Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1505: Lin Ye's Kendo

Xiao Yi looked straight at Lin Ye, with an overwhelming momentum.

Lin Ye narrowed her eyes and nodded, "Okay."

"Even though I know that Brother Xiao, this is an aggressive method, since you have such a high opinion of Ding Qiuyue, I will make an exception for her."

"Then your bet is said, it's mine." Lin Ye smiled.

"If you lose, you will stay in this sword emperor monument and accompany me to clean up for a hundred years."

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned instantly.

Lin Ye smiled playfully, "Everyone thinks that my generation of swordsman dragons has never seen the end, and has not been traced for many years."

"In fact, the Lin family is the guardian family of the sword emperor stele, and I am the highest-ranking and strongest person in the Lin family, so I have always been in the sword emperor stele."

"The sword emperor stele has only been opened for decades."

"However, there are only a few people who can come to the second floor each time."

"Even if you come to the second floor, there is no one who can pass the array of ten thousand swords."

"It is possible that no one has come to me for several sessions."

"A hundred years of loneliness, or even longer, if there is someone to accompany you, it would be nice."

Lin Yexie smiled and looked straight at Xiao Yi.

"This..." Xiao Yi also hesitated at this time.

It is not an ordinary bet to accompany Qingxiu for a hundred years.

Even more, this bet is a bit big.

For the few years that Xiao Yi has lived, a hundred years is an extremely long period of time.

"Brother Lin, your bet seems to be big..."

Lin Ye interrupted, "I only ask you, dare you dare."

Lin Ye suddenly gave a cold cry.

Xiao Yi couldn't help laughing wryly when he heard the words.

Just now he was so violent for Lin Ye, but he didn't expect that Lin Ye would also treat him with his own way.

"All right." Xiao Yi nodded.

"Okay, then it's settled." Lin Ye smiled.

"If you win, I will make an exception for Ding Qiuyue to comprehend the Sword Emperor Monument."

"If you lose, stay in this sword emperor stele space and repair for a hundred years."

When the voice fell, Lin Ye shot instantly.

Lin Ye has suppressed her own strength, at the same level as Xiao Yi.

Therefore, it is a fair fight between the two, and there is no one to care about first.


The cold sword in Xiao Yi's hand shook, and he strode out.

The confrontation between the two started instantly.

The two swords collided instantly, but they were tied at the moment they fought.

The two swords screamed constantly, and the sharp sword aura was extremely harsh.

Two pairs of the same jealous eyes, looking at each other at close range.

One pair, unruly and evil.

One pair, jealous and cold.

The two will not give in to each other.

"Jie Jie." Lin Yeyin smiled, "Brother Xiao, don't worry, a hundred years will pass."

Xiao Yiyi was not afraid, and sneered, "Just make an exception, I think Brother Lin is ready."

The two words are equally diametrically opposed.


A clang.

The two sharp swords were separated, and the two took a few steps back.

锵... 锵... 锵...

Suddenly, with the two as the center, the sword energy is vertical and horizontal, surging continuously.

Almost within a few seconds, the two had already fought with no fewer than dozens of swords.

Zidian, Leng Yan, struggling vertically and horizontally.


The two slammed their swords in both hands and made a heavy blow.

Similarly, the two were blasted back.

Xiao Yi was full of fighting spirit.

Lin Ye's eyes narrowed, "It seems that if you want to defeat Brother Xiao you at the same level of strength, you have to waste more effort."

"Shang Yue."

Lin Ye's eyes became cold, and the purple lightning in his hand suddenly made an arc in the air.

Xiao Yi frowned and told him instinctively that this sword was definitely not waiting.


The moment the arc fell, Lin Ye's figure suddenly disappeared in place.

That speed is more than several times faster than before.

Xiao Yi's expression changed, and the Leng Yan sword in his hand drew several sword flowers, blocking him.

However, Zidian's speed still far exceeds Xiao Yi's speed.

Almost the moment when Xiao Yi Jianhua struck it, a purple lightning flashed.

The sword flower shattered suddenly.

"Brother Xiao, you are defeated." Lin Ye sneered, Zidian Hangong pointed directly at Xiao Yi's throat.

However, Lin Ye obviously underestimated Xiao Yi's reaction speed.

A sneer crossed the corner of Xiao Yi's mouth, and he stepped back lightly, avoiding the sharp edge of Zidian easily.

However, at this moment, Lin Ye's figure suddenly disappeared in place.


When he appeared again, he had become two phantoms.

Phantom, both left and right attacked at the same time; two purple electric lights, easily blocked all Xiao Yi's escape route.

"What an exquisite swordsmanship." Xiao Yi's face was startled.

Before Xiao Yi could be surprised, two Lin Ye's "phantoms" had already attacked.

Xiao Yi closed his eyes and opened them instantly.


The Leng Yan sword in his hand suddenly turned into a wind of dying.

The wind is reaching its extreme.

Under that extreme, it seemed to give birth to a touch of annihilation.

Xiao Yi flashed past, Leng Yanjian, shocked.

The two phantoms instantly collapsed under Xiao Yi's sword of extinguishment.

"Jiankong Jiandao?" Lin Yejian's move was broken, but he was happy.

"I know this guy, one of the most powerful swordsmen among the ancestors of Wind Brave Palace."

"With the help of the wind, after adding it to the kendo, he went to the extreme, realized the solitary sky kendo, and has shocked the sky since then."

Xiao Yi smiled.

Lin Ye, an old monster who has lived for a long time, naturally knows many secrets.

"However, you can't beat me with Jikong Jiandao alone." Lin Ye sneered.

Xiao Yi's face was stern.

In fact, he didn't underestimate the battle against Lin Ye.

Even if Lin Ye was in a state of suppressing strength.

For a truly strong man, there are definitely many unexpected methods on hand.

Not to mention Lin Ye, the ‘old monster’ who has lived for a long time, God knows how many terrifying methods he has in his hands.

Take the ‘Shang Yue’ just now, its sophistication almost surpassed the ninety-nine percent of the sword skills Xiao Yi had seen.

Therefore, although Lin Ye suppressed his strength at the level of martial arts power, his real explosive power definitely far exceeded this point.

Xiao Yi even preferred to choose a normal peerless sword repairer to fight, rather than fight Lin Ye.


With a cold sword in Xiao Yi's hand, stars suddenly appeared.

Xiao Yi didn't dare to be half-hearted.

Lin Ye glanced at it and sneered, "Star Fantasy Swordsmanship?"

"Brother Xiao, in fact, I also cultivate this way."

"Although he is not a major, he is equally proficient."

The voice fell.

"Night eclipse."

The purple lightning in Lin Ye's hand suddenly rose to the sky.


Countless stars suddenly added themselves to Zidian.

The starlight fell, but it did not shine like Xiao Yi's starlight, but turned into a burst of black light.

The black light pouring like stars, like water like tides, but even more amazing.

This is no longer a mere fantasy swordsmanship.

It was a method derived from Star Fantasy Kendo being merged into his own Kendo by Lin Ye.


The black light turned into a long river, rushing out in an instant, surrounding Xiao Yi three meters away, impenetrable.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi's face changed suddenly.

He clearly perceives that there is a shocking sword in this long black river.

In terms of power, it might be several times stronger than his Star Fantasy Swordsmanship.

"A strong kendo." Xiao Yi's expression changed.


Second more.

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