Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1513: Sword Emperor Origin

Sword Emperor Monument, the end of the first layer of space.

More than 13 days have passed since the space of the Sword Emperor Monument opened.

In other words, there are less than two days before the space of the Sword Emperor Monument will be closed.

And so far, there are still only a hundred people who came to the end of Jian Xiu.

Moreover, all of these more than one hundred sword repairs stopped at the barrier at the end.

"Hey." Yue Tian shook his head and sighed.

"The last step, I still can't step out; the last sword, I still can't comprehend it."

Yue Tian's face was full of grief.

Ding Qiuyue had a calm face, just sitting cross-legged.

Yue Tian glanced at it and nodded frequently, "As expected of the person who the domain master strongly praised."

"Jianxin is so pure, not happy with things, not sad with oneself."

"It's a pity that you are innocent and simple, how can you understand the ups and downs of the sword stele master's life."

"However, decades later, when you really grow up, I believe this sword emperor monument space will no longer be able to stop you."

Ding Qiuyue smiled upon hearing this, "Thank you Brother Yue Tian."

Not far away, Feng Ji suddenly opened his eyes, apparently waking up from his comprehension.

"Huh, the wording of waste is nothing."

"If you have trouble, you can't make it, what can I say?"

Yue Tian frowned and sneered, "Are you going to get by again? Let's take care of yourself first..."

Yue Tian has not finished speaking.

Feng Ji suddenly took a step forward and struck out with a sword.

The barrier ahead suddenly cracked.

"Hahahaha." Feng Ji laughed triumphantly, "Do you think that only Xiao Yi's trash can pass?"

"My son is the Young Master of Jianguang Mansion, this mere barrier can't stop me."

When the voice fell, Feng Ji's figure flashed and entered the barrier.

In the second space.

Feng Ji's figure appeared out of thin air.

"This is the second level of the Sword Emperor Monument?" Feng Ji glanced around.

"Lin Zifeng and Table Wanzong?" Feng Ji suddenly noticed two figures sitting cross-legged not far away.

It was Lin Zifeng and Table Wanzong who were driven back to the starting point by Lin Ye.

"Two." Feng Ji lowered his posture and came to the two of them.

"What is the test of this second layer of space?"

Feng Ji asked.

However, Lin Zifeng and the two obviously fell into a state of enlightenment and did not answer.

Feng Ji frowned, a trace of displeasure flashed across his face.


At the third level.

"Great Freedom Kendo...Great Freedom Kendo..."

Jian Ling muttered to himself, a little lost.

Xiao Yi smiled triumphantly. The battle was over and he had won.

In fact, he should have thought of Da Zizai Kendo long ago.

It's just that, at first, he was bluffed by the title of "Swordsman One Emperor".

Until he used the means of "Breaking Dawn Promise".

Although the sword spirit uses the same swordsmanship as him, it obviously doesn't use the method of ‘breaking dawn’.

Xiao Yicai suddenly reacted, Sword Emperor is indeed a stunning talent, but this does not mean that he controls all martial arts.

Only Valkyrie can control all martial arts.

Of course, Xiao Yi didn't immediately think of Da Zizai Kendo either.

After all, Da Zi Zai Kendo is far from complete.

He didn't think of it until the last moment.

And obviously, he was right.

Even this Sword Emperor, the Sword Emperor who controls almost all Swordsmanship in the world, does not have ‘Great Free Swordsmanship’.

Naturally, the stele spirit in this sword emperor stele could not be controlled.

The third level of test is kendo.

The sword spirit could not condense the same sword aura or the sword of kendo to confront Xiao Yi.

Naturally, the sword spirit lost without a fight.

"Sword Spirit, you are defeated." Xiao Yi looked straight at Sword Spirit.

Sword Spirit nodded intricately, "I am the one who lost. Da Free Swordsmanship is the world's first Swordsmanship."

"You can comprehend it and prove your kendo talent. No one in the world can match it."

"Finally, leave the inheritance of the master to you."

Xiao Yi frowned upon hearing this.

The sword spirit, as the stele spirit of the sword emperor, has only one master in his mouth, it is the sword emperor.

"Come with me." Jian Ling interrupted Xiao Yi's thoughts.

Xiao Yi nodded.

Under the leadership of Jian Ling, Xiao Yi came to the end of the space.

Around him, the ray of kendo that was originally dense has dissipated.

In front of me, a group of ‘spherical’ lights floated quietly.

"This is?" Xiao Yi frowned.

The light in front of him was somewhat like the light group he had seen in those dangerous places in the Eighteenth Mansion.

It's just that the aura exuded by the ‘light group’ in front of him is more ancient and even more amazing.

In the past in the Eighteenth Mansion, whether it was the golden light, the phantom light, the blood light, etc., the light group in the cave just made Xiao Yi feel scared.

But now, Xiao Yi looked at this ‘light group’ as if he saw a vast world.

Xiao Yi didn't know how to describe it.

I just feel that the ‘light group’ in front of me is the universe.

"Hiss." Xiao Yi retracted his gaze, and couldn't help taking a breath.

Sword Spirit smiled and said, "This is the origin of the Sword Emperor."

"The origin of the sword emperor?" Xiao Yi was stunned, with doubts on his face.

Sword Spirit said solemnly, "You should have heard that the sword emperor monument is the sword emperor who was born after sitting."

"The sword emperor stele was born from the sword emperor's sitting, naturally, the original strength of the sword emperor also remained in the sword emperor stele."

"Sword Emperor's original strength?" Xiao Yi's expression was startled, and he quickly let out his perception.

Feel the moment of release.

The whole world changed suddenly.

The scene in his mind was exactly the same as when he felt the sword power before.

In the huge sword domain, countless sword powers rushed to the sword emperor monument from all directions.

At the Sword Emperor Monument, countless sword powers flooded into all directions within the sword domain.

Today, Xiao Yi's perception is even clearer.

Countless sword power is pouring into this light group from all directions.

In other words, the place where countless sword powers in the sword domain really flocked is not the simple sword emperor monument, but this group of original strength.

on the other hand…

Xiao Yi's face was shocked, "Could it be said that the reason why the sword domain has such a peculiar power is because of the existence of the Sword Emperor?"

"Not bad." Jian Ling nodded.

"Hiss." Xiao Yi took a deep breath again.

"The Sword Emperor has been dead for countless years, and the trace of origin left behind can actually shake the entire huge area?"

"In my previous perception, although sword power is a peculiar power, it does not belong to the power of heaven and earth, but its martial arts are clearly integrated into the rules of heaven and earth within the sword domain."

"A simple touch of the origin can disrupt the rules of heaven and earth?"

"Hahahaha." Jian Ling laughed a few times.

"Boy, didn't I tell you earlier? Do you know what kind of character the Sword Emperor is?"

"When my master didn't fall, he could suppress the mainland by one person, and make him stronger."

"Even if it falls between the heavens and the earth, how difficult is it to disturb or even ignore the rules of a region of heaven and earth?"

"Gu." Xiao Yi swallowed and looked directly at the'Sword Emperor Origin', "This thing is the real opportunity for the Sword Emperor Monument?"

"Not bad." Jian Ling nodded.

"Give it to me?" Xiao Yi asked.

"You don't need to." Jian Ling said directly.


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