the magical light palace."

"It's a few areas away from our Tianxing area, and it's not near here."

The Magic Light Mansion is one of the six lights.

Six Lights, Water Light Mansion, Golden Light Mansion, Thunder Light Mansion, Jianguang Mansion, Blood Light Mansion, Magic Light Mansion.

In terms of distance, it is necessary to traverse a dozen or so regions outside of the starry sky before calculating the power of the starry mansion.

After that, across the spheres of influence of the 4 houses, adding up to a distance of about 50 regions.

"A trip to Illusory Light Mansion is to see if there is any way to warm up your martial soul." Xiao Yi replied.

"A few days ago, I checked the major dangerous places in the Eighteenth Mansion."

"There was a vision on the phantom light, and the phantom light was all over the sky."

"It is rumored that there happened to be a martial artist with a damaged spirit among them, and then he inexplicably repaired the spirit."

With Xiao Yi's cautiousness, since he planned to experience the dangerous places within the sphere of influence of the Eighteenth Mansion, he naturally investigated these eighteen dangerous places.

Originally, he was still thinking about how to heal Gu Lianxing.

Slowly leaving the starry place just now, he thought about it all the way, but he thought of the magic light place.

If he didn't guess wrong, within the phantom light, there must be cave manor forbidden areas such as the heavenly forbidden land or the golden light forbidden area.

Going to the magical place is not necessarily rewarding.

Gongsun Huowu smiled upon hearing this, "As long as the martial soul is repaired, Lian Xing will be saved?"

"No." Xiao Yi shook his head.

"I can continue my life for Lianxing Girl. To put it bluntly, I use my own starlight power to supplement the starlight power of her spirit and blood."

"But this approach can last at most for three months."

"After March, given her current martial arts and bloodline damage, she will surely die out."

"From here to the phantom light, it would be best if she could repair her martial soul; after that, if she could repair her bloodline power together."

"Girl Lianxing can at least continue her life for a few more years."

"But that's all there is. The conflict between the bloodline and the martial soul will not disappear for a day, and the two will continue to be damaged. For most years, they will return to the sky again.

"Several years." Gongsun Huowu gritted his teeth, "Also."

"Heh." Xiao Yi sneered, "This is just the best idea."

"Wuhun, following the martial artist is the most important thing; based on the damage of Lianxing Girl now, the chance of repairing is extremely slim."

"Anyway, do your best."


Fourth more.

After the update, at night.

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