Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1619: Evil repairs everywhere

On the spot, Long Xiao didn't move or stop.

But his face is still cold.


Xiao Yi's figure is already far away.

He knew that Long Xiao would not chase, nor dared to chase.

Before in Zhang's family, he had no evidence to prove that Zhang's family was evil cultivator, so Long Xiao dared to stop and hurt him.

But this time, if he has evidence, Long Xiao will not chase, nor dare to chase.

He Xiaolong first, although he killed all the people in this mansion first, and then searched for evidence.

However, evidence is evidence.

Others have already been killed, and it was Xie Xiu who killed him. What can Long Xiao do?

If Long Xiao dared to chase and act, it would be equivalent to shielding Xie Xiu, he didn't dare.

This is still a matter of order.

Long Xiao first, he can stop first and talk about the rules first.

Xiao Yixian, Long Xiao had no chance to stop, nor did he have the chance to behave.

Of course, this premise is that Xiao Yi must 100% guarantee that the family and warriors killed are all evil cultivators.


A day later, Xiao Yi slaughtered several evil repair branches again.

Around him, Liulongwei and the elders of the City Lord's Mansion were still besieging.

Xiao Yi casually threw out the evil repair token he found and walked away.

A group of six dragon guards and the elders of the city lord's mansion did not dare to stop half of them.

However, the face under Xiao Yi's mask was not pretty.

At his previous speed, one day was enough to sweep all the evil repair divisions in the entire area, as well as scattered evil repairs.

But now, for a whole day, he only slaughtered a few branches.

Every time he makes a move, Liulongwei will always get in the way.

If it weren't for Long Xiao, who was stiff and unusual, how could it be?

But Xiao Yi was helpless.

Long Xiao is just such an old-fashioned, the technique he cultivated is wild and special.

Even if Dongfang Tieyun didn't say anything, Xiao Yi could guess that Long Xiao's techniques and martial arts must be very strange.

Some of these peculiar exercises and martial arts do require special Taoism to fit together.

Some martial arts seniors are indecisive, perverse, or irritable, and so on. They are very strange.

"Huh." Xiao Yi Yukong was flying, and couldn't help taking a deep breath.

It's no wonder that within the area of ​​Six Dragons, the Eight Palaces to encircle and suppress evil repairs will proceed so slowly.

Even in the area of ​​Six Dragons, there were far more evil cultivations than other areas.

Take the area that Xiao Yi had besieged before, for example, one area has hundreds of big cities, but when it's up to the sky, there are only a dozen evil repair branches.

Generally, if it is a smaller area, there are only a few evil repair branches.

But here in the Liulong region, as one of the most famous regions in the middle region, there are nearly a thousand big cities, and the big city where the evil repair branch exists is close to more than half.

This is a pretty terrible number.

The evil cultivation in one area can surpass the evil cultivation in dozens of areas in other areas.

Although Liulong's area is vast, far exceeding other areas; the population base, etc., is also much larger than other areas.

So it seems that evil repairs are not too much.

But in fact, such an astonishing distribution rate of evil cultivators has proved that things are unusual.

He had talked with Dongfang Tieyun before, and according to the information of the Demon Hunting Palace, there were dozens of evil repair branches in the Liulong region.

This number is already several times higher than other regions.

However, this is only because the evil repair is too difficult to investigate, and the information in the Demon Hunting Palace is also very limited.

Xiao Yi's own eyes of the lunar sun can most intuitively and accurately know the number of evil cultivators in the Liulong region.

Where there is a few tenths, it is simply a few hundredths.

"It's so unusual, shouldn't something big happen?" Xiao Yi frowned.

"Forget it." Xiao Yi shook his head without thinking any more.

He would eventually eliminate the evil repair branch in the Liulong region.

Xie Xiu, he will kill one if he encounters one.

But the most important thing now is to force the poison robe out.

Now, it was less than two days before the battle with the poison robe.

Xiao Yi knew very well that in the ten days and ten nights of the battle, they exchanged injuries for each other, and how serious the injuries they suffered.

No poison robe means extraordinary, if there is no time for ten and a half months of cultivation, do not want to recover from the injury.

He has a peerless pill, so he recovered from his injury in a short time.

Now, under the Six Absolute Pills of Heaven, his injuries have disappeared, his vitality has been restored, and his strength is in his heyday.

As long as the poison robe is forced out, he is sure to kill.


Two days later.

It was the early morning when Xiao Yi appeared in front of a sect.

"Long Yuezong, this is it."

Xiao Yi glanced at the Zongmen plaque.

Long Yuezong is a small sect in Liulong region.

The strongest in the clan is just the peak of the Saint Emperor Realm.

Of course, here is also an evil repair branch.


Xiao Yi's figure flashed before entering directly.

At the same time, whoo... whoo... whoo...

Sixteen Dragon Guards and an elder of the City Lord's Mansion appeared out of thin air and immediately surrounded Xiao Yi.

"Huh? Changed?" Xiao Yi glanced at the group of Six Dragon Guards and the elders of the City Lord's Mansion.

The Elder of the City Lord's Mansion is not the same person as the last two times, but the strength is similar, and they are all peerless.

These sixteen dragon guards were also different from the last time, obviously they were another team.

In the past two days, Xiao Yi almost stayed up and down, killing the evil repair branch day and night.

Ordinary peerless powerhouses, as well as Six Dragon Guards, naturally cannot track him all the time, let alone the means to catch up with him.

Naturally, the one who stopped him this time should be the Six Dragon Guards patrolling nearby.

"A good murderer, Yi Xiao, Six Dragon Guards obeyed the order and killed me on the spot." The elder of the City Lord's Mansion gave the order coldly.

This time, without waiting for Xiao Yi to make a move, these six dragon guards would take the lead in the killer.

"I can't help myself." Xiao Yi glanced indifferently and ignored it.


Chains of dozens of yuan force, mysterious and meandering, tried to trap Xiao Yi.

Bang... A flame shot out from Xiao Yi's hand.

In the next second, the monstrous purple flame fell from the sky.

The flame instantly swallowed the entire Long Yuezong.

Including the Yuanli chain that struck, it was also burned into nothingness under the flame.

In just a few breaths, the huge Dragon Yuezong was in ruins.

The number sixteen dragon guards, after the Yuanli chain was broken, was counter-shocked for a few steps and looked embarrassed.


Xiao Yi's figure flashed, and the token was found on Sect Master Long Yue.

In the next second, with a big wave of his hand, he collected all the things of Qiankun Ring and Evil Cultivation present.

Yukong just about to fly away.

Whoosh... Long Xiao's figure appeared out of thin air again.

In the past two days, Long Xiao did not appear again and again, but appeared from time to time.

Xiao Yi glanced, throwing a token in his hand.

Long Xiao took it, and this token was naturally a token of evil repair.

Whoosh... Xiao Yi Yukong flew away and disappeared into the distance in an instant.

On the spot, Long Xiao did not stop.


At this time, another elder of the City Lord's Mansion appeared out of thin air with sixteen dragon guards.

To be more serious, it was the Six Dragon Guards who had been following Xiao Yi the past two days, and the elder who shot at Zhang's last time.

"Another evil repair deacon token?" The elder exclaimed as he looked at the token in Long Xiao's hand.

"Our Six Dragons region really hides so many evil repair branches?"


Second more.

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