Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1679: Ye Shengzhang

On the competition stage, the battle is still going on round after round.

Xiao Yi didn't have much interest in the spectator stand.

Ran Qi, always cruel, doesn't speak much.

Ye Liu loves to make friends.

However, in the past few days, Xiao Yi doesn't speak much. In his opinion, Yi Xiao is also a person who doesn't like to talk.

Naturally, he had nothing to say in the face of two ice lumps.

In fact, Xiao Yi didn't speak much.

But here, there are three acquaintances.

The so-called saying that many words must be lost, he simply stopped talking.

Even if he said, he deliberately suppressed his voice very low, indifferent, as if slightly angry.

Compared with Gongsun Huowu and Gu Lianxing, I'm afraid Xiao Yi had less conversation with Ye Liu in the past.

After all, he and Ye Liu actually met only a few times.

Therefore, he was as sharp as a leaf, and he could not produce the slightest doubt in his voice.

However, the so-called confidant does not lie in the length of each other.

Some people like-minded and become friends when they meet for the first time.

Like him and Ye Liu.

Another example is him and Ran Qi.

In fact, the time for real friendship with these two people is not long, but these two people are indeed people who can have a deep friendship.

At this time, Gu Lianxing and Gongsun Huowu were chatting freely.

Xiao Yi was so happy, saying less, and when the competition was over, he left.

But at this moment, Ran Qi suddenly opened his mouth, "The Xiao Yi that you always talk about."

"But the little thief Xiao Yi who shocked Zhongyu half a year ago?"

"Shocked Zhongyu?" Ye Liu smiled.

Ran Qi nodded, "Most of the year ago, in the sword domain, he brutally killed the sword repairmen in the world. For a while, he was so fierce that he shocked Zhongyu."

"I learned about this man later."

"From his all the way to fame and fame, everything is horrifying."

"Especially during the battle of the Hundred Colleges, Tianjiao was defeated by all the university palaces, and even the elders of the Twelve Peaks of the Tianzang Academy were overturned by him.

For Ran Qi, what might make him speak and interest him are those who are extremely powerful and famous.

"However, this person seems to be very problematic." Ran Qi frowned.

"It stands to reason that these terrifying Tianjiao, no matter which power they put on, they are all cultivated with all their strength."

"But Heiyun learned to teach, but he drove him out."

"Originally, I had reservations about this matter."

"But." Ran Qi suddenly showed a cold expression on the ground, "I just heard what you said, Gongsun Huowu, the crazy girl, has been looking for him."

"Could it be that this guy is a bad guy?"

"After eating and wiping it out, I leave without a trace, and no one can be found."

"Such a warrior, no matter how strong I am, I am not ashamed of being an opponent."

When Xiao Yi heard the words, the face under the mask twitched unconsciously.

If it weren't for him to participate in the competition as Yi Xiao now, I'm afraid that Ran Qi would really want a sword to fly.

Ye Liu said, "Brother Ran, you have misunderstood."

"Brother Xiao Yi, I am just used to being alone."

"I've heard about the expulsion from learning and teaching, but learning and teaching are aimed at him. On the contrary, he suffered injustice."

Gu Lianxing smiled, "Young Master Xiao Yi, it's not as unbearable as you think."

"If there is a chance in the future, you will know it when you see it."

"Humph." Ran Qi snorted coldly, "I see, it depends on whether he is qualified to be my friend of Ran Qi."

"That little thief, I'm afraid that a sword can smash your broken spear." Gongsun Huowu curled his lips.

"A big tone." Ran Qi's face became cold.

On the side of Xiao Yi, the face under the mask was ugly.

Fortunately, this Ran Qi is not a big mouth, otherwise he doesn't know what it will be like.


After half a day.

Ye Liu looked directly at the competition platform, "It should be compared."

"Tianjiao at all levels also showed a result."

"Next, it should be the highlight."

Ran Qi nodded, "The real battle, where the quota belongs, only begins now."

Xiao Yi also nodded, "Nine percent of the martial artists have finished the competition, and there will be more than one day at most. This time the battle for places should come to an end."


On the competition stage, the referee of the sword palace shouted loudly.

"The next battle, Ye Shengfu, Ye Liu."

"Northern Yinzong, Beiyindong, come to power."

"It's me." Ye Liu smiled, his figure flashed, and he instantly went to the competition stage.

On the other side, a young man also jumped onto the competition stage and stood opposite Ye Liu.

Compared with Ye Liu's handsome body, he was a free and easy boy.

The young man was calm, slightly burly, and full of determination on his face.

The man is the young master of Beiyinzong, Beiyindong.

The Northern Yin Sect, as a recognized hegemonic power in the Central Region, its background and power are even higher than that of a single government in the Eighteen Provinces.

Beiyindong, there are not many deeds in the middle domain.

But no one dared to look down on him. When he was young, he was recognized by the previous suzerain as the next suzerain, which was enough to prove many things.

"This Bei Yindong is very strong." Ran Qi narrowed his eyes.

"I'm afraid that this battle is justified."

"Just him?" Gu Lianxing smiled, "Just Bei Yindong?"

"Master Yi Xiao, you have always had a good eye, what do you think?"

Xiao Yi nodded, and said solemnly, "The outcome of this battle is unpredictable."

"What?" Gu Lianxing was surprised.

Who knows the name of Yi Xiao in Zhongyu today?

That is an infinite evildoer that can be compared with Ao Donglou, Long Xiao and others at a young age.

The judgment he made is almost impossible to be wrong.

"What's the chance of winning?" Gu Lianxing asked.

"If you estimate it conservatively, it's 50-50." Xiao Yi replied in a deep voice.

"What if you are not conservative?" Gu Lianxing asked urgently.

Xiao Yi smiled indifferently, "Four or six."

"Who owns..." Gu Lianxing blurted out.

Xiao Yi said first, "Brother Ye accounts for 60%."

"Are you so self-confident?" Ran Qi was puzzled.

Xiao Yi said nothing.

Yes, if it is conservatively estimated, based on Xiao Yi's first judgment on Bei Yindong and Ye Liu, these two people are at most 50%.

The cultivation base and strength of these two people are between the same level.

However, Xiao Yi had a battle with Ye Liu in the Star Region before.

He knew what Ye Liu had to do, and he knew how terrifying Ye Liu would really break out.

So he dared to say that it was forty-six, and Ye Liu had 60% chance of winning.

If there are no accidents, this will be a hard fight.

But the winner must be Ye Liu.

The battle started instantly on the competition platform below.


Two momentums broke out instantly.

The Sword Palace referee who was on the stage of the competition suddenly changed his face, "peerless aura?"

Whoosh... The referee of the sword palace hurriedly retreated to the edge of the competition stage.

"Peerless momentum?" Some famous martial artists were equally surprised in the spectator stand around.

"These two abnormalities, but in terms of momentum, they are among the peerless, and in terms of strength, they have already far surpassed the waiting for the eighteenth house Tianjiao.


Ye Liu preemptively struck out with a palm.

With the palm out, the breath of a kilometer range on the competition stage, instantly mobilized, becomes a whirlpool.

An astonishing atmosphere swept the entire competition stage.

"Appeared, Ye Shengzhang, one of Ye Shengfu's strongest palm martial arts."

On the stage.

Ye Liu smiled faintly, "Brother Beiyin, although I want to fight you hard."

"However, in the spectator seat, Naiko seemed to be quite worried."

"I don't want her to frown, so this battle will be decided quickly."

The voice fell.

Boom... Ye Liu pressed a palm in his hand severely.

Within one breath.

The momentum on the competition stage swept through and broke out to the extreme.

"It's terrible momentum." The faces of the martial artists who watched the match changed greatly.

When the momentum fell, Ye Liu closed his hands.

The huge competition platform has already turned into powder under that palm.

Thousand meters of solid stones are vulnerable to a single blow.


Fifth more. (burst)

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