Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1585: Nine Suns Reincarnation, Burst


The pair of fists and the two fangs spiked, and a roar erupted.

And the explosive point of the roar is within the fangs spikes.

Xiao Yi's fists were violent, domineering, weird and cold, and almost instantly iced two fangs spikes.

But after the ice was sealed, two fang spikes broke out in the ice.

"What a terrifying explosive power." Xiao Yi was startled when he saw this.

The firmness of the two fangs spikes is far greater than just now.

If he hadn't reacted very quickly, the two fangs spikes would have penetrated his palm in an instant.

Afterwards, the spikes erupted, directly exploding his palms to pieces.

Anticipating the consequences, Xiao Yi couldn't help being afraid for a while.

The methods of evil cultivation are really strange and unpredictable.

And Firefang Sect Master, 9992 Dao powerhouse, is also amazingly strong.

Compared with the ordinary peerless powerhouse of Dao 9990, Sect Master Huofang, he is strong by two levels.

"Humph." Xiao Yi snorted coldly, striding forward, closing his fists and elbowing.

On the elbow, four-color flames suddenly appeared.

The fang spikes of Firefang Sect Master's hands were frozen in ice, and there was no time to resist.

The elbow hit happens to be extremely fast.

Therefore, Xiao Yi's elbow blow hit the face of Sect Master Huofang heavily under the flame increase.

Boom...a loud sound.

Sect Master Firefang was knocked into the air.

When it fell to the ground, his face was already scorched, and blood was gurgling from the tip of his nose, so embarrassed.

"So strong."

"Sect Master Firefang is so embarrassed when he meets him?"

A group of warriors, although fighting against Xie Xiu, are also watching the battle on the side of Sect Master Huofang.

Seeing this at the moment, all exclaimed.

"This is Yi Xiao's strength? No wonder the evil repairs that can sweep nearly a hundred regions in a short time."

"This guy is so perverted."

On Xiao Yi's side, he looked at the other evil elders again.

Originally, he had the best strength, three kinds of flames, plus the increase of the Star Fantasy Gloves, only then could he have the power to tie the fire tooth master.

And now, with the addition of a kind of flame, Bingming Youhuo, he has a slightly better combat power than Sect Master Huofang.

However, Bingmingyouhuo, the flame itself, Xiao Yi has completely controlled; but the martial arts power that belongs to this flame, Xiao Yi has not yet controlled it.

The flame itself does not have the corresponding martial arts power to match, and it can't exert its true power at all.

Therefore, even if Xiao Yi now adds a powerful flame, it will only slightly outperform the Huofang Sect Master.

To kill Huofang Sect Master, it is definitely not a short time.

Therefore, Xiao Yi looked at the other evil elders at this time.

The same goes for killing all these evil elders first.

Whoosh... Xiao Yi's figure moved instantly.

Furious and domineering and strange and cold.

Dozens of evil elders, his pupils obviously shrank.

They naturally saw the scene of the previous evil elders suddenly being frozen and then turned into ashes.

"Yi Xiao, you are looking for death." Sect Master Huofang's expression changed.

The original tens of thousands of martial arts ice crystals were all destroyed, and it was already difficult for him to explain to the headquarters.

If a lot of elders of the peerless power level were to die now, then he, the elder who has commanded hundreds of regions of evil cultivation, would be regarded as the end.

"Huoliao Buried Dao Wu." Sect Master Huoya put out his hands together.


The spikes of fangs made of flames burst out of the air.

The dense fang spikes are like a wind and dancing, but they are not half chaotic, as if every fang spike fits the martial art of heaven and earth.

Hundreds of flame fang spikes blocked all the range of Xiao Yi in an instant.

Xiao Yi's original action against the other evil elders was instantly stopped.

Shit... Shit...

Even under the thorns of such dense fangs, Xiao Yi was inevitable, and he carried it twice abruptly.

One hit the shoulder; one hit the arm.

"Blast." Sect Master Huoya shouted violently.

Boom...a loud sound. ‘

The spikes of fangs on Xiao Yi's shoulders instantly burst.

"Ah." Xiao Yi cried out in pain, before he could do any extra movements, he screamed coldly, "Feng."

Bingmingyouhuo instantly sealed the fangs spikes on his arms.

Four-color flames flashed past.

Under the eruption of the amethyst spirit flame and the golden fire of the earth veins, this fang spike instantly burned into nothingness.

His arms were unharmed, but his shoulders were **** after the explosion just now.

Firm shoulders, bones exposed at the moment.

With Xiao Yi's powerful body, he was even so embarrassed by the bombing; it is conceivable that if he is hit at the center, I am afraid that he will immediately pay attention.

Sect Master Huoya must not be underestimated.


Xiao Yi took out a few pills in his hand, instantly kneaded it into powder, and sprinkled it on his shoulder.

A strong force wrapped his shoulders and temporarily suppressed the injury.

"You can't stop me." Xiao Yi yelled coldly, and his figure moved again.

"Huoliao buried Daowu." Sect Master Huoliao shouted again.

Numerous flaming fangs and thorns arrived.

But this time, Xiao Yi's speed suddenly increased.

To be more serious, the color of the flame on his hands changed again, adding a touch of blue and white color out of thin air.

Above the fist, there is already a five-color flame.

Yes, he joined the Star Fire.

His figure, like a meteor at this moment, shuttles quickly.

Within a few seconds, several more evil elders were frozen and then turned into ashes.

Sect Master Firefang's dense fang spikes did not hurt Xiao Yi a bit; no, to be precise, it couldn't keep up with Xiao Yi's speed.


Xiao Yi's figure flashed and flickered constantly.

The meteor-like figure is dazzling.

In just a few seconds, dozens of ice lumps have appeared in the air.

In a short time, more than half of the evil elders died.

"" Not far away, Sect Master Huofang trembled.

He didn't know how to describe the feeling now, maybe, he was anxious to vomit blood.

He didn't know why he encountered such a monster.

He only knew that before long, the evil elders from all regions would die.

And he, helpless, can only watch.

Just at this time.

Suddenly, a figure jumped out from the depths of the cave.

A palm, as if surpassing the limitation of space, came straight from Xiao Yi's throat.

Above the palm of his hand, the black energy surged even more alarmingly.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi was startled and backed away again and again, as if he had escaped this palm.

After he stood firm, an old man appeared in front of him.

"9,993." Xiao Yi stared at the old man coldly, narrowing his eyes, "Is he finally willing to show up?"

As early as when he was in the Firefang Sect square before, Xiao Yi discovered that there was an unusually terrifying aura in the Firefang Sect, whose strength was even higher than that of the Firefang Sect Master.

This proves that there are stronger and more terrifying evil cultivators in the Firefang Sect.

Therefore, Xiao Yi kept hiding some means, but did not exhaust the flames.

However, just now when dealing with Sect Master Firefang, one accidentally caused his shoulders to be blown to blood.

Therefore, Xiao Yi could only add the last flame that could be added, the Star Fire, in an attempt to quickly kill these dozens of evil elders.

Unfortunately, it was still a step slower.

"Huoya, I will settle accounts with you later." The old man glanced at Sect Master Huoya.

Sect Master Huofang's expression changed, but he did not dare to refute.

Whoosh... Xiao Yi's figure flashed and punched out.

"I can't help myself." The old man glanced at Xiao Yi and flicked his fingertips.

A black gas lased.


Xiao Yi's fist penetrated in an instant.

The fist wrapped in 5 kinds of flames was so vulnerable.

This is the strength of 9993 Dao peerless powerhouse.

Its strength is one level stronger than Firefang Sect Master, and can even reach the point of a spike.

"Damn it." Xiao Yi cursed inwardly.

His icy dark flames, and the fire of stars, after all, failed to control the power of the martial arts of heaven and earth; even if the two flames were added, it was far inferior to any of the other three flames.

Therefore, the joining of these two kinds of flames could not equalize the gap with 9993 peerless powerhouses.

"A group of ants, the old man is not interested in wasting time with you." The old man shook his head indifferently.


A large flame burst out suddenly and enveloped the entire cave.

"It's the Firefang Array, the Firefang Sect's Guardian Array." The warriors around them changed their faces.

"Huh?" At this time, Xiao Yi stared at this large array, but frowned.

No, this is not a big battle.

"Fire Crow Array?" After Xiao Yi recognized this Array, the face under the mask also changed drastically.

"One of the ancient great formations in Yandian, ranks among the top ten fierce formations in ancient times."

Xiao Yi recognized this big formation at the same time.

Within the flame array, a huge fire crow condensed out of thin air.

The amazing flame breath almost melted the entire cave.

"Not good." Xiao Yi's face was stern, and flames in his hand shot out quickly.

"Nine Suns Reincarnation." Xiao Yi held his palm empty.

The five-color flames instantly merged out and blasted towards the huge fire crow.



Third more.

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