Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1640: Six evil spirits

"Stop it for me."

With a cold drink, the bone stick broke.

Wherever it broke, strands of rich blood lingered.

"Huh?" Poison Robe's eyes opened, and there was a hint of incredible flash.

"The bone of the Desolate Shadow Spider was cut open by you?"

"It's the power of the blood evil..." The poison robe reacted instantly.

Before he was exposed to the poison and turned into countless poisonous insects, even Long Xiao couldn't help it.

In the end, Yi Xiao's giant blood dragon rushed in and swallowed all his poisonous insects.

Within the blood dragon, the power of blood and energy ran away abnormally and was extremely sharp.

Countless poisonous insects were in it, as if they were in a bloodblade storm, with massive casualties.

This forced him to return to his body.

Now, the blood color on the broken part of the bone cane is obviously the same as before.

It looks like an ordinary blood color, but it is surprisingly sharp, as if even this piece of heaven and earth can be cut apart, let alone his bones of the desolate shadow spider?

Xiao Yi sneered, "If you shook me away early, instead of triumphantly talking nonsense, I'm not sure to cut off your ridiculous spider bone."

"However, based on what I know about you, Xie Xiu has always been cautious, and your Poison Robe, as the leader of evil cultivation, should be more cautious."

"If I didn't guess wrong, you just planned to calculate me."

Xiao Yi's tone was playful and playful.

The face of poison robe suddenly turned black.

Yes, his poisonous robe is not a good stubborn, let alone those stupid words with words.

He really hates Yi Xiao, and he really hates Yi Xiao's self-confidence.

But that was only his vent, he could wait to vent after he really won the battle.

The reason why he said so much was just selling a flaw to Yi Xiao.

As long as Yi Xiao feels there is a flaw to follow, he will never let go.

Then, at such a close range, he has a greater certainty that Zi Yan Yi Xiao will die under the flames of the wild.

Just like his poison robe possesses extremely extraordinary means of escape.

He is also convinced that dignified Ziyan Yi Xiao, this ruthless man who is different from other evildoers, this guy who loves to wander through various crises all the time, also has a very strong means of escape.

In the past few days, Yi Xiao has swept all the way and killed his branch of the Evil Monarch Mansion.

How could he let go of the great opportunity today.

If he could kill Yi Xiao in one fell swoop, it would naturally be the best.

So he deliberately sold the flaws and deliberately spoke a lot, so that Yi Xiao would not let go on his cane.

Unfortunately, he was still too confident in himself and despised Yi Xiao too much.

His calculation, the basis of everything, lies in his confidence that Yi Xiao cannot destroy his bones of the Desolate Shadow Spider.

The Desolate Shadow Spider is one of the ten wild beasts. The bones are so hard that even the mighty flames of the world can hardly burn them, let alone break them.

But he never expected that Yi Xiao was also calculating him.

Yi Xiao alone can't help his bones of the Wild Shadow Spider.

But what if you add this blood evil force that has been conceived for millions of years, plus that amazing means of blood energy?

It was not so much that he lost to Yi Xiao, as it was to this blood evil spirit, and that blood energy method that he didn't even understand.

After the two calculated each other, he still lost to Yi Xiao.


At this moment, Bai Leng Cangyan, which had condensed hundreds of feet, instantly collapsed.

The shadow of a thousand feet of white bone behind the poison robe also disappeared.

The bones of the ‘main body’ of the Wild Shadow Spider have been broken, and the natural, poisonous robe’s methods have also disappeared.

"Do you think you are determined to win?" Poison robe narrowed his eyes.

The killing intent in Xiao Yi's eyes burst out at this moment.

"Poison Robe, I said, today you and I must tell the winner."

"Today, I will never let you run away again."

At the moment when the voice fell, Xiao Yi put out his hands.

His powerful hands instantly clasped the shoulders of the poison robe.

"Blood world third style, blood brake cut." Xiao Yi yelled inwardly.

Seeing no movement from Xiao Yi, the face of the poison robe changed drastically.

The blood in the poison robe began to roll sharply, and the cloudy face began to flush abnormally.

He even discovered that he couldn't mobilize half of his body's vitality, let alone use the slightest method.

" kind of martial arts is this..." Dupao's face changed drastically.

In just one second, the poison robe has spurted out a mouthful of blood.

In the second second, more and more blood spurted from the mouth of the poison robe.

In the third second, the final blood of the poison robe was not sprayed out by himself, but seemed to be surging out automatically.

Yes, in fact, Xiao Yi has been fighting with the poison robe all the time, using a combination of energy and blood.

The martial skill used was Blood Realm Slash.

The blood energy before became extremely sharp because of the blood world slash.

The fracture of the Desolate Shadow Spider's bone was also due to the Blood Realm Slash.

Slashing the blood world alone is certainly not enough.

But what if it is matched with this dragon-shaped blood evil that has been pregnant for millions of years?

Moreover, there is the control given by the Blood Brake Demon Sutra.

The power contained in this dragon-shaped blood evil is so huge, who dare to say that it can be fully controlled?

The blood brake magic script dare.

Xiao Yi, who had practiced the Blood Brake Demon Scripture, was equally daring.

He didn't know the level of the practice that the stele spirit gave him.

However, all the skills, techniques, and methods of the stele spirit come from the sword emperor, the sword emperor.

Naturally, the Blood Brake Magic Scripture must have been one of the sword emperor's techniques.

Xiao Yi dare not say how strong this exercise is.

But he can be sure that when he was manipulating the whole blood evil just now, he obviously had close to absolute control.

The six dragons and six evil spirits are born from the six sides of the entire six dragon region and have been conceived for millions of years.

Even the past patriarch of the Long Family, as well as his Long Family's exercises, dare not say that they can be absolutely controlled.

Otherwise, the previous control of the four of the six evil spirits would not be taken away by the poison robe.

However, Xiao Yi just now clearly controlled the entire blood evil spirit, and also used its full power.

Only then has the bones of the Desolate Shadow Spider, and now the poison robe has little resistance.

"You want to kill me?" Poison robe sneered.

Xiao Yi also sneered, "I don't want to, it's inevitable."

"Then let's die together." The poison robe suddenly yelled, and there was no fear on his face. Some were just crazy and hideous.

"You forgot, I still have the evil way to seal the sky formation."

The blood in the mouth of the poison robe overflowed and kept flowing out.

But his roar was not affected at all.


A violent shout.

"Aroused the evil way to seal the sky and exploded directly?" Xiao Yi's tone was startled.

This time, he was really surprised, and his pupils shrank.

The Evil Dao Sealing Heaven Formation can affect the entire Six Dragon Region, and even make the poison robe absolutely control the fourth of the six evil spirits.

It blew up at this moment, its power...

Roar... roar... roar...

In an instant, the aura of heaven and earth went wild, and six sky-shaking roars resounded throughout the Liulong region.

The two huge dragons at the foot of the poison robe, the poisonous evil spirit and the evil evil spirit, suddenly disappeared.

The two giant dragons at Xiao Yi's feet, the wind and blood, also disappeared.

There was also the Thunder Shark and Wood Shaar at Long Xiao's feet, disappearing as well.

Next second.

In the distance, in the sky, a more violent breath ran away, and a more terrifying roar, shaking the world.

Six roaming dragons of different colors come from six directions fiercely.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie." The poison robe's mouth overflowed with blood, but he smiled grinningly.

"Six dragons will eat together, and if you Ziyan Yixiao's methods are monstrous, you will not escape death today."

"That's why you die first." Xiao Yi's eyes were fierce.

The poison robe instantly turned into a blood man.

His sullen eyes gradually lost their anger and slowly closed.

The blood has drained from his body and his vitality has disappeared.


Second more.

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