Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1674: Supreme Sword Art


Xiao Yi instantly turned into a flame and jumped onto the competition stage.

"I'm on stage, Zi Yan Yi Xiao." The boiling sound of the surrounding spectators broke out even more violently.

"Then He You is over."

"Tsk tusk, He You's defeat is inevitable, but I don't know how many moves he can support."

"For Yi Xiao, he is also considered lucky."


Sighs around, one after another.

The argument is that since the start of the competition, it has soared to the extreme in an instant.

From the moment Xiao Yi defeated the poison robe, in everyone's eyes, he was not a tianjiao, but a powerful man in the world who could stand shoulder to shoulder with a big figure like the Palace Master Dongli Sword Palace.

Although this Tianjiao is just a young man.

However, that amazing strength and record made everyone subconsciously forget the word ‘young’.

Yanlong Continent, where strength is respected, has already penetrated the hearts of every warrior.

"Yi Xiao." On the martial arts stage, He You, who was still arrogant, couldn't help gritting his teeth.

"I don't believe that I, He You, working hard to cultivate these days, will still end up miserably."

"I don't believe I have been so lucky all my life."

"Yi Xiao, do it."

Xiao Yi glanced at the referee of Sword Palace.

The Sword Palace referee nodded and announced loudly, "Competition, start."


In the same place, there was a sudden explosion.

A flash of fire flashed past.

At this moment, no one knew what happened.

Only vaguely saw a flash of fire.

Just a roar came from my ear.

When everyone reacted, there was only one person left on the competition stage, and it was Yi Xiao.

"Huh? Where's He You?"

"Why is Yi Xiao left?" The spectators around him kept exclaiming.

It wasn't until outside the martial arts platform that an embarrassed voice slowly stood up and a mouthful of blood spurted out that the surrounding martial artists noticed the figure.

"You are really terribly strong." The figure is He You.

At that moment, he couldn't see what happened.

Only knowing that the eyes suddenly flashed, and the chest hurt.

When he reacted, he was blasted out of the martial arts stage, spurting out blood.

He You wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and bowed his hand to Xiao Yi on the martial arts stage.

"I know, you kept your hand, thank you next."

After that, He You turned and left.

However, the moment he turned around, his face was full of unwillingness.

He knew that he would lose. Today, Ziyan Yixiao's name is afraid that he has already reached the point where he can be as famous as the Palace Lord of the Eighteenth Mansion.

So he has no chance of winning.

He was just confident that he would not lose so fast or so embarrassed.

That’s why he just said, ‘If you work hard these days, you won’t believe you will end in a disastrous defeat.’

However, he still failed miserably.

For He You, he grew up with praise almost from childhood to adulthood.

Of course, he also has this qualification.

He was hailed as the strongest genius soul master, and the entire Illusory Light Mansion, from the Palace Lord to the elders, all had high hopes for him.

He has never disappointed.

He had only two exceptions and two fiascos.

Once, in the Blood Light Mansion, he successfully awakened his spirit for the second time at the beginning of the beginning. It was just when he was full of spirits, but he was seriously injured by that terrifying swordsman Tianjiao with a sword.

His body was arrogant and full of spirit, and was smashed to pieces by that sword.

After that time, the entire Magic Light Mansion, regardless of the cost, tried its best to treat him.

After that time, he practiced desperately, and his cultivation soared.

But today, he was defeated again and lost in the hands of a terrifying Huo Dao evildoer.

This time, almost all his remaining arrogance was blown away.

Therefore, his face is full of unwillingness.

However, he might not have thought of it, two exceptions were produced by one person.

Perhaps, he really was too lucky.


"In this battle, Yi Xiao wins."

With the announcement of the referee from Jian Palace, Xiao Yi dashed away and left.

Just about to return to the seat, Ao Donglou winked when seeing the chief seat.

Xiao Yi frowned slightly and flashed to the chief seat.

On the competition stage, a new competition began.

On the chief seat, Xiao Yi looked at Aodong Building and asked in doubt, "Ao Palace Master, something?"

Aodonglou, gave a wry smile.

Just now, with Xiao Yi's punch, the audience was afraid that only he could see what happened.

With that punch alone, Ao Donglou dared to conclude that Yi Xiao was definitely a powerhouse with the same level of strength as him.

"Little friend Yi Xiao." Aodonglou smiled bitterly.

"Can you tell me your purpose for participating in this competition?"

"In terms of strength, no opponent present can give you a sharpening effect."

"On the quota, based on your ability, the Hunting Demon Hall, Yan Temple, Yaozun Hall, any hall can give you a quota."

Xiao Yi frowned and said, "Palace Master Proud, do you think that the underworld has affected the fairness of the competition?"

"Haha." Aodonglou chuckled.

Although he didn't say it clearly, he knew very well that no one was able to take Yi Xiao's tricks.

Xiao Yi frowned.

Upon seeing this, Aodonglou repeatedly said, "Little friend Yi Xiao, don't get me wrong."

"The old man just said this. You are a Tianjiao and you are qualified to participate in this competition. Although the old man is the host of this competition, he has no right to refuse you to participate."

"It's just that the old man guessed that you are here for the supreme sword art of my Dongli Sword Palace?"

"Supreme Sword Art?" Xiao Yi thought for a while.

He knew it.

The Supreme Sword Art is the strongest sword art passed down from Dongli Sword Palace for millions of years, and it is also a well-known sword art technique in the world.

Dongli Sword Palace, as the presiding force of this place competition, not only provided a lot of rewards, but also included the Supreme Sword Point in the winning rewards.

Of course, it was not a complete Supreme Sword Art, but only a copy of Dongli Sword Palace, and only 90%.

Aodonglou said in a deep voice, "If little friend Yixiao is here for this, the old man can give you the sword art directly."

"After the competition, little friend Yi Xiao doesn't have to participate."

Xiao Yi shook his head, "The Proud Palace Master has kindly received it from my heart."

"I still want to win by my own ability."

In fact, the reputation of Supreme Sword Art is extremely high, and it is also a very strong kendo technique.

However, Xiao Yi prefers that huge reward.

He came here, not for the quota, just for the reward.

There is still more than one month before the tomb of the ancient emperor opens; during this time, he needs to improve his cultivation level again.

And this reward is naturally his goal.

Of course, for the many forces present, that reward is nothing, the quota is the most important.

So Xiao Yi did not say clearly.

When he came to participate in the competition, he was dissatisfied with each force.

If these forces knew, Yi Xiao came here to participate in the competition only for the purpose of training resources, not for quotas, so he would be mad.

"Forget it." Aodonglou shook his head, "Since little friend Yi Xiao doesn't want it, the old man doesn't want to ask too much."

Xiao Yi nodded, arched his hands, turned and left.


Third more.

Tomorrow will burst, everyone, don't worry.

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