Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1624: Take care of your Six Dragon Guards

Xiao Yi suddenly understood what Dongfang Tieyun had said.

A trace of the phrase ‘faster than Long Xiao’.

Long Xiao is not only staid, but also extremely arrogant.

Long Xiao would not let the family forces in the Liulong region be slaughtered, so he would be faster than him, kill people first, and then search for evidence; with the evidence in hand, Long Xiao couldn't help it.

Long Xiao wouldn't let a war break out in the region, it would be faster than him; if he kills people first, it is Xie Xiu who kills him, and Long Xiao can do nothing.

To put it bluntly, in order to maintain regional rules, Long Xiao would not let Xiao Yi slaughter his family, for fear that Xiao Yi would kill the wrong person, and would not allow a big fight.

And Xiao Yi killed people first, slaughtered the family first, and the war broke out first, so what? Xie Xiu is the target of the Eight Palaces, and Long Xiao can't care about him because of this.

But if Xiao Yi is not fast enough, Long Xiao can stop it.

Because Long Xiao has this strength.

In fact, maintaining the stability of the region, maintaining the safety of the big city, and prohibiting the outbreak of wars are almost the responsibility of the landlord and city lord of any region and any big city in the Central Region.

Therefore, many times, for the warrior, inside the big city is a relatively safe place.

But in many cases, these domain masters and city masters have limited strength and naturally, they can only do their best.

But even so, when it comes to evil cultivation, everyone's face will change.

Who is not afraid of evil cultivation in one's own area or in the big city?

So when it comes to evil cultivators, the local masters and city masters will generally help as long as they can help, and will not hinder them if they can't help.

Badian martial artist, it is better to cut off evil repair as soon as possible.

But here in the Liulong region, Long Xiao was extremely arrogant.

He was confident that he was there, and no one dared to violate the Six Dragons region, so he didn't worry about evil repairs at all.

He only needs to maintain the stability of the area.

"Fine." Xiao Yi shook his head and turned around.

Long Xiao, and Liulongwei did not stop a half point.

Even though he had a battle with the Tiger Guardian just now, it was a battle with Xie Xiu.

Long Xiao and Long Family have no reason to keep him.

"Long Xiao." Xiao Yi stopped abruptly, "Yi didn't care about you with a punch and a palm last time."

"But from today, you will take care of the Six Dragon Guards of your Long Family."

"Huh?" Long Xiao frowned.

The second elder, who was relieved, suddenly looked surprised.

Xiao Yi turned his head slightly, glanced at Long Xiao, his tone was indifferent.

"From today onwards, if your Long Family Six Dragon Guards dare to obstruct half of them, Yi will treat them as sheltering Xie Xiu, convict Xie Xiu and kill them on the spot."

"Dare you." Long Xiao's eyes were cold.

"Do you think I dare?" Xiao Yi said indifferently.

"Xie Xiu is the person wanted by the Eight Halls; with Yi Mou's fame today, it couldn't be easier to accuse Liulong Wei'an who was obstructing him."

"Of course, you can also take revenge for your Six Dragon Guards afterwards, and take revenge on Yu Yi."

"But, the anger of the Hunting Demon Palace, I wonder if your Long Family can bear it."

"You..." Long Xiao's face changed for the first time.

Of course he knows that today's Yixiao is as high as the sky and has a great reputation.

Just these months of sweeping and beheading evil repairs, they have accumulated a lot of feats and the reputation of the epicenter domain.

Yi Xiao wanted to be charged with colluding with Xie Xiu, it couldn't be simpler.

If his Long Family retaliated against Yi Xiao for this, he would also be regarded as colluding with the Evil Monarch Mansion.

Demon Hunting Palace, the anger of this ancient temple, who can bear the midfield?

"Yi Xiao." Long Xiao gritted his teeth, "The master of this domain has not prevented you from killing Xie Xiu."

"And you are about to break out of a war, the domain owner is not interested in paying attention to it, get out of my Six Dragons region, and no one will care about you if you fight well."

"Yi Xiao sub-Hallmaster." The second elder on the side shook his hands and said, "Your strength, once a war breaks out, it will really be a landslide."

"If, as you said, there are countless evil repairs in my Six Dragons region; then when you clear away the evil repairs, my Six Dragons region will also be full of holes."

"Naturally, it is impossible for my Long Family to ignore it."


The second elder unconsciously used the word "you".

"Don't talk nonsense." Xiao Yi interrupted coldly.

"Long Xiao, it is your business to protect your dragon family's majesty and maintain your regional rules."

"It's my business for Yi to chase evil repairs and protect the majesty of the Eight Palaces. You can try to continue to do more."

When the voice fell, Xiao Yi Yukong flew away without saying more.

On the spot, Long Xiao's face was ugly, while the second elder's face was bitter.

They suddenly reacted, and they weren't just the famous dudes.

It is a peerless evildoer who is truly vigorous and vigorous, with achievements in his body, and even able to fight peerless strong men.

The name of Zi Yan Yi Xiao, but step by step from the blood and corpse.

Such characters, it's just that they didn't care about them before.

Really want to care about, really want to head-on, who can help him?

Tell him the rules? The rules of a region can withstand such things as public enemies on the mainland and hunting down evil cultivators?

On the contrary, he was against the rules of the Hunting Demon Palace, enough to ignore many things.

And most importantly, this enchanting evildoer has obviously moved real anger now, and it is an anger that is difficult to extinguish.

Even if he does not hesitate to completely offend and ignore his Long Family, he has to face it hard.

"Domain Lord, what should I do now?" The second elder looked at Long Xiao bitterly.

"If you stop again, with Zi Yan Yi Xiao's decisive killing, you will really kill the Six Dragon Guards of my Long Family."

"If we deal with him, if he really wants to care, with his current strength and reputation, I am afraid that the main hall can be alarmed."

"Huh." Long Xiao's face was full of anger, and he took a deep breath. ‘

"Then leave him alone for now."

"However, six dragon guards everywhere are on standby."

"If this kid kills the wrong person or the wrong family, I will take his life personally."

"Even if you mention someone else's head to the main hall of the Demon Hunting Palace to discuss an explanation, I have to see how the main hall can help my Long Family?"


Xiao Yi flew away in the air.

The goal is naturally the next evil repair division.

Wuhumen, the largest evil repair branch in the Six Dragons region, had already gone to the empty building, and the evil repairs scattered around and fled.

Lianhu's legal protector escaped far away.

Xiao Yi's remaining method can only return to the previous one to continue killing small branches.

As long as the number is large enough, the poison robe can always be forced out.

There are still 5 days, as long as no one obstructs everywhere, there is no big problem.


one day later.

Six Dragon City, Long Family Mansion.

Long Xiao glanced at the second elder beside him, and said in a deep voice, "What happened?"

The second elder nodded and said, "One day, Yi Xiao is really slaughtering the big clans, sects and other forces like crazy."

"In just one day, more than 60 forces have been wiped out."

"Is it clear?" Long Xiao asked.

"Yes." The second elder nodded, "It's all verified, it's all evil repair branches."


It was another day later.

"How is it?" Long Xiao asked as always.

The second elder nodded, his expression a little weird, "Today, Yi Xiao slaughtered nearly a hundred evil repair branches."

"This guy, in one day, walked all the big cities in the western part of our Liulong region."

"Counting the evil repair divisions that were killed before, extending from the center of Six Dragon City to all areas in the west, the evil repair divisions may have been killed by him."

"There are so many evil cultivators in my Six Dragon Region?" Long Xiao frowned.


Fourth more. (burst)

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