Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1580: Brother and sister ten years ago

Those who passed Wanwu were shocked.

Around, the mountain walls were rugged, and it seemed to be in a huge cave.

The evil repairs around him are densely packed, and the number is astonishing.

Judging whether it is evil cultivation is not based on the black robe dress, but based on the palpitating cold breath of them.

The evil path cultivated by evil cultivators is very different from the normal breath of normal warriors.

If Xie Xiu couldn't hide his aura, a normal warrior would recognize it at a glance.

Naturally, within the cave, this amazing number of evil cultivators were all around, leaving a group of warriors in shock.

However, what is strange is that Xie Xiu around him was also stunned, obviously surprised by the sudden appearance of the warriors.


Both sides were shocked at the same time.

Inside the huge cave, it fell silent for a while.

This silence does not appear heavy, but it seems a bit funny when both sides stare at each other.

Suddenly, a warrior took the lead in exclaiming, breaking the silence.

"Huo... Sect Master Huoya? You... Are you also Xie Xiu?" This warrior's voice was incredulous.

Yes, in the surrounding evil cultivation, the Firefang Sect Master was impressive, including the elders of the Firefang Sect and some disciples.


The silent atmosphere suddenly erupted.

Everyone reacted from shock.

"Xie Xiu, it's Xie Xiu, this is the branch where the Xie Xiu gathers." Among those who have passed ten thousand warriors, an old man with obvious strength roared.

With a sound, a group of warriors immediately showed their vigilance, and they were also ready to fight.

The word "Xie Xiu" is always a fascinating existence in the middle domain.

That cruel and bloodthirsty means, that cold and strange breath, all scared people.

On the other side, a group of evil cultivators also reacted at the same time.

Sect Master Huofang shouted coldly, "Encircle them."

Sect Master Huoya did not explain half a sentence, but gave an order instantly.

In this case, there is no need to explain, and the explanation is useless.

A group of warriors discovered that the Firefang Sect was the evil repair branch, and it was already a fact.

However, Sect Master Firefang's face at the moment was hard to see the extreme.

"Damn, why are you here?" Sect Master Huoya glanced at the warriors coldly.

"Why are we here?" At almost the same time, some strong men of the major forces said in surprise.

Both sides are in shock.

The atmosphere around him became inexplicable.

Of course, the two sides confronted each other and did not relax.

At this time, a thin figure among the martial artists walked out slowly.

"Sect Master Huofang, but he still recognizes me." The figure sneered.

It is Liao Ling'er.

"Are you?" Sect Master Firefang narrowed his eyes.

"Haha." Liao Linger smiled inexplicably, "Yes, Sect Master Firefang is a big man."

"In the Huoya region, there are several strong people, and the Huoya sect master whom everyone respects."

"In the evil monarch's mansion, it is also a high-ranking evil repair branch that commands hundreds of regions."

"You big people, you can't remember that small people like me should be."

Liao Ling'er smiled, but she also carried icy powder.

"Who are you?" Sect Master Huoya's face was already dark.

He doesn't know what happened, but it must be related to the seemingly ordinary woman in burlap sackcloth.

His Firefang Sect, secretly serving as an evil repair branch for many years, has never been discovered.

He has always been the lofty Firefang Sect Master, and the Firefang Sect has always been a great power respected by everyone.

But today, a carelessness is afraid of causing great consequences.

His Firefang Sect's hard work over the years may have fallen short.

Naturally, his face is extremely ugly.

Liao Ling'er sneered, "Sect Master Huoya can't remember me. Do you still remember the siblings who came to your Huoya Sect to participate in the Huoya event ten years ago?"

"Huh?" Sect Master Huoya thought thoughtfully, seeming to think of something.

"It turned out to be you." Sect Master Huofang suddenly became cold. "That little mouse ten years ago."

"It seems that I remembered it." Liao Ling'er grinned sarcastically.

"Ten years ago, my brother and I came here to participate in the event, just to get some rewards and to practice martial arts."

"My brother won the number one event in one fell swoop. I still remember the majesty that Sect Master Huofang personally awarded to my brother when he became a disciple."

"Who ever thought that Sect Master Dignified Firefang was actually the elder Xie Xiu."

"Who would have thought that the Sect Master Firefang behind his back, sneered so coldly."

"My brother doesn't want to be like you, so you will kill him or even make him a puppet."

"Heh." Liao Linger said coldly, "I still remember that my brother regarded you as a mentor the day before, and the next day he became incredibly embarrassed and embarrassed under your hideous face."

"But no matter how embarrassed, he still protects me safely away from your glamorous and dark place."

"Ten years later, today, I am back."

Liao Ling'er's face was extremely cold.

"What then?" Sect Master Huofang smiled contemptuously, "Ten years ago, that waste obviously controlled a rare space in the world, but he had to find his own way."

"Of course, I might as well tell you that if it weren't for that waste to protect you on the day, he would never have died."

"The space together is a means that the legendary strong can control; below the legendary strong, no one can do anything about it."

"That waste wants to run away, and I can't help it; but if he still takes your oil bottle, he can only take his life in exchange for yours."

Sect Master Huofang's face at the moment was extremely hideous.

And Liao Ling'er, the cold and proud face on her original face solidified in an instant.

"Fool." Firefang Sect Master Jiejie sneered, "It is not so much that I killed your brother, it is better to say that you killed your brother."

"What..." Liao Linger's body trembled, and her eyes fell into a loss of consciousness.

"Humph." Just at this moment, a cold snort sounded from Liao Linger's heart.

Liao Ling'er, who had been absent-minded, instantly regained her clarity.

"Huh?" A strange color flashed in the eyes of Sect Master Firefang, "I can wake up so soon? It seems that I have some ability."

Liao Ling'er had a lingering fear for a while, she knew that it was not because she woke up so quickly.

It was the inexplicable cold snort just now that restored her clarity.

Sect Master Huofang is worthy of a very strong evil cultivator, and with a few words, he almost broke Liao Linger's mind.

If Liao Ling'er didn't wake up in time just now, she would be damaged, even if Sect Master Huofang didn't take action, she would die in her own hands.

"Xie Xiu is really weird and cunning." Liao Linger snorted coldly.

"Want to disturb my mind? You killed my brother. Today, I am here to take revenge."

"Vengeance?" Sect Master Firefang smiled disdainfully, "Why?"


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