Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1653: Demon Hunting Hall

"It's him?"

Xiao Yi frowned slightly, his tone was half-shocked.

Dongfang Tieyun was taken aback for a moment, "Why, Vice Palace Master Yi Xiao, do you know that legend?"

In fact, although Xiao Yi no longer put the poison robe in his eyes.

But he was still surprised by the ability of poison robe to escape.

After all, it is not an ordinary method to conceal him, a high-grade alchemist, and successfully commit death.

And Xiao Yi remembered that before, whether it was Eastern Iron Cloud or arrogant as a dragon, when talking about the escape of the poisonous robe from the legendary powerhouse, they all showed dignity and fear.

So Xiao Yi asked specifically when he was curious.

But I didn't expect it to be him.

At this moment, Dongfang Tieyun looked at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi smiled and said nothing.

"Well, nothing else, the three of us will leave." Moxibustion arched his hands and said.

"Okay." Dongfang Tieyun arched his hands, "I will be free in the future, three people come to the main hall of the Six Dragons Region again, I will welcome you."

Long Xiao also arched his hands, but he only looked at Moxibustion, "Master of Moxibustion, walk slowly, don't send it."

In fact, the two are here to see off.

However, in Long Xiao's view, only Moxibustion was the only one qualified to let him see off.

He looked at Xiao Yi's face, still cold.

Xiao Yi also ignored it.

Of course he knew what Long Xiao meant.

After all, he has captured three dragon-shaped evil spirits in the Liulong region, and it is only strange that Long Xiao will have a good face.

However, Xiao Yi didn't feel any guilt for absorbing poisonous evil and blood evil.

Before, if it weren't for Long Xiao, how could he suffer from Long Yan's backlash, suffer pain and torture at the bottom of the lake for a month without saying anything, and almost die.

The pain and torture is better to say, Xiao Yi doesn't care too much.

It was because of this that he had exhausted 90% of the rare heavenly materials in his Universe Ring.

How could the treasures of heaven and earth that Xiao Yi could see were ordinary things.

And most importantly, he spent a month of recuperating at the bottom of the lake and wasted his time.

In addition, Long Xiao had been obstructed and embarrassed everywhere before, stupefied that he was forced to come out of the poisonous robe in order to kill the evil in the Six Dragons region, and wasted nearly a month.

Counting it all, it took him two months to stay in Liulong region alone.

Originally, after he left the sword emperor monument and the tomb of the ancient emperor opened, only six months were left, and less than July.

Time is already short, he has to seize his strength to kill Xie Xiu, and use this as experience to improve his cultivation and strength.

According to his sweeping speed at the beginning, he didn't know how many areas he had crossed in a short time, killing countless evil repair branches.

In the Liulong region, he wasted two months of life due to evil cultivation.

At this point, his remaining time to improve his strength is less than two months at most.

He doesn't cultivate the evil way, the thunder way, and the one way of wood, but he can't help the other three dragons.

Otherwise, he would have the heart to grab the other three dragon-shaped evil spirits.

As for the evil wind, it was taken away by the fog demon.

Xiao Yi didn't care either.

Although the fog demon has a hideous face, it is far better than those who have good-looking skins but are thoughtless.

And the fog demon is a companion by his side.

The fog demon wants that wind evil, so he wants it.

If Long Xiao wanted to take it back, Xiao Yi didn't mind fighting another battle in the Liulong region.

Before, Long Xiao said that Liulong region has the rules of Liulong region.

He also said that the rules are set by his Long Family, and his Long Family overrides the rules.

To put it bluntly, a big fist is the rule.

Even so, Xiao Yi told him on this basis that now, his Long Family's fists can't hold him down.


Moxibustion, Tang Yin, and the three said goodbye to Dongfang Tieyun, and Yukong flew away.

But for a moment, the three had disappeared into the distance.


"Fast speed." Xiao Yi frowned and looked at moxibustion.

At this moment, his Purple Flame Fire Wings shook rapidly, and when the speed was fully opened, it was still much slower than Moxibustion.

This is the speed of the legendary powerhouse, amazingly fast.

"Vice Hall Master Yi Xiao, let me take you a flight." After that, Moxibustion came to Xiao Yi's side.

Moxibustion caught Xiao Yi with one hand and Tang Yin with the other.

Whoosh... terrifying speed, as fast as crossing space.

Moxibustion, turning into a flame, shuttles in the sky.

Xiao Yi was secretly horrified, but also secretly thought.

Looking at Moxibustion, he couldn't help but think of the two masters of Temple Chengfeng and Temple Hengtian.

Although they are not warriors in the same hall, they are all the main hall masters who served in the main hall of the eight ancient halls.

Therefore, the three are quite comparable.

Xiao Yi remembered that when he first saw the Lord Chengfeng and the Lord Hengtian, they felt that they were far more powerful than martial arts.

Perhaps the two are peerless.

But later, after Xiao Yi's perception became stronger, he faintly felt that the two of them were more than this strength.

Especially when he walked on the "Road of Killing" of the ultimate sword repair, this feeling was more obvious.

However, after a long time I haven't met these two people, and Xiao Yi is not easy to judge.

Today, when encountering the Master of Moxibustion Flame Palace, Xiao Yi can vaguely judge the cultivation base of the two Hengtian Palace Masters from the strength of the Moxibustion Flame Palace Master's breath.

Yes, vaguely.

In his feelings, the breath of Hengtian Palace Master and Chengfeng Palace Master, as well as the feeling they gave him, was far stronger than the feeling given to him by the current Moxibustion Flame Palace Master.

As for how accurate the accuracy is, Xiao Yi is not sure.

Therefore, it can only be a vague judgment.

But Xiao Yi could be sure that the two Hengtian Hall Masters definitely felt much stronger and stronger than the Moxibustion Flame Hall Master gave him.

"Vice Hall Master Yi Xiao."

At this time, Moxibustion's words interrupted Xiao Yi's thinking.

"Well, what?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Haha, nothing, just want to talk." Moxibustion smiled.

"Before, Tang Yin and I went to chase poison robe, thinking you would run without a trace again."

"Fortunately, you didn't leave, otherwise the two of me really can't explain to the main hall master."

Xiao Yibai glanced at the two of them and said, "Why, I can't be wanted in the Demon Hunting Palace?"

"Of course not." Moxibustion smiled.

Xiao Yi didn't have a good air, "That won't be enough, why did Yi run for no reason?"

"Just in case of accident." Moxibustion and Tang Yin smiled.

"After all, Vice Palace Master Yi Xiao, you have a lesson."

Xiao Yi was secretly helpless.

What these two people were referring to was naturally the ‘assessment’ invitation issued by the Demon Hunting Palace about a year ago.

However, at that time, he was going to the Fengsha Temple and the Asura Hall main hall to participate in the assessment road in his normal capacity.

Moreover, he didn't even know that the Demon Hunter Palace had sent him an assessment.

It was also a few months ago that when he was in the Hengyuan area, he heard the main hall master of the Hengyuan area talk about it before he knew about it.


Time gradually passed.

After a little more than a day and a half, the three came to the demon hunting area.

"Deputy Hall Master Yi Xiao, the demon hunting area is here." Moxibustion pointed to the front.

"Not far ahead is the main hall of the Demon Hunting Palace."

"The main hall of the Demon Hunting Palace." Xiao Yi looked into the distance, his eyes full of expectation.

For the Demon Hunting Palace, Xiao Yi had a far deeper sentiment than other halls.

After all, he was the first to join the Demon Hunting Palace.

He was also a fledgling demon hunter back then.

The main hall of the Demon Hunting Palace, the oldest Demon Hunting Palace on the mainland, he finally wanted to see it.


Third more.

Update today, over.

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