Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1645: One hundred thousand evil repairs, death

"you wanna die."

Xiao Yi's cold shout almost sounded at the moment, and his figure flashed in front of the Wind Saint Pot and the Mist Demon.

After all, Xiao Yi was beside the Wind Sacred Pot, so even if Long Xiao came at full speed, it would still be a step slower than Xiao Yi.

Long Xiao came swiftly, yet he could not really get close to the Wind Holy Pot, and he felt an overwhelming killing intent suddenly added to him.

This killing intent was extremely surging.

Surging, Long Xiao's heart was shocked, and his figure could not stop.

Long Xiao looked at Xiao Yi, his body shook again.

Intuition tells him that the killing intent in Yi Xiao's eyes at this moment is not joking.

This strong killing intent, even when he let go of the Tiger Guardian that day, Yi Xiao, who was anxious and frustrated, never revealed it.

Now, the killing intent was awe-inspiring, and he had no doubt that if he really dared to move that strange pot, Yi Xiao would really fight him for life and death.

Moreover, he suddenly felt that this killing intent seemed to contain an aura he was very familiar with.


Just at this time, Dongfang Tieyun also flashed over.

"Hall Master Yi Xiao, you are fine, that's great." Dongfang Tieyun's expression was overjoyed.

Long Xiao did not move, and Xiao Yi also retracted his gaze.

With a big wave of his hand, the last small ‘tail’ outside the Feng Sheng pot was forcibly sucked into the Feng Sheng pot by Xiao Yi.

Then the fingertips closed, and the Feng Shenghu returned to his waist.

"Hall of the East, although the poison robe is dead, the evil cultivator has not disappeared. Let's talk later." Xiao Yi said, staring at the hundred thousand evil cultivators in the distance.

"Okay." Dongfang Tieyun nodded, "There is Ziyan Yixiao, evil repairs evil, what counts?"

Dongfang Tieyun said as he stood with his hands behind him.

He didn't make a move, and he knew he didn't have to make a move.

One hundred thousand evil cultivators, although the number is large, but under absolute strength, they are nothing but a bunch of chickens and dogs.

Moreover, the powerhouse of the main hall of the Hunting Demon Palace, the law enforcement team, etc., have already been blocked outside.

Long Xiao was stunned, frowning.

He was still thinking about the familiar aura of killing intent just now.

Moreover, the current dragon-shaped evil spirits, the manipulation and methods of the poison robe before death have long since disappeared.

Therefore, he has already regained control of several evil spirits, Lei Sha, Wood Sha, and Xie Sha.

But, what about the other three dragons? Blood evil, poison evil, and wind evil.

He knew Feng Shao that he had been ‘robbed' by Yi Xiao with his own eyes just now, but Blood Shao and Du Sha were missing at this moment.

In his perception, the blood evil and poison evil seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

So he froze in place.

However, Xiao Yi had already flown down quickly and fell in front of a hundred thousand evil cultivators.

"You gather together, it saves Yi a lot of effort." Xiao Yi sneered.

These 100,000 evil cultivations were also trapped in the giant wood seal before.

However, they avoided the five evil spirits from a distance, so they were intact.

It's just that they could not hide the five evil spirits from that time, but they could not hide from Xiao Yi's pursuit.

"Gu." Shiwan Xie Xiu's face changed drastically almost at the same time, and he swallowed at the same time.

They knew Ziyan Yi Xiao's fierce name very well.

They also watched with their own eyes just now, the poison robe they depended on was beheaded by Yi Xiao himself.

The cold and shriveled corpse in the poison robe was lying miserably on the ground at this moment.

Dignified poison robe, the legendary protector in their evil monarch's mansion, just died like this, let alone them?


Suddenly, monstrous purple flames filled the sky.

Xiao Yi was not interested in talking nonsense with them. Since all the evil cultivators in the Six Dragons region had gathered together, he killed them all, saving him a lot of trouble.


The monstrous flame landed instantly.

Boom...At the same time, a barrier suddenly formed during the evil repair.

The barrier covered one hundred thousand evil repairs and blocked Xiao Yi's flame.

"Tiger Guardian?" Xiao Yi frowned.

One hundred thousand evil repairs, he didn't take it seriously.

But inside, there are still a few peerless powerhouses, such as the tiger protector, and the three elders.

Tiger Protector, but a peerless powerhouse who controls 9997 Dao.

At the beginning, Xiao Yi's beast's hands and feet were increased, and the five-color flame ring condensed, and it was only able to crush him. It took a lot of work to seriously wound him and catch the chance to kill him.

Now, the same is true, in a short period of time, it is difficult to help this tiger protector.

"Ziyan Yi Xiao, want to kill my evil repairs in the six dragon regions? Not that easy." Hu Fa sneered.

"Father, save me." At the same time, during the evil repair, Long Tian shouted.

In fact, it is obvious that even the vitality barrier of the Tiger Guardian temporarily blocked the monstrous purple inflammation.

But the monstrous purple inflammation continued to suppress it at a slow speed.

It was only a matter of time before the Yuanli barrier was burned and broken.

Once the monstrous purple inflammation completely descended, it would be the end of massacre for the hundred thousand evil repairs.

In the distance, Long Xiao, who was thinking about it, instantly reacted to Long Tian's yelling.

"Yi Xiao, do you dare to kill my son?"

Xiao Yi turned a deaf ear, still controlling the monstrous flames, pressing his hands.

"Really I'm afraid you won't succeed?" Long Xiao's expression became angry, and he wanted to make a move.

Beside him, Dongfang Tieyun snorted coldly, "Lord of the Dragon Region, Long Tian is already an evil cultivator."

"You are not afraid of the division of the master of Yi Xiao, but can you bear the anger of the main hall of my Demon Hunting Palace?"

"You..." Long Xiao's eyes were cold.

In the distance, Long Tian shouted anxiously, "Father, quickly kill Yi Xiao. Just now in the giant wood seal, I saw with my own eyes that he absorbed the blood evil and poisonous evil of our Long family."

"What?" Long Xiao's face changed drastically, and he reacted instantly.

He finally wanted to understand what the familiar aura in that killing intent just now was.

It is one of the six evil spirits of his dragon family, the blood evil spirit.

No wonder that in his perception, the blood evil and poisonous evil of his dragon family have disappeared, and they have been absorbed.

In fact, Long Xiao didn't think about this possibility.

It's just that he always finds it impossible, unbelievable.

He knew very well how terrifying the power contained in each of the six dragons and six evil spirits. Within the huge body of more than 100,000 feet, it took millions of years to grow to this point.

How could such a huge force be absorbed in just over a day.

But now, Long Tian's words completely confirmed his thoughts.

In the distance, Xiao Yi looked directly at Long Tian, ​​narrowing his eyes.

The five-color ring in his hand turned suddenly and quickly, turning into six colors.

The Tiger Guardian still has these 100,000 evil cultivations, and he will kill them.

He would rather suffer some backlash than see a half-point accident again.

The monstrous purple flame suddenly increased in power, and instantly burned the vitality barrier of the tiger guardian.

The flame fell instantly and swallowed all evil repairs.

The power of the amethyst spirit flame is exerted to the extreme by the beast hand, beast foot, and six-color circle.

The effect of burning everything is almost as fast as a spike, quickly harvesting all the lives of evil cultivators.

However, in just one breath, the entire high sky suddenly turned into nothingness under the burning of amethyst spirit flame.

One hundred thousand evil repairs have evaporated out of thin air, all dead.


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