Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1635: Six evil spirits come out

One month passed in a flash.

Within the vast lake, a violent roar suddenly erupted.


There was a loud noise.

A figure rose to the sky.

The lake surface was stirred up by layers of waves.

The moment the figure steadily landed on the lake surface, the waves disappeared, and the lake surface instantly returned to calm.

"The backlash in the body has disappeared." Xiao Yi smiled joyfully.

Yes, Xiao Yi, who had been at the bottom of the lake for a whole month, finally completely offset the Dragon Yan backlash in his body.

By the way, the previous injuries have also recovered.

Looking at his hands, the wounds that were originally extremely burned have already healed.

However, the price was that all the cultivating objects and pills in his Universe Ring had almost consumed more than 90%.

Speaking of it, thanks to the cold spar found half a month ago.

Otherwise, the cultivating materials and pills on his body are probably all exhausted now.

Condensing the Ice Luan Sword, inspiring the aura of ice in the sword, has offset the dragon flame backlash, and the cost is definitely not small.

Moreover, it is estimated that his injuries will not heal so quickly.

"Huh." Xiao Yi took a deep breath and shook his head.

The backlash a month ago was tormented him.

Who would have thought that Long Yan's backlash would be so terrible.

Fortunately, there are many treasures on his body and many methods. The most important thing is the existence of Bingluan sword.

Otherwise, his life and death will be unpredictable.

Nowadays, even after the crisis, the various high-grade treasures of heaven and earth, the medicine for restoring vitality, etc., have almost been exhausted.

"Next time, this Long Yan is extremely useful." Xiao Yi shook his head.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi thought about the matter, but suddenly frowned.

In the distance, there was a violent tremor.

Even Xiao Yi was shocked by the magnitude of its shaking.

"It's the direction of Six Dragons." Xiao Yi frowned.

"What an astonishing power of formation, almost spreading to the entire region?"

Although Xiao Yi left the Liulong region, he was not far away, just not far from the edge.

And now, in the area of ​​Six Dragons, there is such an astonishing tremor?

Even a wave of power of the sky-shaking formation soared into the sky, ravaging the entire sky.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Yi frowned.

Such an astonishing restlessness is absolutely extraordinary.


At this time, within the Liulong region.

Six Dragon City, Long Family Mansion, above.

"Puff." Long Xiao spouted a mouthful of blood.

Around, it was surrounded by evil cultivators.

Countless evil repairs stand in the air.

The evil cultivators with gloomy expressions, all in black robes, are densely packed, not only tens of thousands, but more than 100,000.

And this large number of evil cultivators, headed by the poison robe he personally let go more than a month ago.

Beside the poison robe, it was the tiger protector who was also released by him.

On Long Xiao's side, in addition to hundreds of six Dragon Guards, there are also a group of Dragon Family members and elders.

There is also Eastern Iron Cloud, and a group of strong demon hunting teams.

"Long Xiao." Poison robe smiled coldly, "You never expected, you will have today."

"Puff." Long Xiao spouted another mouthful of blood.

"Lord Dragon Domain, there is a serious problem." Dongfang Tieyun asked in a deep voice.

Long Xiao was silent, the color on his face was hard to see the extreme.

His cold eyes did not look at the poison robe, but at the third elder beside the poison robe.

Yes, the third elder, the third elder of his dragon family.

"Three elders, why are you..." Long Xiao gritted his teeth, "Our Long Family, treat you well."

"Long Family Treasure, I will open it too, I will ask you for it..."

The third elder Jiejie sneered, "Patriarch, remind you that if you hadn't opened the Long Family Treasure for me, I wouldn't be so easy to gather all the materials and lay down this evil way to seal the sky."

At this moment, Long Xiao's face was extremely pale, and his aura was almost weak.

Compared with that a month ago, the vigorous and invincible Six Dragon Regional Master in the sky was completely different.

At this moment, Long Xiao, under his feet, also stepped on the two dragon-shaped suffocation.

The two huge Thunder Dragon and Wood Dragon are still extremely powerful.

But Long Xiao, standing on their heads, no longer felt the violent dominance that day.

It's not that he is weak.

But... his opponent is too strong.

In the distance, the poison robe stood with his hands under his feet, and four fierce dragons stepped on them.

Each head is no less than the Thunder Dragon Wood Dragon at the feet of Long Xiao.

Yes, under the feet of the poison robe, there was a full four-headed dragon-shaped suffocation.

The blood-colored giant blood dragon, exuding an astonishing smell of blood, filled the sky.

The huge black poisonous dragon is full of amazingly poisonous aura, and it is poisonous for thousands of miles.

The huge wind dragon of nothingness, like nothingness, with an astonishing aura of wind attributes, disturbed the entire high-altitude situation.

The most surprising thing was the huge black dragon with a chilly aura in the dark robe standing steadily.

That... is an evil evil spirit, evil dragon.

The six dragon-shaped evil auras of the Long Family, Lei Sha, Wood Sha, Wind Sha, Blood Sha, Poison Sha, Xie Sha; there are actually four at the foot of the poison robe.

"Long Xiao, six dragons and six evil spirits, four of them are in my hands."

Poison robe stared at Long Xiao with cold eyes, "What are you still fighting against me?"

In the cold words, there is full of pride.

Long Xiao ignored the poison robe, but looked directly at a figure beside the poison robe.

"That's it for the three elders, God, you..."

Yes, the other figure beside the poison robe was Long Tian, ​​the only son of Long Xiao.

Long Tian sneered, "Father, do you remember how long you have been the head of the Long Family?"

"You are both the domain master and the city lord. Have you ever thought that at least you will give me the position of the city lord?"

Long Xiao gritted his teeth, "For the father, you are the only son. In the future, these will be yours..."

"Shut up." Long Tian's face was full of hideous colors.

"If you gave me the position of Patriarch a long time ago, the Long Family would not be where it is today."

"If I had been the head of the family long ago, the Long family would have already returned to the emperor, and in the future, would it be much better to rule the mainland than the Guiding Six Dragons?"

"Long Tian, ​​you are crazy." The second elder shouted angrily, "You want to forget your ancestors and become a sinner in the family?"

"Fine." Long Xiao shook his head, "Tian'er, it's just being blinded by the Three Elders."

"Hahahaha." The third elder sneered a few times, "Patriarch, don't you understand yet?"

"If there was no cooperation from Tian'er that day, do you think I could really easily frame that fool Yi Xiao?"

"If it hadn't been for Tian'er to inject a fire from the Ten Realms bestowed by the Lord into the body, how could it be hidden from your eyes."

"What?" Dongfang Tieyun's expression changed suddenly beside Long Xiao.

"Sure enough... As expected, you are framing the Lord Yi Xiaofen."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense." The poison robe yelled coldly.

"Long Family, and Dongfang Tieyun, this guardian gives you two choices."

"Either, submit to my Evil Monarch Mansion and help me get the Six Dragon Region into my bag, or die."

"A joke." Long Xiao also sneered, "Let my Long Family return? It's your Evil Monarch Mansion?"

"Do you dare to be hard?" Poison robe eyes cold.

"Now, under the evil Dao's seal of the sky, my evil spirit has suppressed the other three evil spirits and has been used by me."

"Long Xiao, you are not my opponent."

"Without your Long Family, I have 100,000 evil repairs under my command, and I can slaughter the entire Six Dragons area in a short time."

"If you don't surrender, you just let the Long Family accompany the Liulong region to ashes."

Boom... The voice fell, and a torrent of weather instantly pressed towards Long Xiao.

The astonishing aura squeezed Long Xiao into another **** breath.

Under the blessing of the four dragons, the strength of the poison robe is so strong.

The poison robe at this moment was invincible in the Six Dragons region.

"You..." Long Xiao gritted his teeth.

A piece of Eastern Iron Cloud also looked ugly, "If the Lord Yixiao Branch was here, how could it be today?"

"If your Long Family is obstructing everywhere, and the Lord Yi Xiao Branch has already massacred evil cultivation, how could there be such evil cultivation today."

Long Xiao's face was hard to see the extreme.

"Ten breaths have passed." Poison Robe narrowed his eyes, "It seems that your Long Family and the main hall of the Hunting Demon Palace are planning to die together."

"This protector is as you wish."

Roar... roar...

Two loud roars.

The huge scarlet dragon, and the huge invisible dragon, violently attacked.

Before Ssangyong arrived, Long Xiao and Dongfang Tieyun had already spouted blood.

If Shuanglong really swallows completely, these two people, as well as the dragon family warriors and the powerful hunters in the Demon Palace, will undoubtedly die.

At this moment, in the distant sky, a stream of flames came quickly.

"Stop." A loud shout was heard before the person arrived.

Two giant dragons came out violently, the sky full of blood, and the sky-shattering storm, and stopped instantly.

The flames flashed by, and landed firmly on the two dragons.

"Yi Xiao Sub-Hallmaster?" Dongfang Tieyun instantly recognized the visitor, his face was happy.

"Yi Xiao?" Long Xiao frowned.

In the distant poison robe, his body trembled suddenly, looking straight at the flames, his face instantly ugly, "Zi Yan... Yi Xiao."


Sixth more. (burst)

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