Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1531: Stepped on

"Why didn't I notice it?" Xiao Yi frowned and asked.

Normally, since it is a bottleneck in the kendo, sword repair should probably have a sign before encountering it.

Such as the martial artist's cultivation base, after reaching the 9th level, it will probably herald the bottleneck at the peak.

The same goes for Kendo, but Xiao Yi obviously didn't notice this so-called ‘Road to Kill’.

This proves that the kendo bottleneck of the "Road of Killing" is definitely not something he should encounter at the current level, and it should be a bottleneck at the very late level.

Elder Yun Yuan seemed to see what Xiao Yi was thinking, and said, "Normally, this bottleneck is far from what you can encounter."

"Don't say you are the peak of the Saint King Realm, even the peak of the Saint King Realm, or even the martial arts power, will not necessarily meet."

"I don't know why you suddenly touched this kendo barrier in advance, but both I and Ignore can be sure; your crazy state just now, with no sanity, is just going through the road of killing."

At the end, Elder Yun Yuan added, "I have experienced it personally with Misui."

"Oh?" Xiao Yi said softly.

The ultimate sword repair must be experienced.

Ordinary sword repair will go through different ways in the future and will experience it.

Xiao Yi muttered to himself.

Elder Yun Yuan continued, "Take me and Ignore as an example, the two of me go to the extreme of defense and the extreme of attack."

"Therefore, it is only natural for the two of me to encounter the bottleneck of this killing road."

"We also touched earlier."

"As for Sect Master Qi and Ouyang Lie, neither of them does the ultimate kendo."

"Therefore, even if the two of them have a peerless power in control of 9,995 complete martial arts, and one in control of 9,994 complete martial arts; but they have not touched this bottleneck at their current level."

"But after they break through the category of peerless powers in the future, or even longer, they will meet one day."

"The road to kendo is the same in different ways."

This bottleneck will be encountered regardless of whether the ultimate kendo is used or not.

It's just that those who practice the ultimate kendo will encounter it earlier.

Those who don't practice the ultimate kendo will be much later, and will encounter them after the road of kendo is further.

Xiao Yi roughly understood, and asked in a deep voice, "The two seniors, did the same back then?"

Elder Yun Yuan paused again.

Taboo Deacon, with a cold face, but nodded.

"The same is true, but I am not as lucky as you." Deacon Taboo chuckled lightly.

There was a little self-deprecating smile in his face.

"Lucky?" Xiao Yi frowned.

Elder Yun Yuan nodded, "The bottleneck of the road of killing will suddenly be touched. If you encounter it, you will encounter it."

"When you triggered, you happened to be in a big battle, and there were enough enemies around to kill you."

"Thousands of sword repairs are enough to make you kill a happy one."

Xiao Yi's expression changed when he heard the words, "If it is the trigger, what about other situations?"

Elder Yun Yuan's face sank, "Then it means that no one can run away if you see whoever kills."

"I just lost my mind and I'm already crazy."

"What?" Xiao Yi's face suddenly changed.

Could it be that the two Elder Yunyuan...

Xiao Yi thought of the past.

Elder Yun Yuan's hesitation stopped just now, but Deacon Taboo's expression was cold.

At that time, the deacon Taboo said, "The sword is too sharp, hurting others and self, so I broke the sword."

And the hidden sword of Elder Yunyuan...

Xiao Yi's face changed.

The two elders Yun Yuan knew that Xiao Yi had a great mind, and it was not difficult to guess.

"Not bad." Elder Yun Yuan gave a wry smile, "I was at the peak of the Saint Emperor Realm back then, and was already one of the three peak sword repairs in the Central Region."

"There are countless people who are admiring teachers. I have also taken a day's worth of disciples and brought them with me."

"But when I fell into madness, I personally killed him."

Elder Yun Yuan's fist clenched unconsciously.

The deacon taboo said solemnly, "I was also the peak of the Holy Emperor Realm back then, and I was also the identity of the Heavenly Hades."

"When I was triggered, I performed the task outside."

"Dozens of gold medal killers I trained by myself, and one disciple who passed down in person, died all of them."

"When I regained my clarity, the butcher knife in my hand was already dyed red."

"I broke that sword; the sword of my heart was also broken; that day, I also left the Heavenly Underworld Palace."

"Huh." The two took a deep breath at the same time, their faces extremely complex.

Xiao Yi finally understood why the two of them, who were in the midst of the sky, suddenly disappeared and never returned.

No, to be precise, the two met Lin Ye first, lost to Lin Ye, and had the idea of ​​retreat.

But falling into madness and personally killing the people around them, really settled their determination to never come back.

Moreover, the two of them have a hidden sword and a folded sword, and they no longer hold the sword in their hands.

It must be something that people cannot bear to kill the disciples around him who are regarded as his own.

"Thank you." Xiao Yi saluted the two abruptly.

"Thank you?" The two of them did not hide, accepting the gift, but also smiled and asked.

"Naturally, thanks to the two seniors for sheltering all the way, picking up swords and protecting the kid comprehensively." Xiao Yi said seriously.

The two have stopped holding swords for many years.

But a few months ago, when he was hunted down by the Northern Yinzong, the two of them did not hesitate to hold their swords again, killing all around.

Even when he came to Sword Region, he had been protecting him.

The sword that had been unwilling to pick up again, the two of them took out the sword again without hesitation, and condensed the sword again.

The two of them treated him, not just treating a younger generation.

"Haha." Elder Yun Yuan smiled, "Speaking of which, my disciple back then was as old as you."

"If I remember correctly, ignoring the direct disciple, it's the same."

"Since the two of me met you, and even saw you even better, we would be very happy if you were willing to enter our door."

"It's just, of course, you kid are weird."

"If you don't enter, we don't force it. One day can be sheltered."

Deacon Taboo answered, "Now, you are actually full of wings."

"Although it's not as good as the two of me, but in the middle of the field, it's already worth it."

"Although the two of me are better than you today, if you say that you are a beginner, they are no longer qualified."

"The predecessors are serious." Xiao Yi repeatedly said.

Deacon Taboo waved his hand, "I'm telling the truth, you enchanting evildoer, who doesn't want to be included?"

"It's just that you have really grown up now."

"Even if the two of me are above kendo, there is not much to teach you. At most, I will talk about some experience."

"The bottleneck of the two seniors has broken through?" Xiao Yi asked.

Xiao Yi has never been a person who likes hypocritical words.

Some things can be kept in mind.

The two nodded and smiled, "Thanks to your relationship, the bottleneck that has trapped me for two years, was pointed out by the old monster Lin Ye and broke through."

In fact, apart from Lin Ye's guidance, the two can break through, as well as their own factors.

That is they are willing to regain swords for Xiao Yi.

A sword repairer, if he doesn't want to pick up his sword, no matter how others give pointers.

"I have been sleepy for decades?" Xiao Yi was startled, "Then my road to killing, won't I be sleepy for a long time?"

This killing road is obviously extremely difficult.

"No need." Elder Yun Yuan showed a weird expression, "You have suddenly broken through since you recovered your Qingming."

"This is why I and Ignore are so shocked just now."

"Although we don't know what's going on, it's true."

"The bottleneck of the road of killing, you blinked and opened your eyes, and you stepped on it in an instant."

"Huh...?" Xiao Yi was stunned.


Third more.

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