Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1478: Which martial arts are missing?

"But..." Xiao Yi frowned.

"Since they are both in the holy emperor realm, they have to separate the martial arts power and the peerless power, so clearly."

"There is only one reason."

Xiao Yi frowned and looked at the two elders Yun Yuan, "The power gap between them is extremely huge."

"Smart." Elder Yun Yuan nodded.

The deacon drew a smile, "I said it a long time ago. Talking to smart people is indeed more worry-free and more pleasant."

"But I still don't understand." Xiao Yi asked bluntly.

"Don't understand what?" Elder Yun Yuan asked.

Xiao Yi sorted out his thoughts and said, "Controlling 9,100 complete martial arts is the pinnacle of the Holy Emperor Realm."

"Controlling 9501 Dao is the martial arts power."

"Controlling the 9990 Dao is a peerless power."

"There are hundreds of martial arts between these three, how can there be a huge difference in strength?"

Specially after the peak of the Holy Emperor Realm, it is divided into two titles of martial arts power and peerless power.

It proves that the strength gap between the three is extremely large, with extremely obvious differences.

However, you must know that the source of the strength of the martial artist after the Promise Realm is derived from the martial art of heaven and earth; the gap also lies in how much he controls the martial art of heaven and earth.

In the Holy King Realm, every difference between them is 100 complete martial arts.

It is these 100 complete martial arts, so that there is a difference in the Saint King Realm, which is equivalent to a spike.

In the Holy Emperor Realm, he controlled a thousand martial arts and stepped into the Holy Emperor Realm; then, every time he controlled a thousand, his cultivation level was increased by one level.

In other words, in the holy emperor realm, for every difference in the cultivation base, the complete martial arts under his control differed by 1,000, which is undoubtedly even greater.

One level with the holy emperor realm, control a thousand martial arts; to the second level of the holy emperor realm, you can control 2,000 complete martial arts; the three-level holy emperor realm, three thousand complete martial arts...

After arriving at the Ninth Level of the Holy Emperor Realm, according to the division, they control nine thousand complete martial arts.

But after this, the peak of the Holy Emperor Realm, the powerful martial arts, and the peerless powerhouse, among the three, there are only a few hundred martial arts.

When Elder Yun Yuan heard the words, he understood Xiao Yi's meaning, smiled, and asked, "You should have fought against both the peak of the Holy Emperor Realm and the martial arts power level."

"You should also know how huge the gap between them is."

"Of course." Xiao Yi nodded.

He has fought against martial artists at the peak of the Holy Emperor Realm and the martial arts power level.

Such as the great elder of the Heavenly Underworld Palace, he controls nine thousand three hundred complete martial arts.

Although he has not reached the level of martial arts power, he is clearly a leader in the peak of the Saint Emperor.

The level of martial arts power is like the Great Elder of the Northern Yinzong, who controls more than nine thousand five hundred complete martial arts.

Xiao Yi had fought against the two, and it was even certain that if the two had fought, the Great Elder of the Northern Yin Sect could almost kill the Great Elder of the Heavenly Underworld Palace.

This is the gap between the martial arts power and the peak of the holy emperor realm.

However, the real martial arts gap between the two is only about two hundred complete martial arts. ‘

A mere two hundred complete martial arts are nothing at all in the holy emperor realm, where there are thousands of complete martial arts.

On the other hand, Xiao Yi is sure that these divisions will never be a problem.

The cultivation system of Yanlong Continent had developed to its peak in ancient times and was almost perfect.

Not to mention today, thousands of years later.

Xiao Yi frowned.

Deacon Taboo smiled and said, "I thought, you have such a strength now, you shouldn't have these questions or doubts."

"Oh?" Xiao Yi looked at Deacon Taboo suspiciously.

Elder Yun Yuan smiled, "How much do you actually use martial arts to measure the difference in strength? Boy, you are not one of those fools and rookies."

"Didn't you know the difference between pure superposition and fusion of martial arts?"

"The difference between superposition and fusion?" Xiao Yi heard this, and his eyes lit up instantly.

"Remember it?" Elder Yun Yuan smiled. "Compared with the complete martial arts stored in a messy small world, and the integrated martial arts, the strength gap between the two is naturally huge."

Xiao Yi's face appeared in a daze, "Yes, after the martial artist is in the holy realm, he has long been walking a martial art that belongs to him only."

The deacon Yu answered, "The martial arts power, why is the martial arts power? It is because in this aspect of martial arts, they are already powerful."

"How many complete martial arts have more than nine thousand five hundred, and how rich is the martial arts knowledge they control?"

"These characters, you can imagine that even if they have nine thousand five hundred complete martial arts, they can't fully integrate; but how perfect the martial arts they themselves should be."

"As for the peerless strong, that is even more terrifying."

"9990 complete martial arts, as you can imagine, they have already walked a very long distance in their own martial arts."

"So they can have the title of peerless, looking at the world, they are invincible."

"I understand." Xiao Yi nodded suddenly.

It seems that only a few hundred complete martial arts are separated.

But in fact, the martial arts that the three of them have perfected are not at the same level at all.

At that point, the martial art that belongs to oneself is already very high; every difference, every fusion, may be a difference in strength.

Take him Xiao Yi himself.

He is the nine-fold cultivation base of the Saint King Realm, and he controls more than 900 complete martial arts.

But among them, what really belongs to kendo is only about half.

The remaining half belonged to the flame category.

And that half of kendo martial arts is his own perfect kendo and his kendo strength.

It is conceivable that among the 9990 complete martial arts of peerless powerhouses, how many kendo martial artists exist and how much they are integrated.

Take sword repair as an example, the sword repair of the peerless strong level, its own perfect kendo has been quite amazing; the strength of kendo is self-evident.

The same is true of other warriors.

"The palace master of the Eighteenth House is a peerless powerhouse, right?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Yes." Elder Yun Yuan nodded, "Palace Master of the Eighteenth Mansion, the two Sect Masters of Qi Zong Qi Sect in the sword domain, as well as Family Master Lin and others, are all peerless powers."

"Both?" Xiao Yi frowned, "but I feel that Patriarch Lin's breath far exceeds that of the two suzerains."

"That's natural." Elder Yun Yuan replied, "Patriarch Lin, but a peerless swordsman who controls 9,998 complete martial arts."

"The two suzerains hover around 9,995 at best."

"After the peerless strongman, every time a complete martial arts is missing, the difference in strength far exceeds the gap between the peerless strongman and the martial arts power."

"That's a bigger gap."

"Is only one short, so the gap is so big?" Xiao Yi frowned, "If I guessed right, after reaching ten thousand martial arts, the martial artist will step into a new realm."

"Yes, but that's not what you should think about now." Deacon Taboo's face suddenly became stern.

Xiao Yi didn't care, and continued to ask, "After the peerless powerhouse, there are only 10 complete martial arts to the next level."

"Why not break through as soon as possible? It shouldn't be difficult to learn about 10 complete martial arts."

Take Xiao Yi himself, he can comprehend a hundred complete martial arts in one month.

The two smiled inexplicably, "Yes, it is not difficult to comprehend. There are only 10 complete martial arts."

"But, do you know which 10 martial arts you miss?"

"What?" Xiao Yi's face changed suddenly upon hearing this.


Second more.

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