Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1658: Breakthrough, the peak of the Holy Emperor Realm

Outside the temple.

After Xiao Yi left, a member of the Demon Hunting Hall took him to the main hall treasury.

"Are you the famous Vice-Hall Master Yi Xiao?"

At the treasure house, the main hall master in charge here looked at Xiao Yi in surprise.

"Tsk tusk, although the old man doesn't know your face, he never expected that he was just such a young arrogant."

Xiao Yi glanced at the main hall master, secretly surprised.

In his perception, the breath of the old man in front of him was better than moxibustion.

Moreover, the breath of contrast moxibustion is a bit unstable, and the breath of the elderly is extremely calm.

It proves that the old man in front of him must be a strong man who has been in the legend for many years.

But I want to come too.

This is the main hall of the Hunting Demon Palace, and the main hall treasury is also an unusual place. The person in charge here is naturally a very strong power.

The person in charge of such places like Treasure House seldom goes out and does not have to go out to perform tasks.

"Here." The old man took out three universe rings and handed them to Xiao Yi.

"These three universe rings are your reward."

"Speaking of, a few days ago, the main hall master had just sent Tang Yin and two to the Liulong area, and he had already ordered the old man to prepare these rewards."

"The main hall master is confident enough for you."

Xiao Yi nodded, took the Qiankun Ring, thanked him, then did not say much, turned and left.

Leaving the treasure house, Xiao Yi went to the closed room.

Entering the closed room, Xiao Yi was as cautious as ever, laying a barrier around him, and then sat down cross-legged.

Xiao Yi was not in a hurry to practice, but frowned and thought.

He was thinking about the three main hall masters calling him to the main hall.

The three main hall masters are all legends of the current world, and these characters are not general.

Moreover, it should be very busy on weekdays, even if you have free time, you should be in retreat.

How could one want to see him, a young arrogant, for no reason?

And the three main hall masters just stared at him for a while and asked him some common questions.

Although Xiao Yi believed in the Demon Hunting Palace, he still had some reservations.

Therefore, his previous answer was half true and false, with some reservations.

There are also some words that are simply sent out with feelings.

I think it should be fine.

In addition, he actually had half speculation in his mind.

"If my guess is true, then it will be troublesome." Xiao Yi frowned, his face under the mask was all bitter.

"Forget it, just leave it alone."

Xiao Yi took out three Universe Rings, slightly expectant in his eyes.

Although it's just three small rings.

But what the Chief Palace Master said just now was a reward that was enough to make him greedy.

Xiao Yi smiled faintly, perceiving the three rings of the universe.

The next second, there was a surprise in my eyes.

The first Qiankun ring contained a large number of monster inner alchemy.

All at the top level of the Holy Emperor Realm, including various attributes.

There are countless tens of thousands.

The second Qiankun Ring contains a large number of heavenly materials.

All imperial products are the top treasures of heaven and earth, many of which are rare and rare.

The number is also in the tens of thousands.

The third Universe Ring contains a lot of fire attribute cultivation objects.

Sky Fire Profound Spirit, Fire Essence Stone, Flame Holy Spirit Liquid...

"Hiss." Xiao Yi took a slight breath, "The three masters of the palace, so big."

The three Universe Rings are the monster inner pill, the treasure of heaven and earth, and the fire attribute cultivation resource.

Obviously, the three Universe Rings and the three rewards come from the three halls of the Hunting Demon Hall, Yaozun Hall, and Yan Hall.

Xiao Yi quickly took out the medicine furnace, the flame in his hand condensed, and he began to make alchemy.

If he didn't guess wrong, the Demon Hunting Palace and the Yaozun Palace gave him the inner alchemy of the monster beast and the treasure of heaven and earth respectively, knowing that he himself is an excellent alchemist.

Therefore, there is no pill, no half pill.

For one thing, Cheng Dan and materials are not equivalent, or even far apart.

Secondly, Liangdian should also want to use this to test his medicine refining ability.

An hour later.

Xiao Yi took back the flame and the furnace.

In front of him, a hill of medicine pills appeared.

Inside, every pill is the pinnacle elixir of the imperial product, and all are of perfect level.

"Suck." Xiao Yi let out a low voice, bluffing his palm.

The two great martial spirits in the body were opened together, and the medicinal power of the pills was quickly absorbed.

Bingluan sword, needless to say.

As for the Fire Control Beast, just considering the depth of purple, it was almost equal to the Bingluan Sword.

Naturally, the absorption speed of the fire-controlling beast is also surprisingly amazing now.

The two great martial spirits opened together, and within half an hour, the entire hill of medicine pills was sucked out.

On the spot, there is no residue left.

This is the perfect pill. The whole pill is immaculate, and there is no impurity. It is full of pure medicinal power.


Xiao Yi suddenly broke through with momentum.

After the momentum stabilized, Xiao Yi's cultivation base had already broken through.

"Holy Emperor Realm Nine Stage." Xiao Yi's eyes were happy.

When he left the Liulong region, his cultivation level was nothing but a breakthrough in the Eightfold Saint Emperor Realm.

Today, this has only been a few days, yet another breakthrough.

Moreover, the demon beast inner alchemy and heaven and earth treasures given to him by the main hall of the Hunting Demon Hall and the Medicine Zun Hall were really excellent.

The pill that is refined is also very effective.

Now he not only broke through to the Ninth Level of the Saint Emperor Realm, but also the height of the Qi Spring in his body reached 90%.

"Suck." Xiao Yi shouted again.

In the third Universe Ring, countless fire attribute cultivation objects were quickly absorbed by him.

After being inhaled into the body, a series of fire attribute powers quickly turn into pure vitality and enter the small world.

In another half an hour, Xiao Yi once again broke through with momentum.

Xiao Yi glanced inwardly at the small world in his body.

In the small world, the vitality of the gas spring has reached 100%, and the gas spring is full.

This is more than that, Yuan Li, a little bit of Qi spring overflowed slightly into the small world.

This proves that his cultivation level has already broken through the ninth level of the Saint Emperor Realm, and can reach the peak of the Saint Emperor Realm.

Of course, in the process of cultivation, he was also absorbing the power of martial arts from heaven and earth.

The cultivation of the Saint Emperor Realm requires sufficient energy in the body, plus the control of more complete martial arts, to break through.

Xiao Yi had the final say, and now he has 9,100 complete martial arts under his control.

With his talent, it is not difficult to comprehend and control the martial arts of heaven and earth.

The only thing that can hold back his cultivation is his huge qi fountain and small world, as well as the large amount of things he needs for cultivation.

Now that he has enough things for cultivation, his cultivation level has soared.

The 100,000 Universe Rings previously obtained in the Liulong region seem to be in large numbers, but in fact, there are many miscellaneous things inside, and there are not many useful ones.

On the contrary, the three Universe Rings given by Sandian today, although the three small Universe Rings, all the things given in them are accurate and pure, but they are more useful to him.

"I am cultivated to the peak of the Saint Emperor Realm."

"This is the real improvement in cultivation and strength."

Xiao Yi muttered to himself, stood up slowly, and ended his cultivation.


Second more.

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