Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1648: Good for oneself

Xiao Yi turned and left.

Before leaving, he glanced at the corpse in the poison robe in the distance.

The poison robe at this moment was already a cold corpse.

Moreover, the appearance was shriveled, and all the blood inside was lost, but it was a mummy, too dead to die.

The way the poison robe escaped was enough to shock the entire Zhongyu, and even a legend could not help him.

Therefore, Xiao Yi still felt it a bit more to prevent accidents.

After a long while, Xiao Yi retracted his gaze and was already certain.

With his pharmacist skills, even if the poison robe wanted to lie to death, he couldn't hide it from him.

Xiao Yi couldn't help but smile secretly, he seemed to be overly cautious.

Although there have been many twists and turns since the pursuit of anti-virus gowns along the way.

I just met with the poison robe, and after that, they fought fiercely, and then went to the six dragons to play multiple games, and finally the six dragons and six evil spirits, the battle of the wild fire, and the final beheading.

There were indeed many twists and turns along the way, and it took him a lot of effort.

But now, the poison robe is dead, a dry corpse, a cold corpse.

He was alive, with strange means and amazing ability to escape.

But after death, everything is vain.

Whoosh... Xiao Yi waved his big hand and took the Qiankun ring of poison robe.

After that, both hands were raised, and all the Qiankun Ring left by the 100,000 evil repairs was absorbed.

Normally, the universe ring cannot be stored in stacks.

However, for those who have a relatively advanced level of cultivation and control a certain amount of martial arts power, covering it with prohibition can put the Qiankun Ring into the Qiankun Ring.

Like Xiao Yi now.

With a light movement of the fingertips, a large swath of aura came out, enveloping all the rings of the universe, and then the aura became a ban on its own.

Although the number of Universe Rings that were cultivated by one hundred thousand evils was large, for Xiao Yi's current strength, it was just a breeze to easily hit one hundred thousand ordinary prohibitions.

Do everything well, Xiao Yi Yukong flew away.

On the spot, no one dared to stop.

Long Xiao watched the 100,000 Universe Rings being sucked away one by one. Although his face twitched and his face was envied, he did not dare to say anything.

"Eastern Hall Master, let's go back to the main hall together." Moxibustion smiled and said.

Dongfang Tieyun hesitated for a while, and said, "Hallmaster of Moxibustion Flame, the master of the main hall summoned the Master of Yixiao Branch, what is going on?"

"Oh?" Moxibustion was stunned and said, "Hall of the East, are you curious about this matter?"

"Yeah." Dongfang Tieyun nodded, "As far as I know, Palace Master Yi Xiao has swept all the way and killed Xie Xiu in the past few months."

"But in terms of merit, he should not have reached the level that the main hall master summoned, let alone the Qi Ling of the three halls."

"In the past few months, the Lord Yi Xiao Branch madly killed the evil repair branch, causing a lot of turmoil."

"I heard that there are still many negative reputations and rumors."

"Over the main hall, shouldn't it be accountability?"

"Haha." Tang Yin smiled and said, "Dongfang, you were worried about this."

Dongfang Tieyun nodded, and said in a deep voice, "The three halls are all ordered together, it's not trivial, I don't worry about it."

"Judging from my contact with the master of the Yi Xiao Branch these days, the master of the Yi Xiao Branch has a bit colder temperament, but he is really good at dealing with people..."

Moxibustion waved his hand and interrupted, "Dongfang, you can rest assured."

"Going this time, it is not accountability, but the praise of the main hall master."

"In the main hall, there is accurate information about the master of the Yi Xiao branch these days."

"Although the master of the branch of Yixiao acted vigorously, and swept all the way, slaughtering the door at every turn."

"But in fact, every time he slaughtered an evil repair branch, he was completely controlled within his own scope."

"Take some family mansions, for example, the monstrous flames descended, and the sky filled the sky, but it accurately sealed off the entire mansion."

"The flames are overwhelming, but they don't burn half an inch beyond the mansion."

"So, Palace Master Yi Xiao has been slaughtering evil cultivators all the way these days, Shaking Central Region is certain, but if there is any other influence, there is no."

"It's also because of this that the main hall master has been praised, and I have two of us call the Yixiao branch hall master to see the main hall."

"So that's the case." Dongfang Tieyun nodded and smiled, "I know that the Master of the Palace Branch of Yi Xiao is really capable."

Under such crazy sweep and massacre, it did not cause half-point manslaughter, accidental massacre, and even caused no impact on all regions.

This kind of ability is enough to shock anyone.

"Oh yes, there is one more thing." Dongfang Tieyun asked with a puzzled expression on his face.

"I remember, I sent an order to the main hall as a message for help."

"Why did you two bring the promotion order directly?"

"This is naturally what the main hall master meant." Moxibustion paused, and frowned suddenly.

"Here in the Six Dragons region, as one of the famous regions, you are again one of the top ten main halls."

"Therefore, your distress order will be transmitted to the main palace master as quickly as possible."

"When the main hall master ordered me and Tang Yin to come, he also gave us a promotion order by the way."

"Oh?" Dongfang Tieyun was stunned when he heard the words.

Tang Yin said solemnly, "When the main hall master gave us the promotion order, he only said one sentence."

"What are you talking about?" Dongfang Tieyun asked suspiciously.

Tang Yin said solemnly, "Zi Yan Yi Xiao is here, poison robe will die, evil repair will be eliminated, and he himself will be intact."

"Huh?" Dongfang Tieyun's expression was startled, "The main hall master is so confident in the Yi Xiao branch hall master?"

Moxibustion and Tang Yin both nodded at the same time, "The main hall master said, I can come here with the promotion order."

Dongfang Tieyun's face was surprised.

"No." Dongfang Tieyun suddenly reacted, "Since the main hall master knows that the main hall master can eliminate evil repairs, he will be safe, why should you send the two of you?"

"Master of Moxibustion Flame, you have broken through."

"Such trivial matters such as passing orders can be passed on by the ordinary palace master."

Hearing the words, Moxibustion Yan and Tang Yin glanced at each other suddenly and gave a wry smile.

"The main hall master said that once the matter of the six dragons is over, Yi Xiao's division of the hall master will probably disappear."

"What do you mean?" Dongfang Tieyun was stunned.

Moxibustion shook his head, "Once this matter is over, no one will be found."

"When the two of me came, I followed him until I ‘pressed’ him to the main hall."

"Um." Dongfang Tieyun was stunned, and laughed blankly, "So that's it."

"Okay." Moxibustion Tang Yin and Tang Yin arched their hands, "I will go and look at the Master Yi Xiaofen, so I won't talk to you anymore."

"Next time you come to the main hall of the Six Dragons Region."

"Yeah." Dongfang Tieyun arched his hands, "The two hall masters go to my main hall first, and I will go back later."


Moxibustion and Tang Yin flashed, and Yukong flew away.

In the same place, only Eastern Iron Cloud and Long Xiao remained.

Dongfang Tieyun looked at Long Xiao.

Long Xiao was silent, but his face was full of gloom and resentment.

"Lord of the Dragon Territory, the old man has been serving as the head of the palace in your Six Dragons region for a long time." Dongfang Tieyun said solemnly.

"What are you thinking, I know very well."

"Long Tian is an evil cultivator, and has always been in collusion with the evil monarch's mansion; on the surface, like a young man, secretly, he has repeatedly planned vicious things."

"This is a dead end."

"As for the six dragons and six evil spirits." Dongfang Tieyun paused, and said in a deep voice, "Wind evil, poison evil, blood evil, three dragon-shaped evil spirits, you can't get it back, it is a fact."

Long Xiao was furious instantly, "I don't care about the matter of heaven; but the three dragon-shaped evil spirits are the root of the six dragons. If I can't get them back, the six dragons will be in danger in the future."

Dongfang Tieyun shook his head, "That's just a word from the Lord of the Dragon Region."

"You know very well that even without the three dragon-shaped evil spirits, the Six Dragon Region will not have much impact."

"Six Dragon Region, is it because there were these six huge evil spirits from the beginning?"

"Your ancestors of the Dragon family millions of years ago, without the six dragons and six evil spirits, wouldn't it be possible to defend the six dragons?"

"The six dragons and six evil spirits were still in rudimentary form, and they were not powerful. Why didn't the Evil King Mansion dare to commit any crime when your ancestors of the Long family were there?"

"Why did you control the six dragons and six evil spirits in the past, but still caused the evil repair today and almost destroyed the entire six dragons area?"

"This matter, Dragon Domain Lord, you can think about it yourself."

Dongfang Tieyun was silent for a moment, and continued, "Without the three evil spirits, the Dragon Domain Lord is still the strongest under the legend, and still invincible in the region."

"Within the region, the embryonic forms of the other three evil spirits will continue to emerge, and he will recover eventually."

"The old man's words have reached this point, and I hope that the Lord of the Dragon Realm will think clearly, so I can do it for myself."

When the voice fell, Dongfang Tieyun waved his sleeves and Yukong flew away.


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