Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1503: Guardian at the End


But for a moment, Xiao Yi has spanned hundreds of miles and completely opened the distance from Zhuan Wanzong.

"No, **** it." Zhuo Wanzong's expression changed.

Just about to catch up quickly, two thousand sword shadows came mysteriously.

Suddenly, the pressure on Table Ten Thousands increased greatly, and he could only resist with all his strength, let alone catch up with Xiao Yi.

"Damn it, he ran away." Zhuo Wanzong's face was angry.

"Lin Zifeng, if you hadn't talked so much, wouldn't you let this little thief run away."

"When you get out, you don't want me to give up."

"Huh? Just let it go?" Lin Zifeng sneered, "Maybe I asked you to settle the account?"

"That said, put away your thoughts."

"Your methods are just a joke in front of Brother Xiao Yi."

"You..." Zhuo Wanzong gritted his teeth, "Hmph, even if you don't mention Xiao Yi, why do you settle accounts with me?"

"What do you mean?" Lin Zifeng said coldly.

"In your opinion, borrowing the strength of others to pass the test with ease is something worthy of pride?"

"If this happens, I am afraid that swordsmen in the sword domain will be ashamed of you."

"If our sword domain's prestige is damaged by this, we will wait for my Lin family to find you to settle the account."

"Humph." Lin Zifeng said, with a cold snort.

The figure flashed, opened the distance from Table Wanzong, and rushed into the formation.

On the spot, Wan Zong's face twitched.

In his impression, Lin Zifeng has always been a person of good-natured character and not fond of words.

Today, he is repeatedly angry, even threatening.

"Xiao Yi, it's no wonder everyone calls you a little thief, you really have some ability." Zhuo Wanzong's eyes were dark.

"Even the first arrogant of my sword domain was blinded by your rhetoric."

A hint of resentment flashed in the eyes of Zhuo Wanzong.


the other side.

Xiao Yi had reached a distance of three thousand miles in a short time.

After offering the Leng Yan Sword, his speed in rushing through the formation has indeed increased greatly.

As a result, the Leng Yan sword in the sword domain really has the characteristics of being subdued by Wanjian.

This point was discovered by Xiao Yi when he was fighting Six Swordsman.

In the first battle at that time, Xiao Yi stabbed a person with a sword, and one of the six sword servants was immediately suppressed.

Although I don't know why the Leng Yan sword has such an effect.

However, the Leng Yan sword was regarded as the sacred item of the sword domain, since it was not an ordinary weapon of magic.

On the other hand, Xiao Yi had only relied on his sword energy to fight before.

Nowadays, with the sword in his hands, his strength has greatly increased.

A sword repairer, with a sword in his hand, and without a sword, are very different.

锵... 锵... 锵...

Three thousand sharp swords attacked at the same time.

Xiao Yi clashed with swords.

Three thousand magic weapons, when approaching one meter away from Leng Yanjian, all their power was greatly reduced.

This kind of effect, if in ordinary battle, the effect is not too big.

But within this sword formation, the effect is great.

After all, the strength of this sword formation comes from tens of thousands of magic weapons.

In other words, the strength of the sword formation comes from the strength of these swords.

The power of these swords weakened, and naturally, the power of the sword array that struck Xiao Yi was also greatly weakened.

On the other hand, if it is against a normal warrior.

The sword in the hand of the warrior is only part of the source of strength.

The real source of strength is oneself.

Naturally, the two are very different.

Xiao Yi held the Leng Yan sword at this time, and moved forward in this sword formation, like a fish in water.

An hour later.

Xiao Yi has come to a distance of five thousand miles.

At this time, 5,000 magic weapons were already attacking him.

In contrast, the Yuan Li gift he received has already been 4999 copies.

"The power of the small world is full." Xiao Yi's face was full of joy.


Xiao Yi's figure flashed and walked forward again.

When he reached the distance of five thousand and one li, the magic weapon attacked on him reached five thousand and one.

And the gift of Yuanli he received was already 5000 copies.


In the small world, the original energy that was already full disappeared instantly.

He naturally knew what was about to happen, and he couldn't help grinning from the corner of his mouth.


Ten minutes later.

Xiao Yi moved forward to the range of 6,000 miles.


In the small world, there was a roar.

The vitality of the entire small world that had been dissipated was not really dissipated.

It turned into a solid elemental force.

The iceberg and fire, which had disappeared for a long time, condensed and appeared again.

"Ice mountains and fire, it's been a long time." Xiao Yi smiled.

Xiao Yi looked into the distance.

Here, from the end of the second floor, obviously there is still far.

Originally, he thought that when he reached the end, the small world could be filled, which was a great reward.

Unexpectedly, now that I have only reached a distance of six thousand miles, the small world is full, and even the iceberg and fire are reunited.

It is conceivable that the 6,000 cents of Yuanli gift he received is so huge.


An hour later.

Xiao Yi came thousands of miles away.

In the body, the iceberg and the sea of ​​fire have completely consolidated.

The sea of ​​ice and fire, which were originally only 3,333 feet each, is now expanding.

When the icebergs and flames filled his entire small world, he would be able to break through the Holy Emperor Realm.

Of course, this is still not weak compared to his huge and small world that has already passed by.



After a long time, Xiao Yi came to a distance of 20,000 miles.

At this time, the magic weapon that hit him has reached 20,000.

The densely packed sword shadows are astonishing.

Xiao Yi couldn't help swallowing.

Fortunately, these are just swords and no one controls them.

Otherwise, he is not sure to break through this sword formation.

However, it was almost the moment his thoughts appeared...


The attacking magic weapon suddenly increased in power.

Although still under the suppression of Leng Yanjian, the power has also increased a lot compared to before.

"The power has increased?" Xiao Yi frowned.

Moreover, how did he feel that among these magic weapons, there seemed to be a hint of purple lightning.

Xiao Yi didn't think much.

The remaining distance is probably more than 10,000 miles.

The more we move forward, the number of magic weapons continues to increase, and the difficulty soars.

But at the same time, Xiao Yi's strength is also increasing.

In particular, the reappearance of the iceberg and the sea of ​​flames undoubtedly greatly increased his strength.

Before his strength, with the blessing of sword power, he has surpassed the martial arts power.

At this moment, coupled with the explosion of the iceberg and the sea of ​​fire.

His strength has entered the ranks of peerless powerhouses.


one day later.

Whoosh... Xiao Yi's figure flashed, and finally came out of the sword formation and came to the end of the second floor.

"Huh." Xiao Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

Without the strength of a peerless powerhouse, I would never have thought of this sword formation.

Fortunately, the reappearance of the iceberg and the sea of ​​flames allowed him to show his strength, after all, he passed this sword formation.

And what surprised him most was the small world inside his body.

At this time, the huge small world far exceeding ten thousand feet has been completely covered by the sea of ​​iceberg and fire.

Now he can break through the Holy Emperor Realm with just one thought.

Xiao Yi looked happy.

Originally, he still left a lot of spiritual veins in the Universe Ring, intending to keep the impact on the Holy Emperor Realm.

Now, it's saved.

"The end of the second floor." Xiao Yi looked forward, and the end of the second floor was also a barrier.

Whoosh... At this moment, an evil figure appeared out of thin air.

"Brother Lin?" Xiao Yi was stunned.

"Hahahaha." Lin Ye smiled, "As expected of Brother Xiao, he can easily break through the sword formation like this."

"Excuse me." Xiao Yi handed his hands, "How come Brother Lin is here?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you." Lin Ye smiled, "I am the guardian at the end of this second floor."

"Um..." Xiao Yi was taken aback for a moment, then gave a wry smile, "Brother Lin is embarrassing me?"


Third more.

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