Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1545: Practice Anger Finger


Xiao Yi waved his hand gently, and the purple inflammation domain disappeared.

The true meaning of martial arts, he has understood the power, and probably tried it.

The true meaning of martial arts is only possessed by the Holy Emperor Realm, no, to be precise, it is something that the Holy Emperor Realm just started to touch.

It is a bit like the congenital coat of the congenital realm.

Innate coats can only be possessed by innate realm martial artists, but they are not necessarily owned.

Only the martial artist who is exceptionally good in the Xiantian realm can have it.

The true meaning of martial arts is the same, not when you step into the holy emperor realm, you will be able to comprehend and condense it.

After all, the Holy Emperor Realm has thousands of martial arts at every turn.

These martial arts are also integrated.

However, although these martial arts have similarities, they are not necessarily the same category.

The true meaning of martial arts must be more than a thousand martial arts of the same type before they can be integrated.

Therefore, martial arts are one by one.

But the true meaning of martial arts is one kind or one kind.

Xiao Yi remembered that it was no wonder that the woman of Saint Yuezong was so surprised when she saw his true meaning of martial arts.

Because he hadn't set foot in the Middle Territory at that time, he was only in the extreme realm, but he already possessed the martial arts true meaning that even the Saint Emperor realm martial artist did not necessarily possess.

This kind of cross-border ability to comprehend higher-level things is really surprising.

However, that's all.

In the eyes of that woman, even the Saint Emperor Realm, and even the peerless powerhouse, are probably just as weak as an ant.

"If I still have the origin of the Sword Emperor..." Xiao Yi actually regretted this a little.

The origin of the sword emperor is indeed the only treasure for thousands of years.

If the origin of the sword emperor was still on him at the moment, he would surely be able to get a lot of kendo mystery from it.

Even if he can comprehend the true meaning of the strong swordsmanship possessed by the sword emperor during his lifetime, it is not necessarily true.

The true meaning of kendo is probably made by thousands of martial arts.

Once the true meaning of kendo is integrated into the domain, its power will be extremely terrifying.

However, now it is gone, and it is useless to think too much.

There is always a way of martial arts that he walked out by himself, which will achieve a stronger martial arts true meaning and give him stronger strength.

Of course, this may be more difficult.

"Huh." Xiao Yi took a deep breath.

No wonder the martial artist after the holy realm must be based on mastering the martial arts of heaven and earth in order to break through.

After the holy realm, the more you practice, the higher your cultivation level, the greater the demand for martial arts power.

At the same time, the higher the cultivation level, the more mysterious and powerful the martial arts power should be.


The real attempt of martial arts comes to an end here.

But Xiao Yi's cultivation has not stopped.


A flame shot out in his hand.

After the Fire Control Beast spirit had absorbed the martial spirit power of thousands of sword repairs, its rank had already risen a lot.

Wuhun, as a rule of heaven and earth, has been with the warrior for life since the warrior awakened.

From a certain perspective, Wuhun is more important than any other means and things.

The improvement of the fire control beast also gave him a stronger fire control ability.

Nowadays, the ability to control fire is stronger, so he can try some things now.

"Angry fingers." Xiao Yi's fingertips condensed.

At the beginning, when his cultivation base was still low, he defeated one of the sixteen envoys of the Ice Palace by relying on the angry fingers.

The anger finger was created by him.

And there is no doubt that it is his strongest means of controlling fire today.

One pointed out that eighty flames arrived and exploded one after another.

Of course, this is his level when he is still walking in the Quartet.

Nowadays, the cultivation base has greatly increased, the fire control ability has greatly increased, and the number of flame martial arts under his control has also increased.

In addition, if the three powerful flames of the world can also be incorporated into it, it would be even better.

What he most wants to try is the latter.

Xiao Yi closed his eyes, and then retreated and enlightened.


After seven days and nights.

Xiao Yi opened his eyes suddenly.

"A total of four thousand kinds of first-rate and second-rate flames, plus amethyst spirit flame, earth vein golden fire, ten worlds extinguishing fire, three powerful flames, have all merged."

"Power, it's time to try it."


The Purple Lightning Sword in Xiao Yi's hand appeared out of thin air.

Zi Zi Zi...

The violent purple electric light instantly turned the entire cave into a purple electric space.

"Zidian, I've wronged you." Xiao Yi smiled and pointed out.

Fingertips touched Zidian.

Suddenly, purple lightning surged out of the purple sword.

Several purple thunder dragons came out of their own accord.

"Go." Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes and moved his fingertips.


Zidian collapsed in an instant.

There was a burst of dense flames, exploding on the sword body.

The sword body made a dull sound.

Even, it can be seen that Zidian's sword body was slightly bent by Xiao Yi's simple finger.

However, after all, Zidian is the highest-grade holy artifact, how can it be an ordinary thing.

Wait until the loud noise falls.

Xiao Yi's fingertips were instantly bounced back.

At the same time, the flame on the sword was bounced to the sky.

The astonishing light of fire instantly broke through Xiao Yi's unstoppable barrier, then broke through the mountain wall and went straight to the sky.

Xiao Yi raised his head and glanced, the whole mountain has been penetrated.

Above the head, look up at the stars.

The dark night sky was instantly illuminated by the flames, and it seemed to be a sea of ​​fire and stars.

"So strong." Xiao Yi was startled, then overjoyed.

At this time, the slightly curved body on the Purple Lightning Excalibur had already recovered.


Two groups of purple light jumped out of the sword and came straight to Xiao Yi's eyes.

Light group, flying around.

At the same time, on the light group, purple lights creaked, as if telling dissatisfaction with Xiao Yi.

"Haha." Xiao Yi smiled, stretched out his hand, and touched two light balls.

"Sorry Lei Ling."

Yes, the two light groups are two prototypes of Thunder Spirits.

On that day, Lin Ye refined this sword, which actually spurred the purple power of heaven and earth to arrive, and even gave birth to two unique Thunder Spirits from it.

For the time being, the two Thunder Spirits are just prototypes.

It may be said that these are just two ‘young’ thunder spirits.

But within the body of the purple electric sword, there is a pure purple electric power.

There, it will become the best residence for the two Thunder Spirits, allowing them to continue to feed themselves.

In the future, if the two Thunder Spirits fully grow, the power of the Purple Lightning Excalibur will definitely increase.

Moreover, since the birth of the Purple Lightning Sword, it was born with two Thunder Spirits.

The sword and the thunder spirit are self-contained.

Perhaps, the growth of the two Lei Lings in the future will make the Purple Lightning Sword an opportunity for breakthroughs, and it may not necessarily be a breakthrough for the high-grade peak holy artifact in one fell swoop.

At that time, the Purple Lightning Sword could be said to be a **** of heaven and earth.

Of course, I don't know how long it will take.

"Hey, go back." Xiao Yi smiled.

The two Lei Lings circled Xiao Yi's head and bumped into Xiao Yi's mask at the same time, only then obediently returned to the body of the purple electric sword.

It didn't hurt to hit it.

The two Thunder Spirits only slightly declared their dissatisfaction.

After all, the sword body is equivalent to their "dwelling place," Xiao Yi pointed it out, and made a mess of their "dwelling place". They are wise and naturally express dissatisfaction.


Second more.

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