Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1559: Fight the peerless strong

Hiss... Hiss... Hiss...

In the entire evil repair branch, hissing sound continued.

However, within a few seconds, a hundred evil spirits were all around him and he fell to the ground, turning into a lifeless corpse.

The middle-aged man's face changed drastically, "Elder Zhang, this kid's domain..."

The old man nodded, his face solemn, and he took a slight step.


The power of martial arts spread out immediately.

Xiao Yi's purple inflammation domain was instantly suppressed.

Whether it is a middle-aged person or an elderly person, it is very clear that if Xiao Yi's domain is allowed to expand to cover the entire branch, the entire branch will be killed.

No, to be precise, except for the two of them, the others will turn into a corpse, their vitality burned out.

Therefore, the old man also released the domain at this time, suppressing Xiao Yi's domain.

Xiao Yi's domain was instantly suppressed, unable to expand.

Xiao Yi felt it for a while, frowning slightly, "peerlessly strong."

Yes, the strength of the old man definitely reaches the level of a peerless powerhouse.

Therefore, his domain can suppress his domain instantly.

After all, he now only has the sixth level of cultivation of the Saint Emperor Realm, and he controls only more than 6,000 martial arts.

Even if the fusion of the ten worlds, extinguishing and creating fire, is worth thousands of fusions of ordinary martial arts, it will add up to more than nine thousand levels at most.

The peerless powerhouse, but at least controls more than 9990 Dao.

Naturally, the old man can control more complete martial arts than himself.

His field is far stronger than himself.

"Huh." At this moment, the middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief.

If all his subordinates in the branch are dead, his elder will be considered dead.

"Elder Zhang." The middle-aged man looked at the old man, "Even the evil three wind beasts can't help this Yi Xiao, this Yi Xiao's strength..."

Xiao Yi's current strength is truly appalling.

The strength of the evil three wind beasts, reaching the level of 9,900, is infinitely close to the peerless powerhouse.

But in his hand, he punched in seconds.

If this is an old monster, that's all, but this is just a young man.

Although Xiao Yi was wearing a mask, everyone could clearly see from his eyebrows that he was definitely not old.

Moreover, that Bai Ze's skin and the delicate beauty between his eyebrows all proved that under the mask, there was at least a delicate face, even a young master.

Bang...A purple flame in Xiao Yi's hand condenses.

The surrounding three winds were broken, and although his domain was suppressed, this did not affect his strength.

With a radius of several hundred meters, there is only one corpse.

Within a hundred steps, only the old and middle-aged people remained.

He didn't care about other ordinary evil repairs.

The flame in Xiao Yi's hand was about to move.

The old man stepped forward again, and the weather swept over him.

Boom... Xiao Yi's body was full of flames and purple flames, easily blocking these auras.

At the same time, Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes.

Sure enough, his feeling was not wrong. The aura of this old man definitely reached the level of a peerless powerhouse.

Although I don't know the specific level, it is definitely not as good as the peerless powers like Sect Master Qi and Ouyang Lie.

At this moment, within a hundred steps, the momentum and flames collided and confronted each other, showing a stalemate.

The old man looked directly at Xiao Yi, and said solemnly, "Who is your Excellency?"

"Hugh is going to talk about your title of demon hunter. Even if you wear a mask to hide your face and prove your name, it is definitely not true."

"More than a year ago, he could easily defeat an Ice Palace envoy who was carrying an ice order; after disappearing for more than a year, he reappeared, and he has such monstrous strength, even no less than a peerless powerhouse."

"Looking at Zhongyu, there are not many such young evildoers."

"In just over a year, you can grow to this point. If there is no transcendent force behind you, you will never be able to give you enough cultivation resources."

"Go ahead, who are you?"

There was a touch of coldness in the old man's voice, but a touch of jealousy.

These evil cultivators do not seem to be fools either.

This old man is not a general, he has insight into people and guessed many things.

But he only guessed wrong, there was nothing behind Xiao Yi, he was cumin.

The growth of any top enchanting evildoer is not easy and requires a lot of cultivation resources to smash it.

Xiao Yi's gas spring was so terrifying that he needed more.

But these cultivation resources were all obtained by Xiao Yi himself through hard work, and he had nine deaths many times before he had the strength today.

However, Xiao Yi was not interested in correcting the old man's mistakes.

He came here to kill.

"A dying person, why ask more." Xiao Yi spit out indifferently.

"Presumptuous." The middle-aged man's eyes were cold, "What a crazy boy."

The old man waved his hand to stop the middle-aged man's words, still looking directly at Xiao Yi.

"Your Excellency has enmity with my Evil Monarch Mansion? Or is it your power that has enmity with my Evil Monarch Mansion?"

"You may wish to report your family, the old man has a lot of friends, maybe it was just a misunderstanding with you."

"Elder Zhang." The middle-aged man was anxious, "This kid killed so many people in my branch, how can he let him..."

"Shut up." The old man glared at the middle-aged man, then looked back at Xiao Yi again, as if waiting for Xiao Yi's answer.

"No misunderstanding." Xiao Yi shook his head indifferently.

"From the moment you hurt her, you have been the enemy, endlessly dying."

When the voice fell, Xiao Yi didn't say much, and shot immediately.

"She? Who?" The old man asked anxiously.

"Those who are about to die, why bother to ask." Xiao Yi's tone was extremely cold.

The twinkling figure came to the old man almost instantly.

When the figure arrived, the purple flames all over the sky followed.

With a punch, the fist wrapped in flames was amazing.

The powerful flames in the world are already amazingly powerful, making his fists explosive.

In the purple flame field, the martial arts power of the earth veins of the golden fire and the ten worlds of extinction and fire has been integrated.

It made his fists more violent and stronger.

"I can't help myself." The old man's eyes were cold, and he took a palm.

In the palm, black air surged.


The fists and palms thundered, and there was a roar.

The old man remained motionless, as did Xiao Yi.

However, Xiao Yi's real purpose is not the old man.

A trace of his purple inflammation had instantly hit the middle-aged man.

Only then did the old man discover Xiao Yi's purpose, and was suddenly startled, "Boy, dare you?"

Xiao Yi did not answer.

But his actions are the best answer.

The middle-aged man had been swallowed by Zi Yan, and within a few seconds was a charred corpse.

The middle-aged man is just a martial arts power of about 9,600.

Within the Three Winds Array, he used the power of the Array to be powerful, but the Array had disappeared, and he was not even Xiao Yi's enemy.

"You..." Seeing the middle-aged man's body, the old man instantly became extremely angry.

"Okay, very good." The old man grinned furiously.

"Dare to kill the elder of my Evil Monarch Mansion, even if you are really hidden behind the Sejong Sect, you will not be able to protect you."


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