Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1605: Amazing speed


As soon as he thought of the deceptive shadow colliding on his arm just now, it turned out to be a ghost mantis, Xiao Yi couldn't help taking a breath.

Ghost Mantis, the evil name of the head of all poisons, is afraid that only legends dare to ignore it.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly before and quickly took a step back.

Otherwise, he is now probably the end of the corpse.

He Xiao Yi is not a general.

That battle intuition was honed in his life through numerous battles and nine deaths.

The ghost mantis is very good at speed and also very good at sneak attacks.

But you want to attack him Xiao Yi? It's just a joke.


The poisonous insects around have dissipated.

The black robe appeared ten meters away out of thin air.

The black robe gently stroked the head of the ghost mantis.

"To survive under the hands of Ghost Mantis, you are also the first among young people."

Xiao Yi frowned upon hearing this.

The ghost mantis is obviously the "poison pet" of the poison robe.

Ghost praying mantis, as the head of all poisons, even with advanced methods of poison repair, there are very few chances that they can be cultivated.

Ghost praying mantis feeds on poison.

The feeding and cultivation of itself is an astronomical number of highly toxic substances.

Even if it is cultivated, ghost praying mantis is also a murderous thing, unruly and uncontrollable.

Obviously, now this ghost praying mantis is so close to the poison robe.

The methods and abilities of the poison robe shocked Xiao Yi once again.

"But..." At this time, the words of the poison robe sounded again.

His tone is no longer the lightness before, but extremely cold.

"You are the first person to wound my ghost mantis."

Xiao Yi sneered, not afraid, "What then?"

"Then?" Poison robe narrowed his eyes, "Although I think you are a bit interesting."

"But it doesn't mean you can hurt my ghost mantis."

"I want you to die, a terrible death."

"The body is full of poison."

The words of the poison robe fell instantly.


Poison robe, in the form of countless poisonous insects, floating around.

Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes.

No wonder those poisonous insects were so weird before, and Yuan Li was one of the methods of poison robe.

Roar... roar... roar...

Xiao Yi put out his hands together, and several four-color wandering dragons came out violently.

To be more serious, on his arm, a five-color flame ring quietly gathered.

The ring of flames rotates fast.

The four-color wandering dragon under Xiao Yi's control became more violent and amazing.


Xiao Yi shouted violently.

Several four-color swimming dragons blew themselves up.

This explosion was far more shocking than the previous explosion that razed the monster forest to the ground.

Almost for an instant, the violent four-color fire light flooded the area.

The countless poisonous insects that struck under the more terrifying flames were instantly burned.

Wait until the flame disappears.

Xiao Yi's figure also disappeared in place.

In the same place, countless poisonous insects also disappeared, condensing into poisonous robe figures.

"Escape?" The poison robe, with cold eyes, looked directly at the blazing flames flying away in the distance.

The flame streamer is Xiao Yi.


The figure in the poison robe jumped up instantly, chasing away.

"Boy, wasn't your mouth hard just now?"

"Dignified Ziyan Yi Xiao is going to run away?"

In the distance, Xiao Yi's expression remained unchanged when he heard the words, but instead sneered.

"Escape? Dignified poison robe, protector of the evil monarch's mansion, has been famous for many years, and even has many amazing achievements, and can even escape safely in the hands of a legendary powerhouse."

"You, such a famous person, if you can't kill me this hairy boy, that's a joke, right?"

"You..." Behind him, the tone of the poison robe stagnated.

"Fast speed." Poison robe looked at the fast-leaping flame streamer, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"I heard that your Ziyan Yixiao's method of controlling fire is amazing."

"But now it seems that the ability to escape is even more surprising."

Under the full power of the poison robe, he could only keep a distance from Xiao Yi, but could not completely catch up.

Ahead, Xiao Yi sneered and said nothing.

His cultivation base and strength are far inferior to that of the poison robe.

His speed should have been far worse.

The reason why he was able to explode at such an astonishing speed that even the poison robe could not catch up was because of the animal feet on his left foot.

He only broke through four seals in the Eight Dragon Burning Furnace.

Needless to say the first seal.

The second, third, and fourth seals received the left hand, right hand, and left foot respectively.

Under the coverage of the beast feet, he has the amazing speed now.

Between the black scale armor of the beast's feet, the little red light seemed to be filled with astonishing flames, which could burst out easily, obviously full of amazing explosive power.

Behind him, the poison robe was also very human. Naturally, he noticed that Xiao Yi had only fought with him before, but his hands had become beast claws.

And now, even his left foot has become an animal foot.

"Did the monster spirit be materialized?" The poison robe frowned.

"Sure enough, your Ziyan Yixiao's martial arts spirit is a very powerful fire-control monster martial arts spirit."

"Looking at the red glow on your scales, I didn't expect to have such explosive power."

The voice fell.

The figure in the poison robe suddenly turned into countless poisonous insects again.

Countless poisonous insects, like a burst of black fog, the speed increased dramatically.

The speed of the poisonous insect's flight and the speed of the assault is amazing.

In this state, the distance with Xiao Yi was actually shortened in an instant.


Xiao Yi was startled, but the speed suddenly broke out in an instant.

From a distance, this flame gleamed like a leaping thousands of miles in an instant.

To be more serious, the flame ring on his arm turned into six colors.


Such a state of poison robe obviously cannot last too long.

The black mist only leaped for a long distance, and then condensed again, regaining the real body of the poison robe, and the speed was greatly reduced.

And ahead.

Between Xiao Yi's wrist, the six-color circle turned into a five-color circle.

His speed also suddenly dropped.

"Damn it, this kid." The face of the poison robe became increasingly ugly.

He turned into a poisonous insect, and his speed increased greatly; Xiao Yi in front of him also increased his speed.

He regained his real body, and his speed decreased; Xiao Yi in front of him also decreased his speed and returned to normal.

The distance between the two has always been kept at a level that is not close or far away.

Poison Robe, in addition to giving up chasing and killing, can only continue to chase.

It is absolutely impossible for him to give up chasing and killing.

He was able to escape from the hands of a legendary strong man, which gave him an amazing reputation.

But if he lets a little boy escape from his hands today, his fierce reputation would be a joke.


Xiao Yi frowned when he heard the words of the poison robe.

His beast hands and feet were not caused by the actualization of Martial Spirit.

Simply put, animal hands and feet are all foreign objects.

As foreign objects such as sacred vessels.

Using martial spirit power to bless oneself; and use foreign objects to increase oneself; there is a clear difference between the two.

With the eyes of the poison robe, you can also misunderstand and judge wrong? Misunderstanding that those beasts and beasts are the substance of Xiao Yi's spirit?

Xiao Yi frowned, he still didn't quite understand these beasts and beasts.

Of course, this is not the time to think about this.

He glanced at the five-color circle in his hand, thinking.

"There is another half day, it should be enough." Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes, and suddenly condensed with a murder intent.

In another half day, he is sure to kill the poison robe.


Third more.

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