Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1522: Treacherous battle

Zhuo Wanzong looked at Xiao Yi coldly.

Jian Xiu around him was equally cold-eyed, but there was still jealousy and resentment.

Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes.

"Little thief, do you dare?" Zhuo Wanzong said coldly.

"I'm not interested in wasting time with you while waiting for the sword repairman."

"Within ten breaths, don't nod, don't blame me for waiting."

Xiao Yi said nothing.

But within these ten breaths, he obviously became a target for everyone present.

He was silent, and no one was speaking around.

The entire Ten Thousand Sword Stele Forest suddenly became quiet and silent.

However, in this silence, there is an unusually heavy breath.

It was so heavy that in this silence, you could easily hear the breathing of all sword repairmen present.

In that sound of breathing, there was enthusiasm and momentum ready to go.

Obviously, a group of sword repairers will take action without hesitation.

The soaring sword intent has already stirred the situation.

Ten breaths of time passed in a flash.

"Little Thief Xiao Yi, ten breaths have passed." Zhuo Wanzong sneered.

Xiao Yi finally opened his mouth, "Taiwan Wanzong, it seems that I underestimated you before."

"Search, or perception, impossible."

"If you believe that the origin of the sword emperor is indeed on me, you can just take it."

Xiao Yi sneered and looked around Jian Xiu.

Jian Xiu was around, he hesitated suddenly.

After all, no one can be sure that the origin of the Sword Emperor is indeed on Xiao Yi.

If it is only doubtful, it is undoubtedly an unwise choice to fight Xiao Yi and even the two pinnacle sword repairmen behind Xiao Yi.

Upon seeing this, Zhuo Wanzong frowned tightly.

What he can say has already been said.

He has also succeeded in making Xiao Yi a target of public criticism.

But if Tianxia Sword Repair couldn't make a move, he wouldn't do anything.

At this time, Xiao Yi sneered, "I only give you ten breaths time, either to shoot or to let go."

"But let me remind you."

"Don't be used as a gun, otherwise, you will die very meaningless."

Xiao Yi's words were very light, but they were enough to make people feel his cold killing intent.

Beside, Elder Yun Yuan and Deacon Taboo nodded in satisfaction.

Although they don't know whether the ‘fact’ is as true as Zhuo Wanzong said.

But Xiao Yi's actions at the moment were enough to make them extremely satisfied.

A few words, no explanation, only lightly tough, but already able to frighten the major sword repairmen, making all the sword repairmen present hesitate.

This is the gap between Xiao Yi and Zhuo Wanzong.

No matter how Zhuo Wanzong provocatively provokes and vowed, it is not as good as Xiao Yi's few words.

"Ten breaths have passed." Xiao Yi smiled coldly.

"Two seniors, let's go."

"Slow." At this moment, Sect Master Qi gave a cold cry.

"What?" Xiao Yi was not afraid.

"If Sect Master Qi wants to fight, he will accompany him."

"Heh." Sect Master Qizong stood with his hand in his hand and smiled inexplicably.

"What a Xiao Yi, really courageous to know others."

"It's no wonder that your name, Xiao Yi, the little thief, can spread throughout the middle area in a short time. It is so fierce that it even surpasses the limelight of many famous and powerful people."

"It really is a great evildoer."

Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes when he heard the words.

Sect Master Qizong verbally praised.

But Xiao Yi's intuition told him that the Sect Master of Qi at this moment seemed to be full of confidence.


Sect Master Qi sneered, "Xiao Yi, you are indeed amazing."

"With just a few words, I was shocked by the sword repairs present, and my mind was really amazing."

"It's a pity that you can fool others, but you can't fool the strong in our sword domain."

Sect Master Qizong said, his eyes moved away from Xiao Yi, and he turned to look at the old Sect Master Qizong and Lin Xiao.

"Yes, the city lord, and the old master of the Qizong."

Sect Master Qi's words are somewhat inexplicable.

However, Lin Xiao and the old Sect Master of Qi Zong nodded solemnly.

Xiao Yi frowned, not knowing why.

Sect Master Qi Sect sneered, "Xiao Yi, have you forgotten, Lin family members, but they are the guardians of the sword emperor's bloodline."

"Have you forgotten again, my second martial artist has been in this sword domain for countless years."

"We cultivate sword power and are extremely sensitive to sword power."

"At the same time, he is extremely sensitive to the Sword Emperor Monument."

"Huh?" Xiao Yi's face changed suddenly, and he reacted instantly.

He finally understood where Sect Master Qi's confidence came from.

Sect Master Qi Sect said the answer, "After the Sword Emperor Monument was closed, at first, I did not have much feeling with the old Sect Master and City Master Lin."

"But now, I clearly feel that the power of the Sword Emperor Monument is gradually weakening."

"There can only be one reason."

"That is the origin of the sword emperor has been taken away."

These three are the three powerhouses in the sword domain, and they naturally know the secrets of the sword domain and the origin of the sword emperor.

Sect Master Qi continued, "Zifeng and Wanzong have never entered the third layer, it is impossible to get the origin of the sword emperor."

"You alone have entered the third floor."

"Now the power of the sword emperor stele is gradually weakening, proving that the origin of the sword emperor is indeed on you."

Sect Master Qizong's voice fell, and no more words.

However, there is no hesitation for all the major sword repairs present.

Xiao Yi's heart was also sudden.

Yes, he forgot, the three powerhouses in the Sword Region, whose sword power is overwhelming, must be extremely sensitive to the Sword Emperor Monument.

When the Sword Emperor Stele was closed at the beginning, it would not be too obvious.

If there was no table Wanzong messing around here, he would have left Wanjian Stele Forest.

Now, after being delayed by the table Wanzong for a long time, the change of the sword emperor stele was perceived by the Qizong master and others.

"Boy, Sword Emperor Origin, really you took it?" At this moment, the two elders Yun Yuan, who had been silent, asked in a deep voice.

In the tone, there is not half nervousness, some are just expectation and surprise.

Xiao Yi nodded.

He knew that there was no need to hide it now.

What a powerhouse at the level of Sect Master Qi has determined is equivalent to facts, and no amount of words and explanations are useful.

Of course, Xiao Yi planned to inform the two elders Yun Yuan after leaving the Forest of Ten Thousand Sword Tablets.

Now that there is no need to conceal it, Elder Yun Yuan asked them, and he directly admitted.

Seeing Xiao Yi nodding, the joy on the faces of the two Elder Yun Yuan soared to the extreme in an instant.

"Hahahaha, good, very good." The two elders Yun Yuan showed such a strong joy for the first time.

"Not only did you defeat the old monster Lin Ye, but you also got the Sword Emperor's origins. It's amazing, really amazing."

"I said it a long time ago, you kid can always surprise people and never disappoint."

"good very good."

The two Elder Yun Yuan said ‘very good’ several times.

"Can you still laugh?" Sect Master Qi's face turned black and then sneered.

"Really there is no one in my sword field, and there is nothing to be seen by sword repair in the sky?"


Almost for an instant, countless powerful auras rushed towards the three of Xiao Yi.

Feeling this amazing breath, Xiao Yi's face changed.

"Damn, all breakthroughs." Xiao Yi's expression was a little ugly.

Yes, almost all of the major sword repairs on the scene broke through.

The cultivation base is a higher level than before the grand event began.

This battle is bound to be more fierce and dangerous than the siege before the event.


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