Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1539: The new true meaning of martial arts


A flame condenses from Xiao Yi's hands.

The cave, which was originally slightly dim, suddenly became bright.

And the precious resources for cultivation are even more stunned.

The flame at Xiao Yi's fingertips has condensed.


The flame shot out, but in front of him, it was not the Eight Dragon Incinerator.

It is the Bahuang furnace.

The Eight Dragons Burning Furnace, at this time, was still sealed with a large amount of golden light power, and could not be used to refine pill.

Although the level of the Bahuang Furnace is far inferior to the Balong Burning Furnace.

But to Xiao Yi, this is nothing.

With his medicine refining ability, the Bahuang furnace was the same, but the speed was much slower than the Balong Incinerator.


A piece of heaven, material and earth treasure, a grain of monster inner pill, casually thrown into the furnace.

Seemingly random, seemingly messy, but in fact every throw in is methodical, all self-contained and perfect.

The ability of refining medicine alone is enough to make many refining powers ashamed.


Two hours later.

Around, piles of perfect-level high-grade pills have been refined.

At this time, Xiao Yi had stopped refining medicine.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned, "Is it finished so soon?"

Xiao Yi glanced at the surroundings, and there was no more information.

Speaking of which, he has a lot of rare and high-grade treasures and materials, etc.

But when it comes to quantity, it seems that there are not many.

The last time I refined the pill and improved my cultivation was in a big city that was dangerously outside of Jinguang a few months ago.

In the past few months of experience in the Eighteenth Mansion, he did kill a large number of monsters, and gained a lot of monsters inner core and blood.

But in terms of natural materials and treasures, not much was collected.

It is impossible for him to go to any monster forest or dangerous place to encounter a large number of natural treasures.

At most, when you are lucky, you encounter a rare natural treasure that you will never encounter for thousands of years.

Therefore, although the experience is several months, and it is a high-intensity extreme experience, the collected treasures are not too many.

Of course, this is not much, just for his huge gas fountain.

For other warriors, this is already a coveted training resource.

Xiao Yi frowned and opened the Universe Rings obtained from thousands of sword repairs one by one.

The cultivating objects in it poured out one by one.

It was a few hours later.

A pile of high-grade elixirs were refined.

The various materials have been refined.

Even if you want to come, those thousands of sword repairs, most of them practiced after enlightening in the forest of ten thousand sword steles, and they also greatly improved their strength.

Naturally, they have consumed a lot of cultivation material.

Naturally, there are not many things left for cultivation.

On the contrary, in the Qiankun Ring of Sect Master Qi, his wealth is relatively rich.

However, this did not stop Xiao Yi's rapid refining.

Furthermore, the wealth of the master of Qi Sect should be mostly within his Qi Sect.

"Forget it." Xiao Yi shook his head.

Nowadays, it is better to practice first.

Xiao Yi put out his hands together, sucking in the pile of high-quality pills.

The two great martial arts in the body also came out together, and the absorption speed was astonishing.

One minute later.


Xiao Yi's momentum exploded, which was a breakthrough momentum.

"Holy Emperor Realm, here it is." Xiao Yi's expression was happy.

His cultivation was at the peak of the Saint King Realm.

Moreover, the body's qi spring is already full, and the small world has also been filled with the "Iceberg and Fire". It was just a thought to break through to the Holy Emperor Realm.

However, despite breaking through to the Holy Emperor Realm, the disappearance of the "Ice Mountain and Fire Sea" undoubtedly reduced Xiao Yi's strength.

This is also one of the reasons why he did not choose to break through the cultivation base when he was in the Forest of Ten Thousand Sword Tablets.

Speaking of which, Xiao Yi's improvement in cultivation is not slow, but surprisingly fast.

It was only a few months ago since the last time I upgraded my cultivation base.

Moreover, in the second level of the sword emperor stele space, he directly filled the most troublesome "Iceberg and Fire Sea".

You know, a few months ago, he was only the sixth layer of the Saint King Realm cultivation base.

Now, the Holy Emperor is already in the realm.

In other words, he is already the emperor of martial arts.

The emperor of martial arts is the title of the holy emperor.

In this realm, there are thousands of complete martial arts controlled by warriors.

Compared with the previous control of 10 complete martial arts, step into the holy realm; and control 100 complete martial arts, step into the holy king realm.

Nowadays, controlling a thousand items is naturally equivalent to the emperor in martial arts.

Although Xiao Yi had already killed a lot of martial arts emperors, even the martial arts powers and even peerless powerhouses had been killed.

But this is just too much of his contact.

What he provoked was all hegemonic forces that had been inherited for hundreds of thousands of years within the Central Territory.

Naturally, the enemies encountered are also extremely strong.

But looking at the entire middle domain, the martial arts emperor is already the same as the emperor among the martial arts.

The Holy Emperor Realm already has the ability to establish a sect and dominate one side.

Such as Tianwang Mountain in the black cloud region.

"The Holy Emperor Realm is heavy." Xiao Yi muttered to himself and thought.

The following cultivation will be a hundred times more difficult than before.

For any martial arts emperor, subsequent cultivation is as difficult as reaching the sky.

The reason lies in the martial arts needed to break through.

After the holy emperor realm, every time he breaks through a heavy cultivation base, he needs to control a thousand martial arts.

In other words, to reach the second layer of the Holy Emperor Realm, you need to control two thousand complete martial arts.

To reach the nine layers of the Holy Emperor Realm, you need to control nine thousand complete martial arts.

At this stage, it still belongs to the category of martial arts emperor.

When the martial artist controls nine thousand and one complete martial arts, he will step into the peak of the holy emperor realm.

To control 9,500 complete martial arts is to step into the scope of martial arts power.

Controlling 9990 Dao is a peerless powerhouse.

Cultivation in the holy emperor realm is not only difficult, but also distinct; the emperor of martial arts, the emperor of the pinnacle, and the power of martial arts.

The titles are different, although they are still in the Holy Emperor Realm, but their strengths are vastly different.

Of course, for Xiao Yi, martial arts enlightenment and so on are not difficult.

The only thing that stuck him was his huge gas fountain and the huge cultivation resources he needed.

"Huh." Xiao Yi took a deep breath and started practicing again.

He quickly absorbed the perfect high-grade pills.

After half an hour.

"The Holy Emperor Realm is doubled."

Three hours later.

"Holy Emperor Realm has five levels."

At this time, Xiao Yi slightly opened his eyes.

In just a few hours, the limit of four thousand complete martial arts is already extremely exaggerated.

The power of the four thousand martial arts that belonged to the world had already come all the way, and he was inhaled into the small world.

However, these four thousand martial arts are all first-class and second-rate martial arts.

Most of them are second-rate.

It is true that he does not have so many top martial arts at all, and even top martial arts is difficult to integrate, and it is definitely not a short time to understand.

The martial arts he has always enlightened are the top of the top.

It is surprisingly fast to comprehend these second-rate martial arts today.

As for the reason why he temporarily stopped practicing, it was because a river of flames suddenly appeared beside him.

The long river of flames, if illusory, contains amazing martial arts power.

"The true meaning of martial arts." Xiao Yi frowned.


Second more.

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