Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1642: Blood poison two pills

"You..." Dongfang Tieyun's tone choked.

Although Dongfang Tieyun's expression was ugly, he actually knew that Long Xiao's words were not unreasonable.

Neither Long Xiao nor Yi Xiao could stop the poison robe from detonating the power of the evil Dao Fengtian formation.

It's just that Long Xiao was able to resist the flames of the wild before, but he had to let Yi Xiao take risks to resist.

If this were not the case, Yi Xiao would not be trapped in the giant wood seal, nor would he deal with the Six Dragons by himself.

If this is the case, Long Xiao and Yi Xiao, together, can solve these six dragons' scourges.

After all, before the two can each hold two dragon-shaped evil spirits, they are superior in strength and means.

It may not be impossible for the two to join forces.

However, as Long Xiao said, for the safety of countless warriors in the Liulong region, Long Xiao now uses a giant wood seal to block the entire high sky, which is the best choice.

"Hey." Dongfang Tieyun sighed heavily.

Long Xiao said coldly, "Dongfang Tieyun, your Eighth Hall martial artist, has the responsibility to kill evil repairs."

"If Yi Xiao really fell unfortunately, it is also an honor for you to win the Demon Hunting Palace."

"Of course, my Long family will not forget his kindness to Liulong region."

Hearing the words, Dongfang Tieyun shook his head, his expression complex and silent.

Long Xiao ignored it, his eyes were high in the sky, with coldness in his eyes.

At this moment, the high altitude, tens of thousands of miles, are all under the blockade of giant trees.

No one knew what was going on inside.

However, the violent aura from inside is enough to let people know that the five dragon-shaped evil auras inside are still in a state of running away.


Within the giant wood seal.

Xiao Yi floated high in the air, with a big mouth overflowing with blood.

The face under the mask was extremely pale.

Those cold eyes were also gloomy.

It proved that he must have suffered extremely serious injuries at this moment.

However, if you look more realistically, you can see that his gloomy eyes are obviously filled with joy and surprise.

Five dragon-shaped evil spirits, Xie Sha and Feng Sha are opening the huge dragon mouth, wanting to swallow him.

However, these two giant dragons had already stopped when they were only a few meters away from Xiao Yi's body, and it was difficult for them to gain a measure.

Beside the two giant dragons of Xie Sha and Feng Sha, the two dragons snaked and resisted, and it was the blood shame and poison shame that could block them.

Yes, the blood evil and poison evil actually blocked the evil evil and wind evil for Xiao Yi.

Before the six dragons came together, Xiao Yi should normally be swallowed by the six dragons.

However, at that moment, the power of the blood evil and poisonous evil did not hurt him in the slightest.

On the contrary, it was Blood Fiend and Poison Fiend, blocking the power of the other two evil spirits for him.

In other words, the only ones who really injured him were Thunder Sha and Wood Sha.

The collision of the two giant dragons, as well as the power contained therein, almost instantly severely injured Xiao Yi and even caused him to fall apart.

Of course, that's all.

A month ago, under his full strength, he was able to hit the full blow of Long Xiao, who was **** the two evil spirits.

Today, although there is no ring of condensed seven-color flames, the two dragon-shaped evil spirits alone will not kill him. It will only cause him to be seriously injured, and the injury is extremely serious.

But look more realistically, Blood Fiend and Poison Fiend stopped Xie Sha and Feng Sha, but the aura of the two giant dragons of Blood Fiend and Poison Sha was diminishing at an extremely fast speed.

It was even gradually visible to the naked eye that the size of the two dragons was getting smaller.

Xiao Yi glanced inwardly. In his body, the aura of the blood pill and poison pill was constantly rising.

"Absorbing the power of the blood evil and poisonous evil..." Xiao Yi looked inside, frowning.

Before, the Blood Fiend Dragon and the Poison Fiend Dragon rushed in. The reason why their power did not hurt him was that at that moment, the Blood Fiend and the Poison Pill were already devouring their power very quickly.

In his body, poison pill and blood pill exist side by side.

Poison Pill is the two poisonous evil seeds he obtained in the cave of the evil evil saints when he was in the wind sacred area, and then cultivated them into evil evil spirits, and they were made when he cultivated the Poison Tome.

Xiao Yi didn't know too much about this poison pill, only that it was the most important existence throughout the practice of the Poison Book.

The methods and methods recorded in the Poisons Book can be called crazy.

The above record alone broke the entire normal martial artist training system.

However, most of the records in it have not been verified.

It is still unknown whether this practice can be truly practiced.

Therefore, Xiao Yi didn't know much about this poison pill.

As for the blood pill, when he fought in the Black Poison Villa, his martial arts in the field of the Three Palms of the Frost and his own blood suddenly succeeded.

And it happened to appear beside the poison pill in his body.

Similarly, Xiao Yi didn't know much about blood pills.

But in any case, he can use these two inner alchemy and exert their power.

Of course, it was also because he didn't know much about the two, so he didn't know why the two powers of poisonous evil and blood evil were suddenly absorbed quickly and automatically.

Moreover, it's okay to absorb the power of Poison Sha.

The stronger the Poison Pill in his body, the more he can practice the Book of Ten Thousand Poisons, and the more he can verify the crazy records in the Book of Ten Thousand Poisons.

For Xiao Yi, this is a challenge and an interesting thing.

But the absorption of that blood evil...

The stronger the blood pellet in his body, the more disturbed Xiao Yi became.

"Forget it, don't **** white or suck." Xiao Yi's eyes were fierce.

Although he has some scruples about the blood pills in his body, he has long since rejected the blood pills like before.

The stronger the blood pill, the stronger his blood qi and the four forms of the blood world will be.

For him now, the word strength is more important than anything else.

He is willing to take some risks.

"Suck." Xiao Yi let out a low voice.

He tried it, and at the same time ran the two techniques of the Book of Ten Thousand Poisons and the Blood Brake Demon Sutra, and the absorption speed of the blood pill and poison pill in his body increased significantly.

Outside, the two huge blood evil spirits and poisonous evil spirits are shrinking at an increasingly alarming speed.

In the body, the blood pellets and poison pellets became more rounded and clear, and the breath became more and more amazing.

"Huh." A few minutes later, Xiao Yi let out a breath.

Xue Sha and Du Sha were being quickly absorbed by him, so don't worry about it for now.

But outside, there are two giant dragons, Xie Sha and Feng Sha, but still open their ‘blood pot mouth’, wanting to swallow him.

Xiao Yi thought about this point, and then he didn't worry anymore.

Nowadays, the blood evil spirit and poison evil spirit are absorbed, but it also obstructs the evil evil spirit and wind evil spirit.

Xie Sha and Feng Sha still wanted to devour him, just because of the means and manipulation left by the poison robe before he died.

Before long, these methods and manipulations will dissipate.

Now, the only danger is Lei Sha.

Zi Zi Zi...

At this moment, Xiao Yi's body was full of thunder and lightning.

In fact, most of his injuries and threats came from this Lei Sha.


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