Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1537: Xiao Yi who disappeared


Xiao Yi heard the words, but hesitated.

In fact, he knew that the master of the two halls treated him well.

Moreover, the background of the two palaces is not weaker than the five university palaces, or even stronger.

After all, the eight temples of the ancient times have been passed down for countless years.

But the Five University Palace, even if it is the first Tibetan Learning Palace of the Five University Palace, it will be heard about millions of years.

Therefore, in terms of background, the two halls are naturally stronger.

However, he has no special status in the two halls.

When I think about it, the two halls will not try to help him, at most they will give some help.

At this time, Xiao Yi looked at the two elders Yun Yuan and asked seriously, "The two elders are very knowledgeable, and the kid has something to ask."

"What's the matter?" the two asked.

Xiao Yi asked, "The two seniors should know a lot of the secrets of Zhongyu."

"On this continent, is there more power than the Eight Ancient Halls?"

In fact, what Xiao Yi wanted to ask was Holy Moon Sect.

"This..." The two frowned.

"It's hard to tell." The two replied.

"Zhongyu is too big, no one dares to say that you can walk all over the Zhongyu, at most you can walk half of it."

"And there are too many forces, and no one dares to say that they know all the forces."

"Some forces are extremely low-key, even low-key since ancient times."

"So it's hard to say."

Elder Yun Yuan continued, "Take the peerless powerhouse as an example, except for the Palace Master of the Eighteenth Mansion, the powerhouse here in the Sword Region and so on."

"There are also mostly those who walk alone and hide in the world, such as the Star Fantasy Senior, who has always been alone."

"If he hadn't made a lot of noise in search of the most mysterious star fire, few people would know him."

"There are too many peerless powerhouses who are hidden from the world and unknown."

"Not to mention there are some legendary figures who have broken through the peerless powerhouse, etc."

"Take the old monster Lin Ye, you don't even know that he is the Sword Master of the Sword Region when you see him."

Deacon Taboo answered, "Naturally, if you ask this question, it will be difficult to answer."

"Maybe there, maybe not."

"But I tend to have, after all, the water in Zhongyu is too deep."

"But this doesn't mean that you will be unsafe to hide in the main hall."

Obviously, the two mistakenly thought that Xiao Yi asked this question because he wanted to know whether it was safe enough in the main hall.

"Oh?" Xiao Yi didn't explain much, just continued to wonder.

The two affirmed, "In this world, there may be more power than the Eight Ancient Halls."

"But in this world, no one dares to provoke the Eight Halls, no one dares to violate the Eight Halls rules."

"Why?" Xiao Yi asked.

The two replied, "Because the eight temples of the ancient times represent this continent."

"If anyone dares to be an enemy of the Ancient Eight Palaces, they will endure the anger of the entire continent."

Xiao Yi's face was startled when he heard the words.

"Take the two of me as an example." Elder Yun Yuan said, "I am not an Eight-Dian martial artist, but if the Eight-Dian is temporarily recruited and an urgent order is issued, the two of me will go to listen to the order without hesitation."

"Including all major warriors in the Central Region."

"The Eight Palaces of the Ancient Times used to be the guardians of this continent."

"Even if the troubles of monsters and beasts on the mainland have disappeared, they are still the eight cornerstones of the mainland, and no one can shake them."

"If there is, the mainland martial artist will defend it to the death."

When Xiao Yi heard this, he was suddenly shocked.

In the Middle Territory, and even the entire Yanlong Continent, respect for strength is the only law.

But this is between individuals or forces and so on.

But if it rises to the level of the entire continent and even the entire human race, it will be different.

The Eight Palaces of the ancient times involved the entire continent after all.

"In short, you will be safe when you return to the main hall, no one dares to trouble you." said the two.

"After the tomb of the ancient emperor is almost opened, you can go there again."

Xiao Yi nodded, "Okay, I will leave later."

"The two of me will immediately set off to return to school," said the two.

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded.

The two turned and left.

Xiao Yi arched his hands and bowed in a salute.

The two left after waiting.

Xiao Yi glanced around, but suddenly frowned, and there was an inexplicable smile on his mouth.


The figure flashed suddenly and disappeared in the same place out of thin air.

A million miles away, somewhere in the vast forest, Xiao Yi put up barriers and formations.

At this moment, a light flashed in his hand, and the ghost mask appeared out of thin air.

He also took off his son-in-law's clothes and changed back to a black outfit.


A flame erupted on his body, and purple flame wings condensed.

A fluttering wing instantly turned into a streamer and disappeared into the distance.

With his character, how could he hide in despair because he was worried about his enemies.

However, there are too many enemies and it is a trouble after all.

Simply put on the mask and continued to practice as Yi Xiao.


The sword emperor stele spirit, somewhere.


Two figures appeared out of thin air.

One of them has a grumpy face, while the other is as peaceful as the wind.

"Damn it, Chengfeng, you shouldn't stop me." Hengtian Hall Master was furious.

Yes, the two figures are the two of the Palace Master Chengfeng and the Palace Master Hengtian who came to Jianyu on the order of the Master Palace Master.

"The surname Luo is really deceiving too much." The Lord Hengtian was angry.

Palace Master Chengfeng rolled his eyes, "Don't stop you? What can you do if you don't, have you beaten Old Man Luo?"

"The main hall master sent me two, it was enough to protect the kid from danger, at least I two are here, no one in the sword domain can hurt him."

"Who would have thought that the surname Luo is so brazen, he is also a legend anyway, and actually grabbed something from a junior."

"Then you shouldn't stop me either." Hengtian Hall Master's fists were clenched and crackled, "You can't win the fight, anyway, I will fight against the surname Luo."

"Duan Hengtian." Palace Master Chengfeng said coldly, "have you forgotten our purpose here?"

"You should use the means and skills of the surname Luo, really did not find us hiding in the dark?"

"It's fine if we don't intervene. Once we make a move and annoy the old thing, do you guess that kid is still alive?"

"Our purpose here is to protect this kid comprehensively."

"The sword emperor's origin is gone, and it's good if people are safe."

"Damn, damn, damn." Hengtian Hall Master roared.

Palace Master Chengfeng curled his lips, "It's useless for you to spoil, Old Man Luo is a legend at the same level as the Master Palace Masters."

"You can't damage his hair even if you are crazy."

"Hey, that's not right." Palace Master Chengfeng said like this, suddenly frowned.

"What about the kid?"

The Lord Hengtian curled his lips, "I have been monitoring him, wherever he can go, isn't it..."

The Lord Hengtian hadn't finished speaking, and suddenly his expression changed, "Where is the man? What about the kid?"

"Oops." Palace Master Chengfeng's face suddenly changed, "The kid will not be able to find it once he leaves without a trace."

"What are you afraid of?" Hengtian Hall master calmed down his face and said, "With your Fengchadian's intelligence ability, finding him is just a breeze..."

"You know what a fart." The indifferent expression on Palace Master Chengfeng's face has disappeared, replaced by a look of despair.

"That kid is very good at hiding, once he disappears, he won't even be found in the main hall."

"Last time in order to find him, the main hall almost turned the entire middle domain over."

The two of them flashed and hurriedly pursued them.

However, after an hour, the two still had no trace of Xiao Yi.

"Damn it, first go back to the main hall and report it." Palace Master Chengfeng said anxiously.

The two flashed away and flew away immediately.


one day later.

At the forest of the Wanjian stele, Xiao Yi's figure appeared out of thin air.

Of course, in the identity of Yi Xiao.

A day ago, he always felt that there were two pairs of eyes staring at him behind his back.

Although he didn't know who it was, he was very intuitive, so he changed his status and stayed away.

Did not come back again until a day later.

At the forest of Wanjian steles, there are still corpses everywhere at this moment.

The corpses of these thousands of sword repairers were already cold.

However, Xiao Yi would not let go of these thousands of blue and purple spirits, and even black ones.


Third more.

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