Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1638: Desolate Spider Bone

"Huh, rampant." The poison robe snorted coldly, and also shot.

Long Xiao glanced at Xiao Yi, a trace of unwillingness and resentment flashed across his face.

You know, Liulong's evil spirits should have been his.

In the Liulong region, he should be the invincible.

But now, it has become a three-pointer.

He could have completely ignored Yi Xiao and Poison Robe, who could not be in his eyes at all, but at this moment they have risen to the same level as him.

Of course, he thought so, but he still knew that fighting first was the most important thing at this moment, and fighting off evil repairs was the most important thing.

Whoosh... Long Xiao stepped on the Thunder Shark and Wood Shark, and shot instantly.

Xiao Yi stepped on the blood evil and wind evil, and came first.

"Control the ghost silk." The poison robe was not afraid, and his hands were raised.

Countless spider silks came out instantly.


The tough spider silk instantly bound the Thunder Sha, Wood Sha, Wind Sha, and Blood Sha in the two feet.

The poisonous robe's method of controlling ghost silk is one of the ten wild beasts, the spider silk of the wild shadow spider.

These spider silks are extremely troublesome.

Coupled with the blessing of the evil evil power under his feet, the amazing increase in power naturally became more terrifying.

However, Long Xiao and Xiao Yi are not general.

"Humph." Long Xiao snorted coldly.

Thunder Sha under his feet, thunder and lightning roared.

Under a burst of thunder and lightning, the spider's silk broke instantly.

Xiao Yi didn't see any movements, just clenched his fists.

Hiss... a hiss.

The Dragon of Blood Fiend at his feet was suddenly extremely sharp and cut the spider silk instantly.

"In the clouds." The poison robe yelled violently when he saw it.

Both hands were raised, and the poisonous gas drifted fiercely at the foot of the poisonous dragon.

Its drifting speed is much faster than when he fought Xiao Yi.

The power contained in the poisonous evil under the feet is overwhelming; with the amazing means of the poison robe itself, the combination of the two has made the amazing poison gas drifting now.

"Don't you find it boring by the same method?" Xiao Yi frowned.

"Just can kill you." Poison robe smiled coldly.

Xiao Yi sneered and said nothing.

The Dragon of Blood Fiend at his feet was suddenly **** and violent.

Almost in an instant, the wafting poison gas was dispersed by blood.

At the same time, Long Xiao made a seal with his hands, "Wooden Dragon Seal."

The wooden dragon under his feet rushed out at an extremely fast speed.

The originally thick and floating poison gas had long dissipated under the blood qi controlled by Xiao Yi.

At this moment, the wooden dragon's direct collision is tantamount to hitting Huanglong directly and taking the poison robe away.

"Poison robe, die." Long Xiao smiled proudly.

When the poison robe dies, the evil repair disaster is eliminated, and everything will be restored to the original.

The Liulong region will return to calm; the evil spirit of Liulong will return to his control again.

He will still be the invincible person in the Six Dragon Region.

"Jie Jie." Poison robe smiled coldly.

The wooden dragon that violently attacked him should be able to end his life instantly.

After all, Long Xiao shot extremely fast, he had no time to resist, and he couldn't bear this wooden dragon seal.

However, huh...

The figure in the poison robe suddenly turned into countless poisonous insects, floating in all directions.

The speed of the poisonous insects is surprisingly fast.

The wood dragon seal had to pass through the poison robe, as if hitting the air.

Xiao Yi has seen this method.

Those poisonous insects are already amazing.

Under the illusion of the poison robe, the speed is much faster than that of the poison robe itself, which is extremely terrifying when used for escape and pursuit.

"Rewind quickly." In the distance, the Hu Fa and the third elders quickly backed away.

The original one hundred thousand evil cultivators also retreated early.

This level of battle is not something they can participate in.

The real victory or defeat lies with the three people in the sky.

However, although Poison Robe was under the siege of Yi Xiao and Long Xiao, the outcome was unpredictable.

Although the three people's own cultivation base, there is a gap.

But under the two dragon-shaped evil spirits of each, these gaps have long been leveled.

The victory or defeat depends on the strength of each of the three.

Speaking of methods, Yi Xiao is only a young man after all, and his fame has only been a few years.

And Long Xiao, although he has the title of the first person under the legend, but that is because of his 9999 masterpiece cultivation base, and the special Long Family Cultivation Method, violent and domineering.

On the contrary, it was a poison robe. For many years, he was so fierce that even the legendary powerhouse could not take his life. His methods were even more amazing.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about the evil cultivators.

Just retreat far and wait until the poison robe ends the battle, and then it will be time for them to slaughter the six dragons with a hundred thousand evil cultivators.


The high-altitude battle was extremely fierce.

The methods and attacks of Xiao Yi, Long Xiao, and Poison Robe filled the entire sky.

However, in a short time, the entire high altitude was riddled with holes, and pieces of nothingness were forcibly blasted out.

Just the slight aura from the raging high school has already shocked the peerless powerhouses such as Dehu Dharma and Dongfang Tieyun.

It is conceivable that the fighting level of the three at this moment must have surpassed the peerless realm.

"Controlling ghost silk, the body is full of poison."

With the combination of the two evil spirits of Xie Sha and Poison Sha, the methods of Poison Robe are almost displayed to the extreme.

In the entire high-altitude venomous land, spider silks were immediately covered, and poisonous insects ate wildly.

"Wooden Dragon Seal, Thunder Boom."

Long Xiao also exerted the power of Thunder Sha and Wood Sha to the extreme.

The huge wooden dragon winds and winds around, like a giant wood world, inside, thunder and lightning roar, amazing.

Only Xiao Yi, never saw him make any big moves.

Although the blood dragon at his feet can often break the poison robe, it is not very powerful.

That wind evil seemed to be of little use.

Xiao Yi couldn't help it either. His energy and blood were very powerful, but when it came to Yufeng methods, he didn't know much.

That wind evil spirit, he just used its power to increase strength.

The real attack is only the blood evil spirit.

But even so, his strength was not weaker than that of the duo and Long Xiao.

"Damn, Zi Yan Yi Xiao, you just have a little strength?" Long Xiao showed dissatisfaction.

In his opinion, if Yi Xiao could exert the power of two dragon-shaped evil spirits, combined with the power of the two, he would have easily killed the poison robe.

"If you are really so useless, then return the control of Feng Shao to me." Long Xiao said coldly.

If he can control the three evil spirits, he can end the battle easily.

Xiao Yi was too lazy to pay attention, and was too lazy to explain, and simply ignored.

"You..." Long Xiao looked angry.

"Long Xiao." Xiao Yi said coldly, "You are really capable, so give me the means to trap the poison robe."

"Others, leave it to me."

"Okay, the domain master sees what you can do." Long Xiao shouted violently.

At the foot of the wood dragon and thunder dragon, the momentum surged.

The members of his Long family are obviously more familiar with Liulong evil spirits and can easily control them.

The two evil spirits came out violently.

The original giant wood world shrank instantly; the gap between the giant trees was surrounded by lightning and blocked.

Suddenly, within a radius of thousands of miles, it instantly became a space blocked by the Wood Sha and Thunder Sha.

"Poison robe, you can't run now." Xiao Yi's eyes were cold.

The blood evil spirit under his feet suddenly ran away.

Xiao Yi also didn't see any movements, but the blood dragon under his feet rushed out.

The poison robe narrowed his eyes, and told him instinctively that the blood dragon looked ordinary, but in fact, the aura inside was sharp and striking.

The blood dragon rushed into countless poisonous insects instantly.

Hiss... Hiss... Hiss...

The huge blood dragon swallowed all the poisonous insects.

Outsiders can't see much, but the poison robe is very clear that all the blood energy within the blood dragon suddenly turned into an extremely sharp blood blade.

His poisonous insect, under the countless blood blades, is just the end of being continuously divided.


Countless poisonous insects suddenly disappeared.

The figure in the poison robe instantly recovered under the fusion of countless poisonous insects.

"Yi Xiao, Long Xiao, you are the one who forced this guardian." The poison robe gritted his teeth and his face was cruel.

A bone cane appeared out of thin air.

Xiao Yi stepped on the blood dragon and frowned. Suddenly, his expression changed, "Is that the bones of the Wild Shadow Spider?"

"Jie Jie, Desolate Bone Cang Yan." On top of the poisonous robe cane, a ball of flame instantly condensed.

"Not good." In the distance, Long Xiao's face changed drastically, "Do you want to use the bones of the wild to condense the flames of the wild?"

"Damn, Yi Xiao, stop him now."

"Once the horrendous blue flames descend, at least half of the entire Six Dragon region will be turned into ashes."

At the same distance, Dongfang Tieyun's face was startled, "Yi Xiao divides the palace master, run quickly, the wild flames are enough to burn you to annihilation."

Xiao Yi frowned, his figure flashed, and instead of retreating, he moved forward and took the poison robe.

The palm of his hand was tightly held on top of the poison robe cane.

"Are you looking for death?" Poison robe narrowed his eyes.

Xiao Yi also narrowed his eyes, "Poison Robe, you seem to be very forgetful."

"On playing with fire, Yi is better than you."

The cold words were filled with incomparable confidence.


Third more.

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