Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1574: Queer-tempered senior

"Huh? Why does that guy have no breath?"

The Firefang Sect disciple looked at Xiao Yi's back in doubt.

But in the next second, the Firefang Sect disciple shook his head again, "Oh, it's a illusion, there is nothing to worry about for an eight-fold warrior in the Saint King realm."

Ahead, Xiao Yi was walking, his eyes narrowed in the large black robe.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly just now.

He had forgotten that when he was wearing a ghost mask, his breath would disappear.

It doesn't matter if you walk on weekdays.

Furthermore, no one will perceive the breath of others for no reason.

But now he has to go to the Firefang Sect to find out clearly, only then did he put on a **** robe.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly, and quickly condensed a little breath outside.

This breath is not strong, probably only to the eighth layer of the Saint King Realm.

This is also the reason why the Firefang Sect disciple perceives that Xiao Yi's cultivation is at the eighth level of the Saint King Realm.

Normally, this method of warrior is useless.

Because the warrior himself has aura, and then condenses a weaker aura, which can't cover up his own aura at all.

But now he is wearing a ghost mask, and he is breathless.

Therefore, he now condenses a breath, which becomes the only breath in him.

Naturally, when outsiders perceive him, they will perceive this level.

Moreover, Xiao Yi was cautious and did not use his own power to condense.

Instead, he held a few imperial grade natural treasures and imperial grade elixirs in his hand, and used these pure things to condense his breath.

This breath was stuck outside the large black robe.

If there are no accidents, if outsiders are interested in him and want to perceive him, they will perceive the pure herbal breath.

In other words, he would be regarded as a pharmacist with eight levels of cultivation at the Saint King realm.

Under the large black robe, Xiao Yi grinned triumphantly.

He was confident that his disguise was enough.


Walk all the way up outside the gate of Huofangzong.

One after another can see a large number of warriors are also going to Firefang Sect.

At this time, Xiao Yi noticed that among most normal martial artists, there were also several evil cultivators from time to time.

Of course, these evil cultivators wore normal clothes, and their faces were like ordinary warriors.

But Xiao Yi has dealt with so many evil cultivators these days, and he can naturally recognize these evil cultivators from various details at a glance.

In such a large area, he didn't know the traces of evil cultivation, so he could only perceive it in the form of the power of heaven and earth.

But seeing these evil cultivators face to face at close range, Xiao Yi could recognize them at a glance.

Perhaps, among the Eight Halls of warriors, no one knows these evil cultivation better than him, including those in the hall that are stronger than him.

I have had a lot of contact, and I have a little intuition.

Xiao Yi thought while walking.

Suddenly, a figure came head-on from one side.

However, the impact was not great, and the figure looked a little petite.

Therefore, Xiao Yi had no effect either, but this figure was shocked by two steps.

"Ah, sorry." The figure said quickly.

The figure is a woman.

There is nothing special about a burlap sackcloth.

It seemed that it was no different from the ordinary warriors walking around the Firefang Zongshanmen.

At this time, the woman said sorry and walked towards her.


Unexpectedly, Xiao Yi's palm quickly stretched out from the large black robe and grabbed the woman's wrist.

"What are you doing?" The woman was angry.

Xiao Yi's eyes hidden in the large black robe narrowed, "Before the girl leaves, it's better to return the Qiankun ring."

A look of surprise flashed across the woman's face, and then she frowned, "I don't know what you are talking about."

Xiao Yi's eyes were suddenly cold, "Little girl, stealing from Firefang Sect, you are so bold."

"You..." The woman wanted to refute something, but looking at Xiao Yi's gloomy appearance in the black robe, and the face completely covered in the black robe, there were only a pair of cold eyes, and her body trembled.

Moreover, this voice was so hoarse and vicissitudes of life, and the outside of the robe carried the aura of medicine and heavenly materials.

Come to think of it, this is an eccentric alchemist.

Many well-known pharmacists are elders.

Among them, there are some weird personalities who don't like to talk, don't get close to strangers, and only deal with dead things such as herbs, poisonous weeds, and monster corpses throughout their lives.

In short, her instinct told her that the black-robed man in front of her was very dangerous.

"Goo." The woman couldn't help swallowing, spreading her palms tremblingly.

On the palm of the hand, there is a Qiankun ring.

"Um... Senior, Qiankun Jie will return it to you." The woman begged for mercy.

Xiao Yi took it, and the woman turned and left.

Xiao Yi still grasped her wrist, and said in a cold voice, "Not this one."

Saying this, Xiao Yi smiled bitterly in his heart, this woman, smart enough, changed him an empty ring.

If he hadn't let go without being cautious, I'm afraid the woman would have run out of sight just after he took the Universe Ring.

"Oh, I'm sorry, senior, I got it wrong." A sly flickered across the woman's face, and she took the matter lightly.

The woman took out a universe ring again.

Xiao Yi took it and withdrew the hand that had caught the woman.

The woman was relieved, turned and left.

"Slow." Xiao Yi said hoarsely.

The woman stopped wondering.

Xiao Yi said solemnly, "Follow me, after participating in this flaming tooth event, I will let you go."

"Senior you..." The woman suddenly became angry, "Senior, I have paid you back your things, what else do you want to do?"

The clay figure still has three points of fire, not to mention the warrior.

"Jiejie." Xiao Yiyin sneered coldly, "Empty Su Fenghu, but an extremely rare martial arts soul."

"To the pharmacist, the blood of a warrior with such a spirit is a treasure..."

Xiao Yi hasn't finished speaking yet.

The woman's face changed drastically, and she quickly made a'silence' gesture, and then looked at the pedestrians around in surprise, as if she was afraid of being heard by the surrounding martial artists.

"Senior, let's be honest, what on earth do you want to do?" The woman smiled bitterly, "I have nothing to do with me. Second, I only offend seniors half a point, so why should seniors embarrass me."

"Let you follow and follow." Xiao Yi's hoarse words carried an impatient tone.

"If you dare to leave for half a step without my permission, I guarantee that you will become a blood-drained corpse when you leave the front of the fire tooth sect."

The woman trembled and hurriedly followed, not daring to say more.

Xiao Yi glanced at the woman and snorted coldly.

The woman showed fear and followed Xiao Yi's side, "What's the command of the senior?"

"Are you a native warrior in the Huoya region?" Xiao Yi asked in a deep voice.

"Yes." The woman nodded, tears flashing in her eyes, "The little girl died of her parents when she was young, and was alone since she was a child."

"Finally, I got a little bit of cultivation, but I was bullied all day long, and I can only live by stealing..."

"Shut up." Xiao Yi snorted coldly.

"I ask you, what's the matter with this flaming tooth event?"

"Huh?" The woman was stunned, with tears in her eyes, and she said no.

"Senior is a foreign warrior?"


First more.

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