Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1651: He has no chance

Xiao Yi looked at Moxibustion and Tang Yin who were flying away quickly, but did not follow.

He knew very well that he couldn't catch up with the poison robe.

In the same place, in the ruins, he was the only one left.

His gaze looked at the spirit power left by the hundred thousand evil spirits floating in the air after their death.

Although the corpses of those evil repairs have been burned into nothingness.

But the higher the martial artist's cultivation base, the longer the martial spirit power left behind after death will remain in the world.

With the strength and cultivation base of this group of evil cultivators, they will not dissipate for more than a few days.

Therefore, he didn't pay much attention to it before, but first went to the closed room to stabilize his injury.

Back now, the martial soul power of 100,000 evil repairs still retains.


Xiao Yi waved a few barriers to block the surrounding area.

Then, the eyes of the lunar sun condensed.

In the air, invisible ripples suddenly raged.

The martial arts power floating in the air is hard to see with the naked eye, but in the eyes of the lunar sun, there is nowhere to hide.

One by one invisible ripples wandered through the raging room, wisps of martial soul power disappeared out of thin air.

Xiao Yi looked inside his body, and the fire-controlling beast spirit was opening his mouth wide and swallowing the spirit power.

However, within ten minutes, the power of one hundred thousand evil spirit cultivation spirits floating in the air had been completely absorbed.

At this time, the purple light of the fire-controlling beast spirit in the body was already extremely rich.


After Xiao Yi dissipated from the eyes of the lunar sun, he waved his hand to remove the surrounding barriers.

Then, continue to look inside.

In contrast, the deep purple light of the fire-controlling beast spirit in the body was almost the same as the Bingluan sword.

Although there were a large number of 100,000 evil cultivators, except for the few people such as Hu Hu Fa who were purple spirits, the rest were mostly blue pinnacle spirits.

There is also a part in the purple first class.

Now it is fully absorbed, and the effect is probably in Xiao Yi's expectation.

"It's not much difference. The purple light of the Fire Control Beast should be able to equalize the Bingluan Sword." Xiao Yi thought secretly.

In a few days, if you absorb more martial arts power and control the purple level of the fire beast, you should be able to reach the level of the Bingluan sword.

Xiao Yi felt that at that time, his fire-controlling beast spirit could directly break through with just an opportunity.

After half an hour.


In the distance, two figures rushed back in the air.

It is moxibustion and Tang Yin.

"Huh." Seeing Xiao Yi still on the spot, the two breathed a sigh of relief.


The two fell back to the ground, their faces full of despair.

"Damn, failed to catch up with the guy in the poison robe."

"It was impossible to catch up." Xiao Yi shook his head.

Tang Yin frowned, "Hall Master Yi Xiao, why didn't you keep up just now?"

"You have fought against the poison robe many times. With your understanding of him, combined with the strength of the three of us, you may not be able to catch up with him."

Xiao Yi shook his head again and looked at Moxibustion, "If I was not mistaken, the master of Moxibustion, the breath is a bit unstable, it should be just a short time after the initial breakthrough in the legend."

Moxibustion nodded.

Xiao Yi continued, "Poison robe can escape in the hands of old legends."

"Yi Mou said something disrespectful, you, the legend of Moxibustion Flame Palace Master, who broke through at the beginning, can't help him."

"Therefore, it is futile to pursue it any more."

"Moreover." Xiao Yi's eyes were indifferent, "Poison Robe has repeatedly failed and escaped. Since the last battle, Yi hasn't put him in his eyes anymore, so it doesn't matter if he doesn't pursue him."

Cold and arrogant, but with an extremely confident tone, the expressions of Moxibustion and Moxibustion were shocked.

But the shocked expression on the two of them flashed a glimmer of surprise, and they took Xiao Yi's words for granted.

Moxibustion sighed suddenly, "Nevertheless, letting the poison gown escape again, it's really unwilling."

"Such fierce people, in the future, they will upset all regions."

"No." Xiao Yi shook his head, with affirmation in his tone.

"Why?" The moxibustion two were puzzled.

Xiao Yi smiled indifferently, "Because he used to be my opponent."

"Huh?" Moxibustion and Yan were more confused.

Xiao Yi smiled, "Unless Yi is blind, sees the wrong person, and admits the wrong opponent."

"Otherwise, until he has enough strength, before he thinks he can kill me, he won't show up again."

"He will retreat?" Moxibustion and Moxibustion reacted instantly, and their faces suddenly became ugly.

"Hall Master Yi Xiao, you know, this means that you will have an extremely terrifying or even terrifying opponent in the future?"

"Once he reappears, it will be the time when you are facing a severe crisis..."

"Heh." Xiao Yi smiled indifferently, his eyes filled with confidence.

"He doesn't have this chance."


The wind brake area, the center area, and the main hall.

In the study.

The master of the wind brake, frowned and looked at the master of Chengfeng.

The Lord Chengfeng was bitter and silent.

On the side, the Lord Hengtian sneered, "Chengfeng, you are really amazing."

"For more than a few months, I just asked you to find a kid, but I still have no clue."

"Tsk tsk, you are still the main hall master in charge of the information of the main halls of the wind brake hall."

The Lord Chengfeng's face twitched, and he stared at the Lord Hengtian.

"Hall Master." Chengfeng Palace Master looked at the main hall master, arched his hands, "Xiao Yi, that kid, really has the ability."

"With the intelligence capabilities of our main hall, and the cooperation of the other ten main halls, I couldn't find this kid half way."

The master of the wind brake frowned, "This kid is amazing."

"But it's always gone as soon as I disappear. That's nothing."

"It's impossible for such a big living person to disappear out of thin air."

On the side, the main hall master of Shura was sitting in danger, smiling, his eyes filled with admiration.

The main hall of the wind brake took a look, his face was angrily, "Sura, do you still have this expression?"

"That kid, Xiao Yi, can't find any figure, are you very happy?"

"Humph." The Master Fengcha unconsciously patted the table and snorted coldly.

"You said this kid, there should be some degree of nonsense."

"I just disappeared, and there was no news for several months, which is really not worrying."

"Haha." The Master Palace Master Shura smiled faintly, "It is always not worrying and worrying, but it is always safe and sound, and there is always no need to worry about it. Isn't this the style of Xiao Yi boy?"

"When he appears, he will appear after all."

"I always love cumin. I always love to carry it by myself. I never need our help, but I can always shock Zhongyu."

"Isn't this why the two of us value him highly?"

"Sigh." The Master Hall of Fengcha sighed, "Nevertheless, this kid..."

"Hall Master." Suddenly, the Palace Master Chengfeng interrupted.

"In fact, we have not been able to find news about Xiao Yi in the past few months."

"But... we found information about another person."

"Who?" the Master Hall Master Fengcha asked.

The main hall of the wind brake took out a piece of information and said in a deep voice, "Zi Yan, Yi Xiao."


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