Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1535: The strongest Wuhun

Senior Luo has left.

The in-situ space blockade has also disappeared.

"What's the matter with the two seniors?"

Xiao Yi asked anxiously. Just as he was about to release his perception, the two elders Yun Yuan flashed and came to him.

"We are fine." Elder Yun Yuan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said.

"It's you..."

"I'm fine." Xiao Yi shook his head.

He obediently handed over the origin of the Sword Emperor, Senior Luo did not deal with him.

Hearing this, the two breathed a sigh of relief.

"Damn it." Elder Yun Yuan was furious at once, "I didn't expect the old dean to be so shameless. Wanli came here specially to grab something from a junior."

"Lin Ye's old monster, too, is usually fascinated, but there is no one at the critical moment."

Deacon Taboo shook his head, "The old dean obviously came here prepared."

"Otherwise, he would not wait outside the Ten Thousand Sword Monument Forest."

"If the origin of the sword emperor is in the sword emperor stele, no one in the world can capture it."

"But Xiao Yi kid brought out the origin of the sword emperor, that's different."

"The old dean saw that the sword emperor monument was closed. Lin Ye will not come out, let alone know the situation here."

"Come prepared?" Elder Yun Yuan frowned, "Is he so sure that Xiao Yi kid can get the origin of the Sword Emperor?"

Deacon Taboo nodded affirmatively, "I said, the vice president told me these things."

"The old dean, he has known that Xiao Yi is better than anyone, and far better than Mo You."

"Furthermore, the old dean once personally guided Xiao Yi, and with his means and vision, he naturally knew Xiao Yi's abilities."

"He learned that Xiao Yi boy had come to participate in the event of the Sword Region, and he had guessed that Xiao Yi boy had a great chance to get the origin of the sword emperor."

Yes, Senior Luo came prepared.

Moreover, it has been guessed that Xiao Yi has a high chance of getting the Sword Emperor Origin.

Otherwise, he won't come here specially, but also specially waited for half a month outside the Ten Thousand Sword Monument Forest.

He even brought the Dawn Bell, the treasure of learning and teaching.

The origin of the Sword Emperor, a normal person, can't carry it at all.

Even Xiao Yi had to get the stele to open up a space on his wrist.

Senior Ruo Luo was not extremely sure of Xiao Yi, and would never bring the Dawn Clock with him.

Elder Yun Yuan stared at Xiao Yi suddenly, "Then you can't hand over the origin of the Sword Emperor."

"For some reason, I will fight for you, and I will protect you desperately, and it may not necessarily be a chance for you to escape."

"No." Two voices suddenly came out in unison.

It was Xiao Yi and Deacon Yu who spoke.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

"What?" Elder Yun Yuan frowned again.

"Killing intent." Xiao Yi opened his mouth first.

"Intent to kill?" Elder Yun Yuan was puzzled.

"Yes." Deacon Taboo said in a deep voice, "Yun Yuan, you didn't realize that the old dean's eyebrows have shown killing intent."

"Although this obliteration intent is extremely hidden, it didn't hide it from me."

"I'm sure, if Xiao Yi kid doesn't hand over the origin of the sword emperor, he will kill Xiao Yi kid without hesitation."

"Of course." Deacon Taboo looked at Xiao Yi with satisfaction, "This kid also found out, and he handled it well."

Xiao Yi gave a wry smile.

If senior Luo is really a killer, I'm afraid it will be him, Elder Yun Yuan and Deacon Taboo, and they won't want to survive.

The deacon Yu continued, "This kid unobtrusively brought out the reason for'no delinquency, no owe', but the old dean has no reason to kill him."

"I'm not a fool." Xiao Yi curled his lips.

"Moreover, I don't know why, I have seen a lot of legendary powerhouses."

"The feeling that Senior Ke Luo gave me is more terrifying than anyone else."

"How terrible?" Deacon Taboo asked.

"I don't know how to say it." Xiao Yi shook his head, "I feel trembling in my heart."

Yes, the legendary powerhouses Xiao Yi has seen, such as the head of the Fengsha Hall, the head of the Shura Hall, the old dean of the Tianzang Academy, and so on.

Of course, he couldn't accurately know their realm strength.

But there is probably a feeling.

But the feeling they gave Xiao Yi was only unfathomable.

Senior Ke Luo, but gave Xiao Yi a kind of involuntary horror, and even trembled in his mind.

This feeling is not a feeling of strength.

On the contrary, it is more like an inexplicable breath.

If the master of Asura is strong, it is as tall as ten thousand high mountains, or as thick as the earth.

Then, Senior Luo, it seemed like an abyss, and it was easy for people to lose their lives.

When Deacon Taboo and Elder Yun Yuan heard the words, they looked at Xiao Yi at the same time, a strange color flashed in their eyes.

"Boy, I can only tell you that your intuition is really accurate." Deacon Taboo said solemnly.

Xiao Yi frowned. He always felt that the two deacons seemed to know the secret, but they wanted to say nothing.

"Okay, don't say more." Elder Yun Yuan said quickly.

"Ignore, you and I immediately rush back to learn."

"If we can unite the vice dean and a group of teachers, maybe the old dean can change his mind and get back the origin of the sword emperor before Mo You can absorb it."

"It's useless." Deacon Yu shook his head.

"Why it's useless?" Elder Yun Yuan said anxiously, "Elder Fengfeng, Elder Tianchi and other elders have always recognized Xiao Yi as a disciple."

"Not to mention the deputy dean."

"There are also many disciples."

"Is it possible that the old dean can still cover the sky with one hand, regardless of the opposition of all the students?"

Elder Yun Yuan was obviously anxious.

With dignified pinnacle swordsmanship and arrogance, he can only think of a way to unite with other teachers to oppose Senior Luo.

"Not enough time." Senior Luo said concisely.

"At the speed of the old dean, I am afraid that I can return to Heiyun to learn and teach in a few hours."

"Joke." Elder Yun Yuan sneered, "Even if Mo You is assisted by the old dean, it is impossible to absorb it all in a short time."

"The origin of the sword emperor, but if you want to absorb all the strength of the sword emperor and grow to his height, at least..."

Yes, the stele spirit once said that if Xiao Yi absorbs it alone, he may not know how long and how long will he absorb it all.

Even if Xiao Yi was in the sword emperor stele, it would take decades for the stele to guide him.

Decades of time, compared to those that have passed tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, or even longer, are already very short.

Deacon Taboo interrupted in a cold voice, "What if the old dean wants Mo You to absorb refining?"

"You mean..." Elder Yun Yuan's expression changed.

"Not bad." Deacon Taboo said solemnly, "The old dean will definitely use Mo You's martial spirit to absorb."

"Mo You's martial soul was a black rank when he awakened when he was young."

"The old dean who stayed a few days ago fully awakened him. His martial soul is already the strongest black martial soul in the world."

"The spirit of martial arts is transformed by the rules of heaven and earth. The essence of the sword emperor is integrated into the spirit of martial arts, which is equivalent to integrating into the rules of heaven and earth with the highest degree of conformity.

"Plus the old dean's full guidance, it won't be long before the entire Sword Emperor Origin can be integrated into Mo You's martial spirit."


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