Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1543: Annihilation

A certain area outside the sword domain.

Inside the cave.

Xiao Yi's pain was already unbearable, even convulsing in pain.

Outside the cave.


Two figures suddenly fell from the sky.

The two, one in black robes.

The black robe covered his face.

But if you see their faces, it will definitely make people feel discolored.

Because it was a terrible face with deep sunken eye sockets and a thin face.

"Bone, don't make extravagance." One person said solemnly.

"Evil bone." The other person sneered, "I finally saw the vision of the descent from the sky, how could I give up when the treasure was born."

Xie Bone frowned, "If it wasn't for the birth of a heavy treasure, but for the strong to cultivate..."

The bones sneered, "Idiot, ordinary strong, how can it lead the vision of heaven and earth."

"Besides, there is no such coincidence in the world."

Xie Gu said cautiously, "We are going back to the branch this time. If we are on a business trip, how can I afford it?"

White Bone smiled proudly, "What if we return to the branch and bring a generous gift to the elders at the same time?"

"How many years have I both been serving as deacon?"

"I heard that there happened to be a few vacancies at the branch office."

"If the elders can be satisfied, the two of me will no longer need to be in this kind of misery."

When Evil Bones heard the words, a slight movement flashed in his eyes.

"Let's go." Bones said, and walked to the cave first.

Xie Gulian kept up.

"Huh? Barrier?" White Bone frowned suddenly.

"Fortunately, I brought the magic weapon out."

"I think this is a cave mansion." Xie Bone's face was no longer cautious, but beamed with joy.

A light flashed in the hands of the bones.

A disc appeared out of thin air.

The disc is reflected on the barrier.

Ten minutes later.

The barrier instantly collapsed.

Bai Bone's expression became even more pleased, "This barrier is so strong, it took so long for the magic artifact to absorb the power of the light barrier."

"Inside, there must be a cave mansion left by a peerless powerhouse."

The two of them showed joy and walked into the cave.

Inside the cave, Xiao Yi still convulsed in pain, and was extremely weak.

"Huh? My barrier was broken." Xiao Yi was startled.

Not long after, two figures appeared in front of him.

"How is it possible." Under Xiao Yi's mask, his face changed drastically.

He has always been cautious, even if he is practicing medicine, he will put a barrier around him.

So he was not worried at first.

But now, his barrier is broken?

To be able to break through the barrier he put up with all his strength so easily is at least a peerless powerhouse level.

He looks like this, how can he deal with the peerless strong?

The White Bone and the Evil Bone entered the cave, but what they saw was not a cave.

Instead, a figure wearing a mask, convulsing in pain.

"Damn it, it's not Dongfu." The bone scolded.

"Sure enough, the strong are cultivating, hurry up." Xie Gu's face was startled.

"What are you afraid of?" The bones sneered. "Don't you see this guy convulsing in pain?"

"Apparently severely injured."

"How can it be a general generation who can lay down those barriers, and there must be so many treasures on him."

"Now it's all cheaper for us."

The bones said, the disc in his hand appeared out of thin air.

Inside the disc, a stray breath flashed.

A black light condensed out.

"Bone, wait a minute." Xie Gu said in shock, "Why do I think this mask is a bit familiar?"

"You care who he is." The bones said displeased.

"Two holy emperors at the same level?" Xiao Yi endured the severe pain, his sight was a little blurred in his **** eyes, but he could easily perceive the strength of the two.

"Xie Xiu?" Xiao Yi saw the face under the black robe.

"Don't worry, kill him first." The bones sneered and shot him instantly.

"Looking for death." Xiao Yi's heart was cold, and he forcibly endured the backlash, his fingertips condensed.


A purple flame struck out instantly.

Xie Gu's face changed, "No, this Ziyan... it's him... Yi Xiao, run..."

The evil bone words have not been finished yet.

Zi Yan had swallowed the bodies of the two in an instant.

The two of them turned into nothingness in almost one breath.

In situ, only two Universe Rings and one disc were left.

Xiao Yi's current cultivation base is the fifth level of the Holy Emperor Realm.

Even if you don't use the powerful flames of the world to kill these two Saint Emperor Realms, it is just a matter of moving your fingers.

Xiao Yi breathed a sigh of relief, but the severe pain in his body once again made him unbearable.

The sturdy body twitched in pain.

On both sides of the body, a white qi came out cold, and a hot scent, burning red and crimson.

This situation lasted for half an hour.

In half an hour, Xiao Yi recovered from the backlash.

The clothes on the right have already been burned.

The shirt on the left was wet with cold sweat.

"Huh." Xiao Yi exhaled heavily and felt his body.

There was no injury in the body.

It's just that the inhuman torture just now almost broke his mind.

"The eye of the lunar sun, this is the first time such a terrifying backlash has occurred." Xiao Yi had some lingering fears.

The eye of the lunar sun is endowed by Bingluan sword.

It was a certificate given by Bingluan Sword to recognize this master.

It seemed that he hadn't used the power in the Bingluan sword all these years, which was correct.

Obviously, there is even more terrifying backlash within Bingluan's sword.

Now this kind of backlash, although it didn't hurt him in his body, his pain and torture were almost enough to make him instantly lose his fighting power.

"Bingluan sword, how long will it take before I can unlock your secret." Xiao Yi took a deep breath.

"That's right." Xiao Yi couldn't think of anything else, and instantly remembered the martial arts fusion.

The meeting point between Shijie Mieshenghuo and other martial arts in his body has been found.

Next, it's time to merge.


The power of the martial arts of the ten worlds, which extinguished and made fire, came instantly.

Xiao Yi also absorbed it instantly.

"It's done." Xiao Yinei looked at the martial arts power in the small world in his body, and his face was overjoyed.

Doing everything well, Xiao Yi sat down cross-legged to stabilize the turbulent breath caused by the backlash.

A few minutes later, Xiao Yi opened his eyes.

"Ziyan domain, get up." Xiao Yi shouted in a low voice.

The aura has stabilized, and now, it is time to try the power of the martial power of the third powerful flame after fusion.


Under the purple flame domain, the martial power of the fusion of the golden fire of the earth vein and the fire of the ten worlds is added.

A flame, condensed out.

The flame is a little stronger than before.

But to say, it's much stronger, but it's not counted.

"The power of flame and the ability to control fire are about ten percent stronger." Xiao Yi frowned.

This success is nothing.

Compared with the tens of times the increase brought by the fusion of the earth veins and the golden fire, it is far from it.

However, perhaps it was because the cultivation base was still low and the strength was still weak.

After all, he was a celestial martial artist at that time.

And now, but the Saint Emperor Realm is cultivated, so there is not much increase in it.

"No." Xiao Yi always felt that there seemed to be some changes in the Ziyan domain.

Xiao Yi thought about it for a moment, and took out an imperial treasure.

That is a fruit.

However, the fruit that was originally full of vitality is rapidly turning black.

However, within ten seconds, above the sacred fruit, the vitality was dissipated, and it was directly turned into powder.

Xiao Yi glanced at the purple inflammation field around him, and suddenly he was shocked.

"It's the effect of the Ten Realms in extinguishing fire."

The increase was not absent, but all appeared on the Ten Realms Extinguishing Fire.


Third more.

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