Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1582: Ruined

Sect Master Firefang narrowed his eyes when he saw this.

"It is said that you Ziyan Yi Xiao is indifferent and treats human life like ants."

"I saw it today, it really is."

In his opinion, people like Yi Xiao who are not well-known will definitely care about fame.

"Heh." Xiao Yi smiled indifferently, "put away your nonsense, it's useless to me."

Sect Master Huofang's concentration is really powerful.

Under such circumstances, he was able to speak calmly, and even planned to disturb Xiao Yi's mind through words as before.

It's just that these words, these heart-breaking words, were just a joke in front of Xiao Yi.

"These nonsense of yours are useless except to provoke me." Xiao Yi sneered.


Zi Yan in his hand suddenly shot out.

Almost the moment the amethyst spirit flame fell, on the ground, a large flame array burst out instantly.

That pile of tens of thousands of martial arts ice crystals was instantly in the sea of ​​fire.

"Asshole, do you dare?" Sect Master Firefang's pupils shrank, no longer being calm.

"It's now." Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes.

Whoosh... the figure suddenly turned into a flame, and the speed was extremely fast.

Sect Master Huofang hadn't reacted yet, Xiao Yi had already arrived in front of him.

The palm of the flame-wrapped hand buckled lightly, but the palm of Sect Master Huofang clasped Liao Linger's throat.

The next second, a punch came out.

A terrifying punch actually blasted Sect Master Firefang into a hundred steps.

"Um." Sect Master Huoya actually snorted.

However, he had no time to shoot Xiao Yi, but shouted, "Quickly put out those flames."

Among the evil cultivators around, there are many warriors who practice water and ice together.

Some evil cultivators with a high level of cultivation also tried to forcibly extinguish the flames through elemental strength.

Here, Xiao Yi sneered.

"Senior, you are amazing." Next to him, Liao Linger's beautiful eyes flickered.

"The cold snort in my heart before, it was the senior who reminded me to restore my clarity."

"Although the Firefang Sect Master is good at attacking the heart, he not only did not affect the senior; instead, the senior seized the opportunity in an instant, and the thunder strike sent him flying."

Xiao Yi glanced at Liao Ling'er when he heard the words, and said nothing.

But he knew that Liao Ling'er didn't guess wrong, this girl was Bingxue smart.

Sect Master Huoya's words of attacking the heart, not only did not work for him.

On the contrary, he was agitated by his words in turn, revealing the flaws, and then he had a thunderous blow, blasting and annealing the tooth master.

As for the thunder punch just now, it was the ‘Bengjie Punch’.

Xiao Yi was not doing useless work in killing evil repairs this month.

He kills evil repairs, and naturally has his purpose.

Or to put it simply, he has long regarded evil cultivation as his object of experience.

These evil cultivators like to manipulate monsters the most.

Therefore, most of these evil cultivators are blood of monsters.

In January, it swept nearly a hundred parts, and Xiao Yi's harvest was extremely rich.

And his physical strength also jumped twice in a short period of one month, reaching the sixth level of the Holy Emperor Realm.

Just now, he instantly exhausted all the power of Shura in his body, and with the eruption of flames, he had that terrifying speed, and instantly arrived at the body of Sect Master Firefang.

And the last punch, with all the power of Shura, to cast the strongest Bengjie punch.

This had the effect of a blow to anneal the tooth master.

However, that's all.

That punch shook back the Firefang Sect Master, but it failed to injure the Firefang Sect Master.

Comparing the strength conferred by his fire control team and the strength conferred by kendo, the current physical team is still not enough.

For the time being, the Shura battle body can only exert some miraculous effects when all the power of Shura is consumed in an instant.

Just like that punch.

However, this was enough to satisfy Xiao Yi.

After all, he is currently the sixth layer of the Saint Emperor Realm.

If you continue to practice this technique, it will definitely give him even more terrifying combat power in the future; even when it truly reaches a very high level, it will definitely have a punch.

However, this technique is indeed against the sky, and the blood of the monster beast required is an astronomical number.

In Xiao Yi's judgment, practicing this cultivation technique would not be able to support it because of the background of a dominant force.

However, these evil cultivators gave him a way to ‘raise battles through war’.

These evil cultivators, especially the evil cultivator branch, have a large amount of monster blood.

On the other side, Sect Master Firefang and others tried their best to put out the burning raging purple inflammation.

However, this seems a bit futile.

"It's useless." Xiao Yi said indifferently.

"Under the pile of martial arts ice crystals, I have long since laid a purple flame formation."

"And within the martial arts ice crystal, I have long burned the mark of flame."

Sect Master Firefang and others tried to extinguish the amethyst spirit flame, but it was in vain.

Not to mention that with the formation increase, the amethyst spirit flame burned amazingly.

Just talk about those martial arts ice crystals, they have long been burned with flame marks.

In other words, as early as Xiao Yi's hands condensed the amethyst spirit flame, when the big formation was triggered, the appearance of these martial arts ice crystals seemed intact, but the inside had already been burned into nothingness.

Even if the amethyst spirit flame was extinguished, these martial arts ice crystals would have become useless.

"Is this the rumored Ziyan Yi Xiao?" Liao Linger looked at Xiao Yi in front of him, with surprises in her beautiful eyes.

Just now, she was obviously too excited and excited, and she yelled ‘senior’.

But now, she obviously has reacted.

Standing in front of her, there was an old guy with a weird temper, a cruel young man at all, and the rumored Zi Yan Yi Xiao.

On the other side, Sect Master Firefang gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

Amethyst Lingyan burns everything, it is not an ordinary feng shui can do it, ordinary ice and snow can melt.

He could only watch the tens of thousands of martial arts ice crystals burned to ashes, helpless.

"End... End..."

Sect Master Firefang paled.

"The Huoya branch, and the hundreds of branches around it, have been devastated for several years."

Sect Master Firefang felt dizzy for a while.

"Sect Master." The surrounding elders were also shocked.

"This time all the martial arts ice crystals and martial arts power were destroyed, let alone the general government to blame, it is impossible to explain it just by protecting the law."

"Damn...damn it." Sect Master Firefang trembled, which was an expression of extreme anger.

A pair of cracking eyes looked towards Xiao Yi.

"Zi Yan Yi Xiao, you are so brave." Sect Master Huofang almost choked his teeth.

"The blame is on you for being too proud." Xiao Yi sneered.

"If it weren't for you to talk too much, you wouldn't have given me a chance to plant a large purple flame formation."

"Zi Yan Yi Xiao, and you stinky girl." Sect Master Huofang was furious, looking directly at Xiao Yi and Liao Ling'er.

Although he also had to be surprised by Yi Xiao's methods, that silently concealed his ability to deploy formations in secret, it was indeed powerful.

Even he, a peerless and powerful man who has been famous for many years, can't perceive the aura in it. No wonder Zi Yan Yi Xiao is so fascinating.

But in his opinion, if it weren't for Liao Ling'er, Yi Xiao and a group of warriors, how could they appear here.

"Today, you all have to die."


Third more.

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