Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1577: First-class flame wisdom

Around Zongmen Square.

Xiao Yi didn't enter the raging fire, but just observed.

The entire Zongmen Square occupies half the area of ​​the Huofang Zongmen, but the scope is extremely large.

The raging flames in the middle are about kilometers in size.

Although the Young City Lord of Burning Tooth City was the first to enter, hundreds of people have entered.

But one thing is strange.

It can be clearly seen that every time a warrior enters the flames, the burning of the flames will expand slightly.

The entry of hundreds of warriors caused the flame to grow by about one point, reaching the size of one thousand and one hundred meters.

Aside, Liao Ling'er saw Xiao Yi staring at the flames, and said, "Senior, this is the special feature of the Fire Fang."

"Within the big formation, there are restrictions."

"The more warriors that enter the flame, the more the flame will grow."

"If all the warriors here in the square enter, then the flame will grow to the point where it wraps the entire square, or even bigger."

This raging fire is the famous Huzong Formation of the Firefang Sect, the Firefang Formation.

"It has nothing to do with the formation." Xiao Yi shook his head.

"Nothing?" Liao Linger frowned, but said nothing.

But his heart sneered, "It seems that this old monster is not very capable."

"Huoya big formation, but the big formation everyone knows in the Huoya area."

"It's effective and powerful, who doesn't know? Still dare to say it has nothing to do, huh."


Time gradually passed.

An hour later, more and more warriors entered, gradually reaching the number of thousands.

But most of the warriors are still on the sidelines, seeming to be waiting for something.

Xiao Yi glanced at the faces of the martial artists around, and then at Liao Ling'er on the side.

"Do you want to go in?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Of course I go in, otherwise what am I doing here?" Liao Linger replied, "but I'm not in a hurry, I have to wait a while."

"What are you waiting for?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Wait for luck." Liao Linger said.

"Luck?" Xiao Yi frowned.

It was another half an hour later.

The burning guy spread out and grew again.

But, at this time, the flame suddenly changed.

Boom... There was a loud explosion, and a large flame suddenly turned into blue, which was extremely strange.

But only a second later, the blue color instantly turned into red.

After that, the flame did not change and remained in red.

"It's a red flame." The warriors around the square were overjoyed.

"It's a red flame." Next to Xiao Yi, Liao Ling'er also smiled and blurted out, "God really helped me."

"God helps me too?" Xiao Yi looked at Liao Ling'er suspiciously.

"Oh." Liao Linger reacted, smiling, and said, "It's nothing."

"Senior, you are from a foreign area, don't you know."

"Fire tooth event, every time the flame will change after the event starts for a period of time."

"The color of the flame represents the degree of danger of this event."

"Oh?" Xiao Yi raised his eyebrows.

Liao Ling'er smiled, "If it is a blue flame, it means that the level of danger is extremely high."

"If it is a red flame, it has the lowest degree of danger. If a warrior enters the test, it is not certain that all members will survive, and the death rate will not exceed 10%."

"Senior, I said, Fire Fang is amazing, you can see it now."

Xiao Yi said nothing, but frowned.

He found that Liao Linger's attitude towards him had changed significantly at the moment.

Before, he was wary and dissatisfied; now, he is overjoyed.

Perhaps it's because there is no danger in this flaming tooth event.

However, the fire tooth array is amazing?

For this, Xiao Yi sneered.

What kind of fiery fangs can hide from others, but can't hide from him Xiao Yi.

Within this flaming tooth formation, there was a raging fire, and various changes continued to occur, which had nothing to do with the formation itself.

But within this big formation, it is not an ordinary flame at all, but a flame monster with intelligence.

Yes, wise.

All things can produce wisdom.

Even invisible water and fire can be the same.

Back then, Xiao Yi encountered the spirit and wisdom of boiling demon fire in the Fengsheng area.

Boiling demon fire, as a powerful flame in the world, its birth is difficult and time-consuming.

But now the flame wisdom in the Firefang Sect is just the ordinary flame wisdom.

If Xiao Yi didn't read it wrong, this raging fire was just a first-class flame, and the intelligence produced was not weak, but not very strong.

The first-class flames must produce wisdom within ten thousand years.

With such big powers as the Firefang Sect, if the cultivation of foreign objects is added, it is not difficult to cultivate the first-class flame intelligence within a hundred years.

Simply put, it is the intelligence inside, not the big array, that controls the growth and color changes of this raging fire.

Firefang Sect could conceal this from others, but could not conceal him from Xiao Yi.

He is not only an array mage, but also a fire fighter.

With his fire control ability, it is not difficult to discover this.

"Prepare to go in." Xiao Yi said.

"Yeah." Liao Ling'er nodded, but immediately frowned, "No, senior, won't you let me go?"

"I said." Xiao Yi's voice was hoarse and cold, "After the fire tooth event, I will let you go."

For the time being, Liao Ling'er could not be released.

His outfit is indeed more eye-catching.

Moreover, he clearly felt that after the event began, a perception passed over him.

That sense of perception is extremely secretive, and it is obvious that the person who releases the perception is definitely not a leisurely person.

If he hadn't been used to being cautious and sensitive, he would have never noticed it.

If the guess is not wrong, the only person in the audience who has this ability is Sect Master Firefang.

However, this perception swept past him and did not stay long.

In the square, there are tens of thousands of Tianjiao and warriors from all over the world at this moment.

There were no fewer than dozens of people dressed in black robes.

Black robe wrapping, although not common, it is not particularly rare and rare.

But that sense of perception was on other black-robed warriors, staying longer.

Come to think of it, it should be Xiao Yi standing beside Liao Linger, an ordinary warrior, so he didn't get too much attention.

Xiao Yi's caution was naturally justified.

"Let's go." Xiao Yi said, pulling Liao Ling'er over, and stepping into the raging fire.

The warriors around him quickly entered without hesitation.

After learning that the burning flame turned red, there was no fear on the faces of the warriors.

But for a moment, there was no more warrior in the entire Zongmen Square.

And the raging fire suddenly grew to a terrifying point, and the flame seemed to cover most of the entire majestic mountain.

If you look from a distance in Huoya City, you must be able to see that the entire Huoya Mountain peak is already a huge fireball.


"Huh?" Xiao Yi and the two had just entered the flames.

Oncoming, a flame monster walked out of the sea of ​​fire.

"Is it just a monster beast that is condensed and transformed by flames?" Xiao Yi frowned.

"Senior, don't underestimate this flaming tooth formation." Liao Linger smiled inexplicably.

"Good show, it's behind."


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