Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1570: Out of sight

Demon rabbit area.

The Yaotu area is a few dozen areas east of the Nonghua area.

In other words, the area Xiao Yi is currently in is this demon rabbit area.

This area, on the contrary, is about the same strength as the Nonghua area, it is a third-rate area.

At this moment, the first dangerous place in the region is within the demon rabbit.

A group of evil cultivators were surrounding a huge monster beast covered in red.

The cold chains trapped the monster beast.

One by one evil Dao array, nibbled and absorbed the wisdom of this scarlet behemoth.

"Jie Jie Jie, unexpectedly encountered this evil animal in a dangerous place in the demon rabbit."

"Listen up, deacons, you must not kill this evil animal."

"I want to bring back the branch."

"Yes, Hall Master." The evil repairs around him responded with a sneer.

Roar... roar...

A roar of the beast came from the mouth of the red beast.

"Huh, naughty animal." Xie Xiu sneered, "Do you think I don't know your methods?"

"Want to charm me to wait for my mind? Overpowered."

"Although you are usually cunning and caught by us, you can never escape."

Xie Xiu sneered triumphantly.

But his smile suddenly solidified after a few seconds.

Ahead, not since when, a masked man appeared silently.

The masked man, with cold eyes, looked directly at the evil repairs around him.

Evil repairs around him, his face changed.

For some reason, when they looked at this gaze, they felt cold and even trembling.

"Who is your excellency?" The headed Xie Xiu frowned.

He naturally knows that the people here are by no means the general generation.

"People who are about to die, why ask more?" Xiao Yi's voice was indifferent.

He glanced at the scarlet behemoth on the side, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Red Moon Demon Rabbit?"

"Heh." Xiao Yi sneered, looking at the group of evil cultivators, "You are not good at other things, but you are very good at finding monsters and driving them."

The Red Moon Demon Rabbit, but an unusually rare demon beast.

Its rarity is about the same as that of the Enchanted Heart Demon Butterfly.

This monster beast is huge and red all over.

It was obviously a rabbit, but it made a roar of an angry beast, which was really weird.

However, this kind of monster is not good.

Like the Meixin Demon Butterfly, the Red Moon Demon Rabbit has the ability to influence the mind of a warrior.

Xiao Yi remembered that there was a rough record of the monster beast data in the Demon Hunting Palace.

It is said that somewhere in a dangerous place, a certain demon hunting temple powerhouse has seen a group of weird warriors, these warriors have no gods, their faces are dull, like walking dead.

When the Demon Hunting Palace powerhouse fought against this group of warriors, his palms didn't hurt, and his swords never stopped.

This group of warriors, even with scars, still attacked frantically, which was scary.

Finally, I learned that this group of warriors had long been controlled by the charm of the Red Moon Demon Rabbit.

Later, it was the strong man in the Hunting Demon Palace who killed the Red Moon Demon Rabbit, and this group of warriors returned to normal.

However, even if he returned to normal, he became crazy.


At this time, Xiao Yi raised his fingers lightly, and a flame condensed.

"What a strong flame." Xie Xiu headed by was suddenly startled.

Xiao Yi didn't talk nonsense with them, and dropped his fingers.


High in the sky, a series of flame meteors descended from the sky.

Almost instantly, the flame swallowed the martial artist and the red moon demon rabbit present.

After a few seconds, the flame dissipated.

There are only corpses on the ground.

Xiao Yi waved a big hand and took away the Qiankun ring on the ground.

I glanced at it, and it was all evil repairs, but there was no information.

Xie Xiu is indeed extremely cautious.

But it didn't matter, Xiao Yi no longer needed these information materials.

With a big wave, he took away the inner alchemy, blood and corpse of the Red Moon Demon Rabbit.

The inner alchemy of the Red Moon Demon Rabbit is also a rare thing.

Its inner pill, with the extremely yin power of the essence of the moon, and the most yang power of the red fire, is quite peculiar.

It is extremely effective in refining certain yin and yang reconciling pills, or yin Yin.

As for placing the corpses of monsters, Xiao Yi would use other Qiankun rings.

Otherwise, the corpse of the monster beast will make the normal universe ring space bloody.

Although most warriors don't care about these.

But at least it's clean, Xiao Yi still cares.

Moreover, his main universe ring contains a large number of rare natural materials and treasures.

These natural treasures need to be carefully preserved.

Therefore, Xiao Yi usually uses other Qiankun rings to pretend the corpses of monsters.

Do everything well, Xiao Yi Yukong flew away.


Demon rabbit area, a certain city, a certain mansion.


Suddenly, high in the sky, a series of skyfire meteors descended densely.

But for a moment, the entire mansion was swallowed by flames.

The astonishing power has attracted warriors from the entire city to come from the sky.

However, when these warriors Yukong arrived, there was no one in the sky above the mansion.

All the warriors could only vaguely see that an indifferent figure had already left.

The figure, obviously just a young figure, seems to be wearing a mask.

A group of warriors have not yet reacted. After a few breaths, their figures have disappeared in the sky.

Everyone recovered and looked at the mansion below.

Inside the mansion, there is already a sea of ​​fire ruins.

Inside the warrior, I am afraid that he has long been buried in the flames.

Such turbulent flames happened to only wrap this mansion.

The streets outside the residence, neighboring buildings, etc., were all intact.

"What an amazing fire control ability, who was that just now?"

The warriors all around were shocked.


Obviously, what Xiao Yi destroyed just now was an evil repair branch.

Finding these evil repair divisions is no longer difficult.

In the perception of heaven and earth, the place where the black energy is densest is the evil repair branch.

In the perception, the scattered black energy is naturally an evil cultivator walking outside.

Destroying the evil repair branch, Xiao Yi naturally has to deal with the evil repair outside.

Demon rabbit area.

some where.

Several evil repairs are besieging a strong sword repairer.

"Xie Xiu, you are so brave." The strong sword repairman shouted angrily.

Several evil cultivators, Jiejie sneered, "There are a few strong sword cultivators in the Demon Rabbit region, Xu Zhen, is that capable?"

Obviously, it can be seen that several evil cultivators have suppressed this strong sword cultivator.

Just at this time.

Whoosh... a figure appeared out of thin air.


The figure's fingers moved lightly, and several flames shot out.

The fire light instantly penetrated the center of the eyebrows of these evil repairs, and several evil repairs fell to the ground.

The figure waved a big hand, and took away the things from Qiankun Ring and Xie Xiu. The figure flashed and disappeared out of thin air.

On the spot, the strong sword repairman was stunned, obviously not reacting.

When he reacted, he stared at the evil repair corpse on the ground, "This..."

"Which powerhouse was it just now? Killed these evil cultivators in seconds with one shot?"


Within a few hours.

This happened from time to time throughout the Demon Rabbit area.

A powerful masked man who was more fascinating than Xie Xiu suddenly appeared, killed Xie Xiu, and then suddenly left, disappearing without a trace.


Third more.

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