Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1621: Tiger Guardian

"Seven days have passed."

Xiao Yi's eyes were extremely cold.

Under the vibration of the purple flame fire wings, the surrounding flames were so hot, but the coldness in his eyes could not be quenched.

These days, although he has been accelerating the speed of killing evil repairs.

However, the number of evil cultivators and evil cultivators in the Liulong region is truly astonishing.

In addition, the Long Family and Six Dragon Guards obstructed and tracked everywhere, which took him a lot of time.

"At most another five days, with poison robe means, the injury will be restored."

Xiao Yi's eyes narrowed.

Within 5 days, if the poison robe can no longer be forced to appear, things will become extremely troublesome.

He can fight fiercely with the poison robe, and can crush one end of the poison robe, because he has exhausted all the means, and there are six kinds of flames that are increased by reincarnation.

But the six-color flames turned into reincarnation, including the vitality of the body, which he could not do in an instant.

Once the poison robe is healed, it will be difficult for him to kill.

In the past seven days, he was quickly killing evil cultivation, and at the same time, he was constantly mobilizing his vitality with the Nine Suns Reincarnation Technique.

He wanted to allow the huge vitality in his body to instantly fit the Nine Suns Reincarnation Secret Art faster.

Yuan Li and flames, as well as the cultivation method, the speed of the fit between the three has been getting faster and faster.

But it will take a long time after all.

Calculating, if his cultivation base can be improved by a large amount, his strength should be able to improve a lot.

However, with his huge Qi fountain, not to mention a big improvement in his cultivation base, even a small improvement is extremely difficult.

Where can I find so many training resources?

"Huh." Xiao Yi took a deep breath.

The road to cultivation is as difficult as reaching the sky.

In the life of a warrior, if you really want to pursue that ultimate martial art, really want to ride the wind and waves, you should have the consciousness of cutting through the waves and being not afraid of the way forward.

It's a little bit difficult now, and it's nothing.

"Since these small branches can't find you, then go directly to the large branches." Xiao Yi's eyes were cold.

In the Six Dragons region, the number of small branches hidden in the dark is extremely large.

And in every region, there must be a large branch, commanding all evil repairs and small branches in the region.

These days, Xiao Yi has not been to a large branch.

Because he knew that with the caution of the poison robe, he would never go to a large branch, but would hide in a large number of small branches.

Therefore, these days, Xiao Yi sweeps these small branches all the way.

First, he planned to kill a large number of evil repairs and force the poison robe to appear.

Secondly, you can find a hiding place in the poison robe.

But now, he gave up this idea.

The Long Family and Six Dragon Guards always obstructed everywhere, his speed of killing was greatly reduced, and he couldn't kill the huge number of evil cultivators enough to make the poison robe appear in a short time.

In that case, go directly to the large branch.

The large branch, as the existence of the small branches in the Liulong region, gathers strong people and evil repairs.

"I don't believe you can watch the entire large branch being slaughtered." Xiao Yi gritted his teeth to himself.


After half an hour.

Wuhumen, in front of the mountain gate, Xiao Yi's figure suddenly landed.

With a flick of his fingertips, a flame leaped out, bursting the mountain gate instantly.

With a big wave of his hand, a barrier was laid down, covering the entire Wuhumen.


Xiao Yi flashed into the Five Humen in an instant, and along the way, the five Humen disciples were killed and injured.

At Zongmen Square.

A group of figures came quickly.

Xiao Yi's big move naturally attracted the attention of the Five Humen powerhouses.

A middle-aged man, led by a dozen old men, stopped Xiao Yi.

The middle-aged people are the masters of the five tiger gates, and the dozens of old people are the elders in the gates.

"Who is your Excellency? Why do I destroy the Five Humen Gate and kill me?" The Five Humen master asked coldly.

"Heh." Xiao Yi smiled indifferently, "The Lord of the Five Tigers, why ask knowingly."

"I destroyed your mountain gate and killed the disciples along the way. As the master of the gate, you did not immediately attack me, proving that you have recognized who I am."

Yes, Xiao Yi acted like this, killing wildly.

If it were a normal person, a sect master would have been angry.

But the five Humen masters didn't even make a move, but asked coldly.

"Zi Yan, Yi Xiao." The Lord of the Five Tigers, squinting, looked directly at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi smiled, "I can let Yi come to the door in person, and immediately take action without any nonsense. If you want to come, you also know the reason."

The Lord of the Five Humen frowned, "Hall Master Yi Xiao, when my Wuhumen is the place where evil repairs gather, the evil repair branch?"

"What do you mean?" Xiao Yi sneered. "The Six Dragons region is known as the Six Dragons and Five Tigers; who would have thought that one of the two is actually a branch of evil repair."

In the area of ​​six dragons, there are always six dragons and five tigers.

Liulong, naturally speaking of Long Family.

Five tigers are these five tigers.

Wuhumen, the first sect in the Liulong region; at the same time, it is also the first force under the dragon family.

Of course, no one would have thought that Five Humen would be a branch of evil repairs.

But others can't think of it, but they can't hide Xiao Yi's prying eyes.

During his previous spying, the number of evil repairs in the Six Dragons region was extremely large.

And here in Wuhumen, the black energy exuding is the most intense and surging, far surpassing other places, obviously this is a large branch.

It is also here, commanding all the evil repairs and small branches in the Liulong region.

In fact, a few days ago, Xiao Yi encountered several large branches, all of which were the strongest sects in the region, such as the Firefang Sect, as well as these five tigers.

But in fact, not all the strongest sects in every region are large-scale evil repair divisions. After all, this is only a very small part.

And as long as the strongest sect is in the region of evil cultivation, all evil cultivation is rampant and abnormal, and the number is extraordinary, just like this six dragon region.

"The master of this door, I really don't know what the master of Yi Xiao Branch is talking about." The Master of Five Tigers shook his head.

"I will pretend to be garlic with you, and I am too lazy to argue with you." Xiao Yi sneered.

"I'm here just to kill."

Bang...A purple flame in Xiao Yi's hand condenses.

Suddenly, Zi Yan was overwhelming.

Five Humen Master, his face changed.

Yes, Yi Xiao was not here to reason with him, but to kill people, and his sophistry was useless.

"The elders followed the orders, followed the disciples, took away everything from the house, and evacuated immediately."

"Yes." Behind him, ten elders answered.

"Want to go?" Xiao Yi sneered.

The monstrous purple inflammation ran away instantly.

The Lord of Five Humen, his face became cold, "A hairy boy, dare to come to me presumptuously? That's a joke."

The Lord of Five Tigers shot instantly and shot out with one palm.

However, as a result, Xiao Yi was shocked by a dozen steps.

"Tiger guardian." The face of the dozen elders who were about to leave changed.

"Don't worry about me." The Lord of the Five Tigers snorted coldly, "Leave immediately, this guardian will deal with it here."

"Faculty guard?" Xiao Yi's eyes narrowed.

The hands have long been turned into animal hands; the five-color rings have also been condensed, and the flame streamer keeps turning.


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